Surprisingly Sarah (Emmie & Friends #7) (2024)

Scottsdale Public Library

3,351 reviews295 followers

August 9, 2023

Surprisingly Sarah is the 7th book in Terri Libenson's "Emmie and Friends" series. The storylines of the 7 books (so far) mostly happen concurrently, so you can read the books in any order and still enjoy them and understand the plot lines. If you are familiar with the series, you will know that each book presents two points of view. In Surprisingly Sarah, author/illustrator Libenson tried something new - one viewpoint was if Sarah had asked Ben to the dance, and alternately, if she had "chickened out." This was a fun twist that created an alternate reality, while still keeping some things fundamentally the same and moving the plot forward. You just have to read it to understand- and I bet you will love it!

Surprisingly Sarah has some of the same themes as the rest of the Emmie and Friends series- fitting in, friendship, navigating middle school - plus this volume tackles crushes! – Diana F.

    graphic-novel middle-grades youth-fiction-chapter-books


425 reviews

May 5, 2023

I absolutely love this series, but admit I didn't particularly enjoy having two parallel stories (a version where Sarah asks her crush to the dance and a version where she doesn't). It initially confused me because I hadn't realized this was the direction the book would take--the back cover just says something like, "Which would you choose?" and I didn't automatically translate that to, "This book will switch between telling two versions of the same story," for some reason. It was also a bit difficult for me to keep thinking back to the previous chapter to remember the other version of events (because often they are very, very close!). Great characters, great representation of changing friendships and middle school drama. I just prefer the previous formats with the twist at the end.


Cherlynn | cherreading

1,768 reviews981 followers

October 20, 2023

Not as good as the others in the series.

I tend to go into books blind without reading the synopsis, so I didn’t realise that there were two separate narratives until after sometime, which was kinda confusing. The storyline was kinda bland and boring, plus protagonist Sarah doesn’t stand out much nor was she super likeable.

Nevertheless, a good read that deals with relevant issues such as high school friendships, adolescence and navigating complicated feelings.


431 reviews190 followers

May 22, 2023

Content warnings: some bulling.

Rep: Sarah (MC) is POC. Side POC characters.

This is the 7th book in the Emmie and Friends series that I've been reading for a few years now.

I am a huge lover of dual timelines where a decision can go either way, and I thought this played out really well.

Sarah wants to ask Ben out to the dance and therein lies her choices - she either does, or doesn't.

In one timeline, she has asked him out and he says yes. This follows her confidence boost after doing so, and how it affects herself and her friends along the way.

And the other timeline is where she lost her nerve to ask him out. This follows a bit of sadness from her, but ultimately, affects herself and her friends along the way.

Both were lovely to read about, and the conclusion was pretty darn satisfying, if I do say so myself.

I thoroughly enjoy these graphic novels.

My only gripe is that we're 7 books in and there have been no queer kids depicted at all. Hopefully soon!

I talk about books at these places: Instagram / Twitter / TikTok / Blog

    contemporary friendships graphic-novel

Noelle Pielecha

56 reviews1 follower

June 4, 2023

A little confusing at first, but it gets less confusing later.

Raven Black

2,293 reviews5 followers

July 17, 2023

This installment of Libenson's series is perfectly their signature style. However, this time they are trying something slightly different with the characters telling their stories by having three to four POVs happening at once. The first is Sarah's POV, the second is Leo's POV. The third is the fact that one version of the story is Sarah asks her crush to the dance, the fourth is she does not. However, they are both mixed into the POVs of Sarah and Leo. While there are notes that clue you into which timeline we are following, it can be confusing. However, the idea of friendship, the grass is greener at the other school and family dynamics are interesting, is well done.. The dual art styles also help clue us into who is speaking/showing which POV we are in. Perhaps my favorite part of this series is how each one overlaps another character's story, making no one in a bubble, while focusing on one person.

Liz W

556 reviews3 followers

July 17, 2023

Another enjoyable installment in the Emmie & Friends series. I wish there were a little more focus on Sarah and her relationships with her friends and relatives, rather than the boy crazy obsessiveness. Sigh. Interesting to have the two different versions of what might be being presented in Sarah’s voice vs Leo’s voice.

    graphic-novel middle-grade

Amelia Gannon

93 reviews1 follower

July 4, 2023

Surprisingly Sarah
More like... Surprisingly Bad.
Get it?
Because it's like the title?
Okay nevermind.

So I'm like a mild fan of this series. Whenever I see a new book come out I pick it up and I read it because they're cute and easy and it's a good time, okay?
So when I saw this book at my library I was excited. Sarah had been mentioned a few times in a couple of the other books and I wanted to see her story.
So here is why I did not like this one very much

1. It took me forever to figure out that there were two parallel stories. Like a really long time. I kept glancing back and wondering why they keep stopping and starting fighting. That could've probably been explained better because I had no clue what was going on.
The ending was so so sO SO SOOOO obvious.
I literally knew that Ben was gonna be evil from the start because he was never smiling, he wasn't very attractive aNd A lOvE iNtErEsT cAn NeVeR bE uNaTtRaCtIvE, and because Leo didn't really like him.
Also who didn't see Leo liking Sarah coming?
3. I don't actually care about Leo. Sorry not sorry.
4. I want more Emmy. I DEMAND more Emmy
5. The book really felt like a cash grab that tried to check all the boxes.
Divorce representation ✅
Diversity ✅
Gay parents? ✅
Yes Leo had two fathers so be aware of that as a Christian parent to have that discussion with your kids
This book didn't have a story to tell. That's what annoyed me the most.

I gave two stars because it was a light read and I like the art style.


1,677 reviews7 followers

June 10, 2023

Interestingly enough, I think I get why my daughter didn't like this one as much because I found the Sliding Doors - something I normally enjoy in a book - didn't really do this story a service especially at the end when things kind of came to a close. The character of Leo just didn't really take off for me either; and I don't know if there was a need to have him want out of his private school the way he did. Took away from the main story which was already pretty packed, and in a way that I didn't find added to anything beyond fact that Leo comes from a non-traditional family. I also don't get how Sarah could be living on the poor side but Leo can afford everything and they are next door neighbours. Sure, her mom has to struggle as a single mom but I don't think that the two families were so far apart that Leo's dads could afford everything and private school too. I don't think there is a private school in the US that is cheap, even if you get in on scholarship because the cheap there translates to working hard for grades which Leo is not doing.

For me, the best part was Emmie and what we got to see of some of the other characters. I never quite understood how Sarah could like the boy and not see how he really felt about her. I guess that's a middle school boy for you ...?

At the end, I liked it and liked it well enough but I had a hard time bumping it up to a 4 star.


285 reviews15 followers

June 10, 2023

This is a really fun series with interconnected characters. I like seeing characters that appear in previous books show up or seeing part of their story show up in a new story. This one was unique in that it showed two story paths, but I am still curious which one actually happened (even if the ending was the same for both).

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


1,960 reviews47 followers

August 10, 2023

This series is very popular in our middle school. A lot of it is relatable - the inability to communicate well even within friendships - unrequited crushes and anger and upset and emotion.
I did find the 2 parallel stories a bit off putting as they were just similar enough to be confusing.

Thanks to for the arc.


1,552 reviews58 followers

May 15, 2023

Oh Meowch!.... THAT hit me right in the nostalgia. Didn't see that one coming and I wasn't remotely prepared...

Just like that, I was 13 again. I didn't know it, but I was about to get my heart broken for the first time...

It was the night of my Tae Kwon Do dojo's Annual Holiday Banquet Extravaganza & Awards Ceremony. Master Chun and Master Rachel would always rent out a ballroom in the fanciest hall in town, cater it, and all the students would dress up. We'd spend the evening dancing, eating, and hanging out. There was always a live band. Anyway, I'd been crushing on this Jerk-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named from the Black Belt Class since summer. I can still picture his stupid floppy Sk8tr hair and his stupid face... Anyway, JWSNBN was only about 3 years older than me, but he seemed in a different world. My BFF had been trying to convince me to ask my crush to dance, but I was too chicken. So she asked him for me. I wanted to strangle her, but to my surprise, he told her yes, that the next slow song he would dance with me. I was ecstatic! If I were a character in one of Ms. Libenson's books, I would've been floating six inches above my seat with hearts for eyes. The band played a few more upbeat numbers and finally, finally they slowed things down. I looked up, expectant. And who should I see high-tailing it out the door as if pursued by an army of brain-hungry Undead? Yep. So I know that crushed feeling, and the experience of crying in the bathroom, intimately. Apparently BFF found where he was hiding (while I was in the bathroom) and confronted him. Like any good friend should. Fortunately, teen drama doesn't last. And by the following summer, I was Over It and had discovered the much safer world of Celebrity Crushes (hey...I still think Keanu Reeves is a babe!!). Of course this didn't stop BFF and I from indulging in a few creative revenge fantasies in the meantime.

Ah memories... Several years back, out of morbid curiosity, I investigated Jerk on social media (MySpace). I did NOT friend him, in case you're curious. Because ewwwww! Just wanted to see. I will tell you this: Bro did not age well!

Poor Sarah, though. I legit wanted to reach into the pages of both universes and slap Ben. From one Weird Quirky Kid to another.

But nostalgia notwithstanding, this was such a cute story! Probably one of my favorites in the series so far! And I was totally rooting for the Sarah and Leo to get together! Because it's obvious that... No. No more spoilers. I don't want to ruin the "did they or didn't they" aspect. I'll just say the way things ended is so cute it's almost too cute! 🥰

Why only 4 stars, though? Because at first I missed the fact that the two storylines were set in alternate universes. This clue was at the top of the alternating chapters, but it was easy to miss. I was really confused until I went back and found this all-important clue. And if I missed this, that means other readers probably did as well.


268 reviews28 followers

September 26, 2023

I have really loved all of the Emmie & Friends series, but this one wasn't my favorite. Half of the book is told from Sarah's point of view and half is told from Leo's point of view. It is a dual timeline but it was confusing to me at first because they are both telling the story based on how Sarah handles a certain situation. If she does Plan A, we have Sarah's storyline. If she does Plan B, we have Leo's. This was a little confusing for me at first but once I understood this set up, it was quite enjoyable.

This book had many of the same themes as the rest of the series - fitting in, navigating middle school, crushes. But this one in particular focused on friendships. Sometimes when we get caught up in the new feelings in middle school - crushes, school dances - we forget who we had when it all started. And sometimes those are the people you need the most. This also talks about how friendships don't always have to come from the same place. Sometimes our best friends are not ones that we see every day or not ones we go to school with, but that doesn't make them less important.

Overall, a good read and a great addition to the series. We also have a POC character in this book so that was awesome to see as well!

    2023-popsugar-aty-challenge graphic-novels

Chloe (Always Booked)

2,383 reviews135 followers


October 31, 2023

I really like these graphic novels! This is about Sarah. She is being raised by a single mom who is a baker. She lives next door to her best friend, Leo, but they go to different schools and Sarah has a crush on his best friend, Ben. The book is told in 2 alternating time lines. In one, Sarah asks Ben to their school dance. In the other, told by Leo, she doesn't have the nerve. Its fun to watch their friendship evolve in both timelines. It's also interesting how many things end up the same regardless. In both, the friends have a falling out and then they come back together. And in both, Ben is a jerk!

Jenna Cantino

563 reviews13 followers

September 15, 2023

These are just so great.

    graphic-novels middle-grade


3,619 reviews71 followers

March 5, 2024

I found this volume less relatable, but Libenson still absolutely gets middle school.

    middle-grade non-manga-graphic-novels


115 reviews8 followers

January 30, 2024

goodreads goal 🆙


795 reviews

May 3, 2023

Another delightful title in the series.

    ebook fiction graphic-novels


260 reviews

May 5, 2023

All books in this series are 5, except for Izzy.

    2023-book-challenge aryia-s-purchased-children-s-books books-a-read-all-by-herself

Brittny's Book Talk

135 reviews650 followers

June 5, 2023

I have been reading this series since it started and have loved it!
The initial story was really good! But the parallel stories? After reading some other reviews I guess it makes sense 🤷🏼‍♀️ but it was confusing trying to read this. The same main story but doing the complete opposite things. Not for me. And where was the signature Terri Twist 🤷🏼‍♀️


405 reviews

August 1, 2023

I loved the double sided story.


1,085 reviews19 followers

July 31, 2023

This was cute and, as always, on point for middle school relationships and scenarios.

    family friendship graphic-novel


227 reviews1 follower

July 25, 2023

One of the better Emmie and Friends books. Still, almost the same as the others.

    favorite-books graphic-novels


1,150 reviews84 followers

February 20, 2024

This series is really taking off in my classroom at the moment, so was delighted to see this one discounted! Just chugged through it and it was as charming as the others: growing up, crushes, friendships, falling out, making back up again. Sarah’s a lovely main character, and the dual narrative keeps things ticking along nicely. Definitely going in my class!


3,900 reviews

July 10, 2023

4 stars (I really liked it)

So with the other books in the Emmie & Friends series, this is told with some Diary of a Wimpy Kid -esque (mostly text with illustrations thrown in but no panels) chapters and then some graphic novel chapters (panels!). But the really interesting part of this book is that the two POVs also revolve around two different outcomes of one scenario. I thought that was a cool touch.

I read too much between each book in the series to really remember everything about the other featured characters but the book is pretty much stand alone so it doesn't really matter if you read all the previous ones.

    middle-grade2023 print2023


756 reviews34 followers

June 15, 2023

Leo and Sarah are next door neighbors who have been friends all their lives. One day, Sarah works up the courage to ask her crush, Ben, who is also Leo’s best guy friend, to the school dance. This puts Leo in a weird middle place and evokes feelings he’s not quite sure how to process. Things are changing, they’re at separate schools this year, and their best friendship may be in jeopardy. Navigating it all will be challenging.

Sarah and Leo are friendship goals. They seemed to have a lot of fun and can be themselves whenever. They have cute nicknames for each other and always want to see the other happy.

I loved Sarah’s passion for art and fashion. The outfits she made and wore looked really cool. She’s super talented.

I liked that different kinds of families were represented. Sarah is Mexican-American, bi-racial, parents are divorced, and she lives with her mom. Leo has two dads who are an interracial couple.

I adored Sarah’s mom. She is superwoman – kind, supportive, wise, and a real go-getter. She’s someone you’d be lucky to have as a parent.

There were so many delicious baked goods mentioned that it made me hungry while reading!

One thing I was really confused about – and I’m not sure how to adequately articulate this – was the timeline between the two perspectives. Reality didn’t match up occasionally as if the same conversation was being had at two different points in time or alternate reality…?

Sarah and Leo were a joy to read about. Their experiences exemplify why it’s better to talk it out with friends instead of keeping things bottled up whenever you have a disagreement. People change, friendships change, but eventually you’ll find your people and know who your true friends are when the going gets tough. I liked how the main characters ultimately resolved the conflicts between them.

I’m happy that we got to read Sarah’s story this time around because she always seemed like a nice person and a good friend. This was a great story!

Favorite Quote:


(p. 290) “We can’t help what others do. The only thing we can do is be the best people we can be, right?…And to love ourselves. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary. And a part of that means surrounding ourselves with people who choose to love us back. That’s something you’re already doing, honey.”

    best-of-2023 books-reviewed graphic-novels

Diana Flores

588 reviews2 followers

August 3, 2023

I love this series. This time Libenson did something different with the alternating chapters- it created an interesting twist of an "alternate reality" where some things were still fundamentally the same.

Maybe a Joe storyline will be coming next??


Shelby Tolman

21 reviews

July 9, 2023

first mom & daughter book listening 😊


186 reviews11 followers

July 3, 2023

I enjoy Libenson's books because they provide two points of view for the same situation but this one was more of a "turning point" type of book where you see what happens based on the decision Sarah makes. It was enjoyable and a quick read.


16 reviews

July 2, 2023

rlly good, feels a bit rushed, do DEV NEXT!!!

Surprisingly Sarah (Emmie & Friends #7) (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.