Fairytales Short & Sweet (2024)


5,981 reviews491 followers

February 7, 2018

As a collection of short stories, some were REALLY good and the others were not. I decided to total all the ratings and divided by 10 (the number of stories in this collection). The result is = 3.5 stars but I'll round it up

True Chivalry - 2.25 stars
Too short for me to get anything of it. But there was a little sister, and that's nice.

If The Shoe Fits - 4.25 stars
VERY ADORABLE friends (well, a prince and his advisor) to lovers that take a twist of Cinderella story. AWWWW!!!

Deeds Great and Small - 3.5 stars
Had a difficult time to get into it due to a slow start. But the ending was sweet.

Challenge of Quests - 4.75 starsFairytales Short & Sweet (2)
The story was heartbreaking because John just couldn't see his worth despite how much Raven loved him (Raven told John he loved him for 500th time!), only because John was barely a knight or baron while Raven was a prince. Stupid endearing John!! My only niggle that I thoughts the challenge was a bit too much of a gamble for Raven and I keep worrying that John would return worse than he was when he left.

The Shining Knight - 3.75 stars
This one was slightly a characters-reserve from the previous short. However, both Forlen (who was clueless) and Leith (who was grumpy in love with Forlen) lack the charm of John and Raven.

The Prince's Champion - 2 stars
This was also too short to get into. Not enough background to explain things.

The King's Challenges - 5 starsFairytales Short & Sweet (3)
Oh, this is a PERFECT fairy tale!! I couldn't find any faults. Not one. It had the perfect challenges to fulfill for one poor lonely man to gain the love of the King by being smart, wise, and hard-working. Just the way a fairy tale should be.

The Knight of the Rose - 2 stars
The story was "told" not "shown" thus I couldn't care less for the characters in it.

Three Questions - 3.5 stars
This one was pretty sweet; Odiore never knew that his brother's best friend Brenim had left for a decade to find a way to get his heart, as the brilliant and most knowledgable prince in the Kingdom.

The Witch in The Woods - 4 stars
I loved this one -- it was different than the others. The main character (told in 3rd person) was a witch! I highly entertained by his spells that brought the most 'unique' spouses for the spoiled younger princes. It was sweet how he landed the attention of the King.

Note: I agree with Jenn that it might need better editing. Though free and short, but there were quite a number of incorrect words, etc. It was quite noticeable, even for an ESL like myself

    mm-fantasy-pnr-futuristic-scifi mm-free mm-historical-medieval-steampunk


974 reviews120 followers

February 15, 2013

This was a free set of fairytales from Derr's website. They were short little morsels of fantasy that were captivating and so very charming. I need to read more by this author.

    fantasy free-online m-m


1,628 reviews288 followers

April 3, 2013

A lovely little collection of Fairytales. A few far to short, but a few that were just right in length and romance lol.

My favourites were The Witch in the Woods and The King’s Challenges.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the two almost fable like tales Deeds Great and Small and The Knight of the Rose

Overall I’m giving 4 stars as the longer stories deserved them.

    fread more-story-than-sex pick-me-up


Author4 books11 followers

December 23, 2012

It's amazing to me when an author can take a tiny bit of story and make you love everything about it. Megan is a master when it comes to short and sweet.


609 reviews70 followers

January 24, 2013

Rarely is a title so accurate, these are delightful little gems.

    fantasy m-m-romance period-historical


1,488 reviews44 followers

February 25, 2024

The title says it all!

10 tales of Kings, Princes, Witches, Knights and Advisors getting their HEAs with husbands/consorts most deserving!


Nix Buttons

1,940 reviews39 followers

June 2, 2021

Some stories were just too short and simple for a rating, the others were good or really good and I'm pleased with this collection. Simple and short feel-good stories with humour. Nothing special, just feel-good tidbits.
It's really nice of Derr to give us fans free reads like this ♥

True Chivalry - too short for a real opinion, takes barely 2 minutes to read.
If The Shoe Fits - adorable and fun, less than 4 minutes reading time
Deeds Great and Small - What makes a knight worthy, what makes one a good knight and what a great knight? Such a lovely short story. 11 minutes reading time
Challenge of Quests - The morale in this is a good one, stop being a stubborn fool and don't take other's feelings lightly! Just friggin listen to the people your care about! 13 minutes reading time
The Shining Knight - A really sweet and a down-to-earth take on the shining knight with an oblivious knight and an awkward witch (read on Derr's website on 12.10.2017, 22.05.2021)
The Prince's Champion - it was too short for any real feelings, but I still liked it okay, just over 2 minutes reading time
The King's Challenges - I've read this before, rated it 4 stars then and am inclined to rate it even higher now; a lonely king and a lonely scholar-at-heart peasant, just under 13 minutes reading time
The Knight of the Rose - nice for such a short bit, if a bit preachy (like most of these fairytale stories)
Three Questions / The Prince's Questions - again too short for a real opinion, (read on Derr's website on 12.10.2017), 6 minutes reading time
The Witch in the Woods - I liked it okay; classic fairy tale with a happy ending for the witch

    01-1_english 01-2_books 01-4_standalone


2,506 reviews84 followers

January 27, 2013

I've been a huge fan of Ms. Derr's for a while now. And I think this collection is just further proof of her genius. She's able to infuse more joy and magic and hope into a story that can't be more than 1,000 words than some authors can in 100,000.

All of these short-short stories were beautiful. With perfectly happy endings for characters who perfectly deserved them. There were several I'd love to see in a longer form, but getting to read them at all was a delight.

Some Favorite Quotes

It is easy, in the glory of slaying a great dragon, to forget that not everyone needs a dragon slain.

So he went to war and was gone many years. He returned home sadder, quieter, with many honors and badges that did not make up for all he has lost.

He supposed if he was going to dream, he may as well make it as hopeless as possible. What was the point, after all, in dreaming small?

    comfort-reads fantasy free

Caliban thegnomedruid

20 reviews1 follower

August 3, 2013

A collection of cute short stories, some of which were VERY short.
None of them were obvious rips of standard fairy tales, but they referenced the genre.

It could have used a second set of eyes before being published, but overall, I thought it was well done. There wasn't a single story I disliked.



2,040 reviews

December 17, 2012

There were two stories in the book that I don't remember reading on her blog so that was nice. I was glad to see that two of my favorite shorts were included in this one and I hope she'll convert some of her other blog stories into ebook format.

Usagi Tsukino

1,146 reviews12 followers

December 29, 2012

A great read on a Christmas day! :Db

Story 1: It was too short for me to give a rating.

Story 2: It was cute.

Story 3: It was so cute.

Story 4: Nice.

Story 5: Pretty nice.

Story 6: Cute.

Story 7: Cool!

Story 8: Nice.

Story 9: Cute.

Story 10: Pretty nice.

    fantasy free-read m-m


100 reviews1 follower

January 21, 2013


953 reviews10 followers

June 8, 2015

I enjoyed these free stories, some were a little too short, but on the whole I really liked them. My favourite were "Deeds Great and Small", "Challenge of Quests" and "The Witch in the Woods".
I want to try the longer Fairytales now.

H.V. Corbin

88 reviews1 follower

August 29, 2015

An overload of cuteness! If you’re looking for something tooth-achingly sweet, this is what you need. They are all absolutely adorable and made of pure fluff in the most wonderful way. This is definitely something to read if you need to smile. Every single one is a treasure.

    based-on-fairytale fantasy favorites


410 reviews

June 5, 2013




3,877 reviews48 followers

March 6, 2013

Very nice collection of stories.

    anthology-collection challenge-books-2013 ebook

Lillian Francis

Author16 books102 followers


March 30, 2015

A collection of uber short stories. Sweet, non explicit, almost fairy tale like. The perfect length for me to read in my coffee break.



738 reviews19 followers

November 4, 2013

4.5 stars, very cute and sweet!

    fantasy free m-m-romance


1,578 reviews1 follower

June 7, 2013

Original and beautiful


1,235 reviews5 followers

Shelved as 'owned-to-read'

January 1, 2014

*downloaded free on ARE



1,117 reviews28 followers

November 3, 2013

Even though she used the hated word resplendent, this was a fun and sweet way to spend the day. :)


132 reviews

November 12, 2013

I liked all the stories, nice happy endings for each of them. Thanks Carey


1,201 reviews77 followers

January 31, 2015

Megan Derr and fairytales - there's nothing that can go wrong.

    1-fantasy 2-fairytale x-anthology


3,042 reviews16 followers

August 9, 2016

Adorable, short fairy tales. Challenge of the Quests and The King's Challenges, by far my favorites.


46 reviews9 followers

Currently reading

March 22, 2015

I read the story "The King’s Challenges" and it was lovely. I'll read the rest next.



861 reviews4 followers

April 6, 2016

Those stories were just like advertised: short and sweet. And I admit my favourite ones included challenges.

    funny highborn mm


490 reviews109 followers

September 1, 2016

1st. read: 12/16/12

    fantasy free-reads m-derr
Fairytales Short & Sweet (2024)


What is a fairy tale answer? ›

A fairy tale is a story, often intended for children, that features fanciful and wondrous characters such as elves, goblins, wizards, and even, but not necessarily, fairies.

Is fairy tail appropriate for 9 year olds? ›

Parents need to know that Fairy Tail is a violent anime series with sexy content that's not for younger kids. Not only is main character Lucy impossibly buxom, she's also savvy enough to use her physical attributes to get what she wants (attention, a better sale price on a store item, etc.) from men.

What are the 3 fairy tales in Tell Me a story? ›

Featured fairy tales: * Season 1: Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, and Hansel & Gretel. * Season 2: Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella.

What is a fairy tale in short? ›

A fairy tale is a magical story for children, like "Cinderella" or "Rumpelstiltskin." If you read a story that begins, "Once upon a time," chances are it's a fairy tale. A story doesn't have to include any fairies at all to be considered a fairy tale.

What does 3 mean in fairy tales? ›

In conclusion, "3" is used for memory and recognition, while "7" is used for luck and goodness.

Why is One Piece rated R? ›

Sex, Romance & Nudity. Some nudity; bare-chested male characters and a brief comedic scene where a character is fully naked (groin covered by pillow, bare buttocks shown). Two side characters talk about liking each other. Characters briefly kiss.

Is it OK for 9 year olds to watch anime? ›

Kids under the age of 10 are still developing their comprehension skills. It's best to stick to animes with storylines that are easy to follow with relatively simple vocabulary. Japanese culture includes a lot of martial arts and ninja themes. But in general, anime directed toward younger kids is light-hearted and fun.

Is Fairy Tail PG13? ›

Winter Chan It a good book to read but i have finished Fairy Tail and I say it's for 15 or older. Fairy tail likes to show a lot of their body parts but it does not show anything down there. So younger may be to much for a kid so i recommend be 15 or older, any younger is too inappropriate.

What fairy tale has 3 fairies? ›

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are the three good fairies in Walt Disney's 1959 film Sleeping Beauty.

What is fairy tales biggest secret? ›

The Lumen Histoire is the Fairy Tail guild's biggest secret, as this power is capable of annihilating complete nations. The Lumen Histoire is said to be more powerful than the Three Great Fairy Magics combined – a testament to the unfettered strength this ability beholds.

What was the first fairy tale told? ›

The oldest fairy tale, however, might be The Smith and the Devil, which features a blacksmith who sells his soul to the Devil in exchange for magical powers. Researchers believe this ancient fairy tale could date back over 6,000 years to the Bronze Age!

Is Shrek a fairytale? ›

Shrek can even attribute some of its success to William Steig's book because of his original idea of writing a fairytale that is not entirely pleasant and beautiful. In this way, both "Shrek!" and Shrek have remained as unorthodox yet amazing examples of what a fairytale can be.

Is Moana a fairy tale? ›

Moana is not a fairy tale. Moana is the title of an animated feature film that was released by the Walt Disney Company in 2016. It tells the story of Moana, daughter of a Polynesian chief, who must save her people by returning the 'heart of Te Fiti' with the help of the god Maui.

Is Pinocchio a fairy tale? ›

The Adventures of Pinocchio was a book published in 1883 by Carlo Collodi. It is considered to be a fictional story, not a fairy tale, although it does have some elements of a fairy tale.

How do you describe a fairy tale? ›

A fairy tale (alternative names include fairytale, fairy story, magic tale, or wonder tale) is a short story that belongs to the folklore genre. Such stories typically feature magic, enchantments, and mythical or fanciful beings.

What is the meaning of the fairy tale? ›

noun. a story, usually for children, about elves, hobgoblins, dragons, fairies, or other magical creatures. an incredible or misleading statement, account, or belief: His story of being a millionaire is just a fairy tale.

What does just a fairy tale mean? ›

1. : a simple children's story about imaginary beings. called also fairy story. 2. : a made-up story usually meant to mislead.

What does like a fairytale mean? ›

Resembling or characteristic of a fairytale; implausibly ideal or romantic, having a happy ending, etc.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 5959

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.