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ISBN 978-91-7519-659-6

ISSN 0280-7971

Copyright © Kristofer Elo


URL: www.iei.liu.se/indprod

Published and distributed by:

Division for Manufacturing Engineering

Department for Management and Engineering

Linköping University

581 83 Linköping


Cover designed by: Evelina Elo

Printed by

LiU-Tryck, Linköping 2013

A R ECYCLING I R ECYCLING OF P LASTIC S AND LARGE …liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:613551/FULLTEXT01.pdf· R ECYCLING OF P LASTIC S AND LARGE ... Figure 16 Cross section of - [PDF Document] (3)


In a world of growing population and increasing prosperity, the demand for new

high-technology products is increasing together with the demand for raw

materials. To be able to deal with the demand for new raw materials and the

increasing amount of waste, the recycling industry needs to prepare itself to cope

with these changes. If the waste can become the new raw materials, then the

recycling industry has a bright future. The implementation of new ways to recycle

products can be the solution to succeeding in this challenge.

The objective of this research is to investigate, from a technical perspective,

automation in the recycling industry. More specifically, the objective is to

identify problems and solutions in the recycling of plastics and large liquid crystal

displays in order to better cope with current recycling requirements.

This research was inspired by the research methodologies of industry-as-

laboratory, action research, experimental research and two concept development


The results related to the recycling of plastics come from a theoretical

investigation of the possibilities for a plastic sorting facility. The investigation

resulted in two concepts for recycling systems, implementable with today’s state-

of-the-art technology and a more futuristic concept for sorting and separating the

different plastics of interest. The systems are designed with standardised

processes and are arranged in a flexible way to be able to manage with current

industrial requirements.

The results related to large liquid crystal displays include a clarification of the

requirements for an automatic recycling plant, concept generation, and practical

testing of different technologies. Two preferred processes for dismantle large

liquid crystal displays are the circle saw and band saw. Additional results are the

semi-automatic process structure to manage with current industrial requirements

for large liquid crystal displays.

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The contribution to my research comes from several people and in several forms.

First of all, I would like to send a thank you to my main supervisor, Docent Erik

Sundin, for great guidance on the way to reach licentiate degree. I would like to

send my co-supervisor, Doctor Kerstin Johansen, a thanks as well for her great

support, both in my development as a person and researcher. Co-supervisor

Professor Mats Björkman is also a person I would like to sincerely thank. A

special thanks goes to Doctor Marie Jonsson, for our interesting discussions about

research and for contributing so much to the work at the division – even though I

had problems keeping her from stealing the space in my lovely easy chair. I

would also like to thank my other colleagues at Linköping University in the

division for Manufacturing Engineering for being great colleagues, always there

with support and help whenever and regardless of whatever was needed.

Secondly, I would like to thank all participants in the research projects AutoDisA

and HÅPLA for their support with information, equipment and financing needed

in the research. Special thanks to Bill Letcher, Johan Felix, Göran Lundholm and

Henrik Saldner for your fantastic work in the AutoDisA project.

Thirdly, I would like to thank the research financiers, namely the research

program ProViking, the Swedish foundation for strategic research (SSF) and the

Swedish governmental agency for innovation systems (VINNOVA), for

providing the possibility for me to perform the research.

Last but certainly not least, I would like thank my family for always staying

positive and supportive during my PhD studies. I would also like give my

heartfelt appreciation to my closest family, my partner Emilie and our daughter

KlaraMy, for giving me support and so much in life. You are truly one of my

sources of energy.


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The following papers are the author's main publications describing the research

presented in this licentiate thesis. As well as with the greatest novelty from a

scientific standpoint.

PAPER I Elo K., Karlsson J., Lydebrant K. and Sundin E. (2009) Automation

of Plastic Recycling – A case study, in Proceedings of Sixth

international symposium on EcoDesign: Environmental Conscious

Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Sapporo, Japan, pp 935-940.

PAPER II Elo K. and Sundin E. (2010) Requirements and needs of automatic

material recycling of flat panel displays, in proceedings of Going

Green Care innovation, Vienna, Austria, paper 107 on CD.

PAPER III Elo K. and Sundin E. (2011) Conceptual process development of

automatic disassembly of flat panel displays for material recycling, in

proceedings of International conference in remanufacturing,

Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp 188-197.


The following papers were published during the research presented in this

licentiate thesis, but are publications with less novelty or outside the scope of the


PAPER IV Johansen K., Lahdo G. and Elo K. (2010) Furniture Manufacturing:

Aspects on Assembling Chairs with a Two-Armed Robot, in 3rd

CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology Systems, Trondheim,


PAPER V Sundin E., Elo K. and Lee H. M. (2012) Design for automatic end-of-

life processes, Assembly Automation, Vol. 32 Iss: 4, pp.389 – 398.

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Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 11.1 Challenges in the Plastics Recycling Industry ................................................................. 2

1.2 Large Liquid Crystal Display Recycling Challenges ......................................................... 2

1.3 Challenges with Automatic Recycling Processes............................................................ 6

1.4 Objective ........................................................................................................................ 7

1.5 Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 7

1.6 Delimitations .................................................................................................................. 8

Research Method ....................................................................................... 9 22.1 Industry-as-Laboratory ................................................................................................... 9

2.2 Action Research ............................................................................................................10

2.3 Experimental Research.................................................................................................11

2.4 Concept Development Methods ..................................................................................12

2.5 Method Usage ..............................................................................................................15

2.6 Recycling Projects .........................................................................................................18

Theoretical Foundation ............................................................................ 21 33.1 Theoretical Context ......................................................................................................21

3.2 Swedish Recycling Industry ..........................................................................................23

3.3 Plastics ..........................................................................................................................24

3.4 Large Liquid Crystal Displays ........................................................................................29

3.5 Manufacturing Automation .........................................................................................34

3.6 Disassembly ..................................................................................................................42

Research Results ...................................................................................... 47 44.1 Automatic Recycling of Plastics ....................................................................................47

4.2 Requirements for Automated Large Liquid Crystal Display Recycling .........................53

4.3 Conceptual Process Development ...............................................................................56

4.4 EEE Recycling Systems ..................................................................................................60

Discussion and Conclusions ...................................................................... 61 55.1 Discussion .....................................................................................................................61

5.2 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................69

5.3 Contribution to Academia ............................................................................................71

5.4 Contribution to Industry ..............................................................................................71

5.5 Future Research ...........................................................................................................71

References ..................................................................................................... 73

Appended Papers .......................................................................................... 81

Paper I .......................................................................................................................................83

Paper II ......................................................................................................................................91

Paper III ...................................................................................................................................101

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Figure 1 Collected WEEE in Sweden between 2003 and 2011 .............................. 4

Figure 2 Estimations of the value of displays sold worldwide 2006 to 2012 ......... 5

Figure 3 Industry-as-laboratory process ............................................................... 10

Figure 4 Action research process .......................................................................... 11

Figure 5 Research steps ......................................................................................... 15

Figure 6 Example of incoming material (left) and sorted LCD-monitor material

(right)..................................................................................................................... 16

Figure 7 Surounding research areas related to the research presenteed in this

licenciate thesis ..................................................................................................... 21

Figure 8 Diagram of the content of this chapter ................................................... 23

Figure 9 A chemical schema of a poltethylene monomere ................................... 24

Figure 10 Plastics production from 1950 to 2010 ................................................. 26

Figure 11 Amount of plastic available and recovered in Sweden between 1998

and 2011 ................................................................................................................ 27

Figure 12 Government’s goal and percentage of total amount of plastics on the

Swedish market between 1998 and 2011 .............................................................. 28

Figure 13 Exploded view of a LCD monitor, cables and printed circuit boards are

excluded in the figure ............................................................................................ 29

Figure 14 Exploded view of a LCD monitor ........................................................ 30

Figure 15 Exploded view of a LCD module ......................................................... 31

Figure 16 Cross section of a liquid crystal panel .................................................. 32

Figure 17 Twisting the light's wavelength ............................................................ 33

Figure 18 Linkage between vital automation system parts ................................... 35

Figure 19 Equation for calculating the degree of automation .............................. 35

Figure 20 Workspace sharing ............................................................................... 36

Figure 21 Workspace and time sharing ............................................................... 37

Figure 22 Waste hierarchy .................................................................................... 38

Figure 23 Process flow for mixed EEE recycling ................................................. 41

Figure 24 Disassembly cost .................................................................................. 44

Figure 25 Sorting and separation steps ................................................................. 48

Figure 26 Alternatives 1 and 2 in Process Step 1 ................................................. 49

Figure 27 Alternative 1 in Process Step 2 ............................................................. 50

Figure 28 Alternative 1 in Process Step 3 ............................................................. 50

Figure 29 Alternative 1 in Process Step 4 ............................................................. 51

Figure 30 Sorting process of plastics using Criterion plus™ ............................... 51

Figure 31 Alternative 2 in Process Steps 2 to 5 .................................................... 52

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Figure 32 WEEE cages ......................................................................................... 54

Figure 33 Recycling process stages ...................................................................... 57

Figure 34 Lamps made of reused components from LCD monitors .................... 67

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Table 1 Categories and examples of EEE ............................................................... 3

Table 2 Example of screening table ...................................................................... 14

Table 3 Example of scoring table ......................................................................... 14

Table 4 Clarification of weighting ........................................................................ 15

Table 5 Relationship between RQs and methods ................................................. 17

Table 6 Relationship between RQs and pulished papers ...................................... 18

Table 7 Level of manufacturing automation ......................................................... 35

Table 8 General DFD principles ........................................................................... 46

Table 9 Requirements with wieghting .................................................................. 58

Table 10 Process concept scoring table ................................................................ 59

Table 11 Relationship between the type of RQ and research area ....................... 61

Table 12 Survey participants................................................................................. 65

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Since the work in this thesis is related to people in both academia and industry,

some clarification might be needed due to the different view on different terms

frequently used.


A process performing a task by itself without human interference; the purpose is

often to perform a dangerous, repetitive, fast, or high-precision task instead of

humans. (Nof, 2009)


A semi-automatic process is a process where equipment and human workers work

to execute tasks. The equipment and the humans do not work together. Rather,

they are geographically separated or take turns in sharing the same workspace but

not at the same time. An example is an assembly line divided in several

workstations; in half of the stations operators perform assembly operations, and in

the other half robots perform assembly operations. The stations are linked

together with conveyor belts. (Krüger et al., 2009)


A hybrid automatic process is a process where humans and equipment execute

tasks together at the same time. The humans and equipment in the system are not

separate from each other geographically and share the same work space. An

example is when an operator moves a robot by force feedback via a forces sensor

to the position the operator wishes. (Krüger et al., 2009)


Energy recovery is when energy is recovered from materials by incineration in

different processes for recovery of heat energy in the material. (European

Environment Agency, 2012a)


Recycling means that materials are collected and processed to be used in a new or

the same application as originally attended (European Environment Agency,

2012b, US environmental protection agency, 2012).


Using components from products and using them again in new products for the

same purpose as originally intended (Johansson, 1997).

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Refurbishing is when a product is restored close to its original status, by cleaning,

replacing worn parts and repainting. All these measures can be done if is needed.

(Penev, 1996)


Disassembly of a product is when components are removed from a product

without causing any damage to the removed and remaining components of the

product (Penev, 1996).


Dismantling of a product is when components are removed from a product; this is

done with some damage to the components or to the remaining components of the

product (Penev, 1996).


Sorting is when things are put into a particular arranged order in groups, e.g.

depending of material type, size, rank etc. (Longman, 1995)


Separation is when two things which are stuck to each other are removed from

each other and no longer connected.(Longman, 1995)

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ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

AutoDisA Automated Disassembly of Flat Panel Displays

BLU Backlight Unit

CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp

CRT Cathode Ray Tube

DFD Design for Disassembly

EEE Electrical and Electronic Equipment

FTI The Swedish Organisation for Packaging and Paper Collection,

Förpackning och Tidnings Insamlingen

FPD Flat Panel Display

HDPE High Density Polyethylene

HÅPLA Sustainable Recycling of Flat Panel Displays

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LDPE Low Density Polyethylene

LED Light Emitting Diode

OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode

PA Polyamide

PDP Plasma Display Panel

PET Polyethylene Terephthalate

PMMA Polymethyl Methacrylate

PP Polypropylene

PS Polystyrene

PVC Polyvinylecoride

RQ Research Question

WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

wt% Weight Percentage

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This chapter includes a general introduction of the plastics recycling industry

and large liquid crystal display recycling industry, together with an

introduction of the general challenges in these recycling industries. The chapter

continues with the objective and research questions for the research presented

in this licentiate thesis. At the end of this chapter there is a presentation of the

delimitations for the research performed.

New types of products are continually being introduced in the marketplace,

while the old used products are discarded into the waste stream. Together with

growing population in the world (Worldometer, 2012) and increasing prosperity

(Central Intelligence Agency, 2012), this increases the consumption of products.

The recycling industry needs to cope with the growing amount of waste in the

waste stream and the increasing number of complex products. The complex

products contain more valuable materials, but at the same time the materials are

harder to extract. However, new product development also includes sleeker

products containing less material and which are more energy efficient; because

of this, they are more environmentally friendly as well. (Lee et al., 2011)

Disassembly of these sleeker products, however, has created a challenge.

The reason why the recycling industry exists and acts is the possibility to make

money. Recyclers make money through charging a fee for taking care of the

waste from customers, and through selling refined waste materials to other

customer’s e.g. smelting plants. (STENA Recycling, 2013, Kuusakoski, 2013,

Hans Andersson Recycling, 2013, IL Recycling, 2013, Rang-sells, 2013, SimS

Recycling, 2013) Some of the companies in the recycling industry also offer

their customers different types of services, e.g. collection and removal of waste,

destruction of sensitive materials such as documents and electronic storage, and

cleaning or sanitation. (STENA Recycling, 2013, Hans Andersson Recycling,

2013, Rang-sells, 2013, SimS Recycling, 2013)

Other challenges related to the incoming material in the collection phase of the

waste material are the variations in and lack of control of quantity, quality and

timing. The lack of control in the collection phase also affects the recycling

processes used after the collection phase, in particular in the lack of control of

timing and quantity. (Lundmark et al., 2009)

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In Sweden, there are several companies that collect plastic waste from

households and industry, but there is only one company that sorts out the

different plastics to enable them to be recycled into finer fractions (Nilsson,

2008). Because of this, there is a market for recycling facilities that separate

plastic waste in Sweden. The challenge is to find an automated technology

which fulfils the requirements of high capacity in volume (tonnes per hour), low

environmental impact and economic profitability. The economic requirement is

strongly linked to the companies’ ability to secure quantities of incoming

material for recycling.

The reasons for focusing on plastic recycling are the industrial interest and the

lack of processes capable of performing plastic sorting and separation in

Sweden at the present time.



Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) (see examples in Table 1) is one type

of equipment becoming more common in the waste stream (El-Kretsen, 2011,

Seeger, 2011, El-Kretsen, 2012b). Electronic equipment is any electronic device

containing printed circuit boards, e.g. computers, television sets, digital clocks

and cellular phones. Electrical equipment is any kind of device using electricity

and which traditionally does not contain printed circuit boards, e.g. toasters,

refrigerators, electrical stoves and cables. (European Commission, 2002)

However, there are devices which in the past did not contain printed circuit

boards but do so today, for example electrical stoves, which still are categorised

as electrical equipment.

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Table 1 Categories and examples of EEE (European Commission, 2002)

Categories of EEE Examples of EEE

Large household appliance Refrigerators, Freezers, Washing machines,

Electric stoves, Electric radiators

Small household appliance Vacuum cleaners, Toasters, Fryers, Clocks, Scales

IT and telecommunications


Main frames, Minicomputers, Personal computers,

Laptop computers, Printers, Cellular phones

Consumer equipment Radio sets, Television sets, Video cameras, Audio

amplifiers, Musical instruments

Lighting equipment Straight fluorescent lamps, Compact florescent

lamps, Luminaires for florescent lamps with the

exception of luminaires in households

Electrical and electric tools (with

the exception of large-scale

stationary industrial tools)

Drills, Saws, Sewing machines, Equipment for

turning, milling, sanding, grinding, sawing,

cutting, shearing, drilling, punching

Toys, leisure and sports equipment Electric trains or car racing sets, Hand-held video

game controls, Video games

Medical devices (with the

exception of all implanted and

infected products)

Radiotherapy equipment, Dialysis, Analysers,


Monitoring and control instruments Smoke detectors, Heating regulators, Thermostats

Automatic dispensers Automatic dispensers for; hot drinks, hot or cold

bottles or cans, solid products, money

According to Greenpeace (2011), the amount of waste electrical and electronic

equipment (WEEE) generated every year worldwide is between 20 and 50

million tonnes. The European Union published a directive in 2002 with the aim

to have all the European countries collect 4 kilograms WEEE per inhabitant and

year (European Commission, 2002). The collection rate in Sweden in 2011 was

16.09 kilograms per inhabitant. Waste collection in Sweden during the period

2003 to 2011 is illustrated in Figure 1. The categories in Figure 1 are “All

WEEE” collected and various “Brown WEEE” products such as personal

computers, children’s toys, tools, televisions and computer monitors as well as

liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors. The category All WEEE represents

Brown WEEE, large white goods, refrigerators, light sources and batteries. (El-

Kretsen, 2012b)

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Figure 1 Collected WEEE in Sweden between 2003 and 2011 (El-Kretsen, 2011, Seeger, 2011,

El-Kretsen, 2012b)

A flat panel display (FPD) is a device projecting an image for visual

interpretation of information. Common FPD applications include television sets,

desktop computer monitors, laptop computer monitors, mobile telephones, and

other types of displays. The most common types of displays are cathode ray

tube (CRT), liquid crystal displays, plasma display panel (PDP) and organic

light emitting diode (OLED). A CRT monitor was the first technology to project

an image which was developed in the end of the 19th

century (Mouromtseff,

1945). Today, this technology is replaced with other new technologies (Lambert

and Gupta, 2005). The most common display technology today is the LCD,

which is illustrated in worldwide display sales shown in Figure 2 below

(Matharu, 2008, Ryan et al., 2010). Because LCDs are the current most

common FPD type, it is an important product to solve the recycling problems

for. That is why the LCD monitor was selected to be the product of interest,

together with plastic, in the research presented in this thesis. The challenges

with recycling LCDs are explained later in this section.



















2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011




r in








Brown WEEE (tonne) All WEEE (tonne) Kilogram per inhabitant and year

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Figure 2 Estimations of the value of displays sold worldwide 2006 to 2012, modified from

Ryan et al. (2010)

According to market analysts and other experts, the OLED is expected to take

over market dominance from LCDs, just as LCDs did from CRT monitors and

televisions between 2000 and 2005 (Matharu, 2008).

FPDs are often divided into categories depending on their size, i.e. small FPDs,

medium FPDs and large FPDs. Small and medium FPDs are displays smaller

than 10 inches in diagonal, while large FPDs are larger than 10 inches in

diagonal (DisplaySearch, 2012b).

The challenges within the area of recycling FPDs, and in particular LCDs, is the

wide variety of LCD brands and models, the other types of FPDs which can be

mistaken for LCDs, the mixture of other products and the content of a LCD

monitor. It is common that the light in a LCD is created by a lamp which

contains the hazardous substance mercury. The liquid crystals within the LCD

also need to be considered. (Matharu and Wu, 2009) The WEEE directive states

that all LCDs with a display larger than 100 cm2 shall be removed from any

other type of WEEE for reuse, recycling or energy recovery (European

Commision, 2012).











2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012






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To remain competitive, recycling companies need to be able to deliver products

to their customers in the correct quality and quantity and at the right time. One

way to do so is to implement automated recycling processes, both to increase

productivity and to improve the staff’s work environment. This is important,

since more advanced products contain a greater amount of different materials

and in some cases, hazardous materials.

There are challenges in creating an automatic process which is flexible, able to

cope with the variations in incoming materials and able to identify the incoming

material (Ejiri, 2001). The identification is important to be able to apply the

optimal available recycling process. Beside flexibility and the ability to identify

material, the process needs to be reliable and robust to cope with the incoming

materials that the process is not designed to process, e.g. stones, chains and

chemicals. According to a delphi study by Boks and Stevels (1997) there are

five main obstacles for automatic disassembly of WEEE, namely:

Many different products

Low product-specific volumes

Products are not designed for disassembly

General problems in the reverse logistics chain of materials to the

recycling plants

Variations in material quantity returning to the recycling plants

To these five obstacles an additional obstacle can be added: The need to take

care of hazardous materials (Matharu and Wu, 2009).

The reason for the focus on the recycling of LCD monitors with an automatic

process is the lack of automatic recycling facilities in Sweden. The facilities

need to cope with the estimated amount of material which needs to be taken care

of in the future. This is combined with the industrial interest and the lack of

research in the area of automatic disassembly of LCDs. All of this makes the

area important to investigate to effectively cope with the current and the

expected future challenges.

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The overall objective of this licentiate thesis is to investigate, from a technical

perspective, automation in the recycling industry. More specifically, the

objective is to identify problems and solutions in the recycling of plastics and

large liquid crystal displays. The results of the investigation will be used as a

foundation for creating technical solutions to better manage with current

recycling requirements.


To be able to fulfil the objective of this thesis the following research questions

(RQs) will be answered. In order to understand the direction of the research and

focus on the actual problems in the recycling industry, RQ 1 and RQ 2 are

essential in this thesis. RQ 1 and RQ 2 are as follows:

RQ 1 What technical problems may occur in automatic sorting and

separation for the recycling of plastics?

RQ 2 What technical problems may occur in automatic dismantling of

large liquid crystal displays?

The next set of questions will be used to validate the results findings by

investigating solutions to problems found in RQ 1 and RQ 2. These RQs also

contribute to give the problem owners, the recycling industry, more knowledge

related to these problems. RQ 3 and RQ 4 are both linked to the same question:

Which types of automatic solutions can be suitable to use in recycling processes

with some level of unknown incoming material? RQ 3 and RQ 4 are as follows:

RQ 3 What processes can be utilised in automatic sorting and separation

for the recycling of plastics?

RQ 4 What processes are suitable to utilise in automatic dismantling of

large liquid crystal displays?

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The focus in this thesis is on the recycling process, from a technical perspective,

and thus not on environmental, work environment and economic issues. This

makes it hard to say if the process contributes to a positive effect on the

environment or is economically plausible.

The products focused on in this thesis are plastics from households and industry,

together with LCD monitors; no other products were considered in the research

presented in this thesis. This focus is the result of discussions with industry to

identify products of specific interest. The work does only involve the recycling

industry in Sweden; the industries in the study are geographically located in

Sweden, some of the companies have activities in other countries as well.

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This chapter is dedicated to the method which has been used throughout the

research. The first set of sections contain short presentations of the research

methodologies, namely industry-as-laboratory, action research and

experimental research. The chapter continues with a presentation of two

concept development methods, concept screening and concept scoring. The next

section discusses the researcher relationship to the different methods and how

the work in the research has been progressed. The last section contains a

description of the research projects the research resulted in. The presentation of

this thesis, for example, has been a collaboration with other research projects

in the area.


According to Potts (1993), there are several benefits when a researcher selects

industry-as-laboratory as a research method, for example.

The information about the problem is more directly presented to the

researchers from the problem holders.

Less information is lost in the transfer of information from the

researchers to the problem holders.

In the future, the research becoming more focused on problems.

To prevent the researcher from focusing on the wrong problem or presenting the

result in a - as the problem holder sees it - problematic or incomprehensive way,

Potts (1993) suggests that the researcher, instead of working in isolation, works

in a more integrated way with the problem owner. The researchers should also

have a continuous discussion about what the problem is and where the focus is

moving, a process illustrated in Figure 3 below. Through working in this way,

the researcher is always updated on the problem they are facing, and they are

facing the correct problem based on empirical data. When the researcher has a

discussion with the problem holder, the researcher and the problem holder

develop an understanding of how to transfer information between each other

without any information getting lost though misunderstanding.

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Figure 3 Industry-as-laboratory process, modified from Potts (1993)


Action research is a method for researchers who perform practical research and

want to improve and gain understanding of the area of practice. This method is

useful if you want to be flexible, or involve the problem holders in the research,

or gain change during the research, or when the research project is too ambitious

to satisfy the focused research questions the researcher has or when the research

project is a pilot-project. (Dick, 2011, Oosthuizen, 2002)

A researcher who works with action research is in general working according to

the process illustrated in Figure 4 below. The method starts with planning the

next steps in the research together with the other participants in the research

project. The next step is to perform a number of tests, experiments or other

actions. The following step is to cease work in the project so all project

participants can gather and analyse the actions made and question the results

and methods used. The last step in the method is to reflect on the results

collected and learn from these results. The next stage is to start all over again if

the result is not satisfying for the research project, or end the project if the result

is satisfying. The action research method is by nature cyclic and questions the

research regularly, where the result and methods are challenged and possibly

rejected and replaced by others. (Dick, 2011, Oosthuizen, 2002)



version 1


version 2


version 3


version 4


version 1


version 2 Research

version 3


version 4




version 4

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Figure 4 Action research process (Oosthuizen, 2002, p.162)


Experimental research is a research method designed to make a strong link

between cause and effect. The method is used when the researcher wants to be

able to control the experiment’s environment and the variable or variables

which contributed to the effect. The result of this method is that the work is

focused on solving problems. (Tanner, 2002a)

According to Christensen (1993), some advantages of using the experimental

method are:

The relation to the causation of the problem is unravelled.

There is a possibility for the researcher to control the variable or

variables which have a link to the effect.

The method is useful and leads to research results and or awakens new

research questions.

The experimental method also has a number of drawbacks or weaknesses, such

as: (Christensen, 1993)

Some criticise the method for not being entirely scientific as the method

does not consider the experiment in an uncontrolled environment. The

settings of the experiments are set so the effects are more controlled then

they would be outside of the experiment.

The creation of an experiment, both the environment and the possibility

to control the variable or variables, can be time consuming and the

experiment itself can be time consuming to perform.

The experimental method is an insufficient method when it comes to the

study of human behaviour, since the human is difficult, to control, if not

impossible, through changing the settings of one or several variables.





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There are two types of experimentations to perform within the experimental

method: field experimentation and laboratory experimentation. The types are

each other’s opposites; field experimentations advantages are laboratory

experimentations disadvantages, and vice versa. (Christensen, 1993)

Field experimentation does not have the problem with the creation of an

experimental environment, since the experiments are performed in reality and

are therefore not sensitive to artificial input from an artificial environment. This

also means that this type of experimentation is faster to create, since the

experimental environment already exists. (Christensen, 1993) On the other

hand, the field experimentation has a drawback when it comes to controlling the

environment and variable, or variables, which lead to different effects on the

subject investigated. This is related to interference from the surrounding

environment and the possible change of circ*mstances, for example the change

from day to night or some other unexpected happening. (Tanner, 2002a)

The laboratory-experimentations advantage is the possibility to control the

environment the experiments are performed in, due to it is artificial and possible

to modify to fit its purpose. One other advantage is the possibility to control the

variable or variables with shall be used to change the effect of the experiment.

(Tanner, 2002a) The drawback of the laboratory experimentation is the artificial

environment, there is a possibility that the artificial environment projects a fair

image of the reality and therefor do not works in the same way. One other

drawback is the time to create the artificial environment. (Christensen, 1993)


To be able to evaluate the different equipment and technologies efficiently, tools

like concept screening and concept scoring can be used. Both methods use six

steps. The reference to the content in this section comes from Ulrich and

Eppingers’ (2008) book Product Design and Development if nothing else is

mentioned in the text. According to Ulrich and Eppinger (2008), the concept

selection process contains the following six steps:

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1. Create a matrix that contains the different alternatives and the different


2. Evaluate the different alternatives from the criteria.

3. Rank the different alternatives depending on which alternatives fulfil

the criteria best.

4. Combine and improve the alternatives.

5. Select one or more.

6. Evaluate the result and the process.

It is not necessary to use the tools together, as concept screening and concept

scoring work separately as well. Concept screening is a quick tool which does

not give an accurate result due to no priority of the criteria with which it is used.

The concept scoring tool more time-intensive, but also more accurate due to

priority of the criteria used. The main purpose of both the tools is to be used by

the user to compare different product development concepts; the tools also can

be used to compare different types of equipment, technologies and processes.

The important thing is which different criteria are used.


Concept screening is a rough evaluation used for avoiding alternatives that do

not fulfil the criteria as well as the other alternatives. An example of a concept

screening table is seen in Table 2 below.

In Table 2, Alternative 1 is selected as the reference alternative, as denoted by

the marking (ref.). All other alternatives are compared with the reference

alternative. If another alternative fulfils a criteria better than the reference

alternative, it is marked with a plus (+); if the alternative fulfil the criteria

poorly the alternative is marked with a minus (-); and if the alternative fulfils the

criteria equivalently to the reference alternative it is marked with a zero (0).

When this is completed, the result from all alternatives is summarised, the total

points are calculated and the hierarchy is set. If a combination of alternatives

has a satisfying result, then the combination has the possibility to continue.

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Table 2 Example of screening table, modified from Ulrich and Eppinger (2008)

Alt. 1

(ref.) Alt. 2 Alt. 3 Alt. 4

Criteria Rating Rating Rating Rating

Criteria 1 0 + 0 -

Criteria 2 0 + 0 -

Criteria 3 0 - + 0

Sum + 0 2 1 0

Sum – 0 1 0 2

Sum 0 3 0 2 1

Total 0 1 1 -2

Hierarchy 3 1 1 4

Continue? No Yes Yes No


Concept scoring, which is illustrated in Table 3, is a more precise tool to

evaluate different alternatives as compared to screening. To get a more precise

evaluation, weighting is used. This tool is used in the same manner as concept

screening, i.e. a reference alternative is selected to which the other alternatives

are compared. The results alternative from the concept screening method, used

earlier in this section, continues in the evaluation with the concept scoring tool.

Table 3 Example of scoring table, modified from Ulrich and Eppinger (2008)

Alt. 2 (ref.) Alt. 3

Criteria Weight Rating Point Rating Point

Criteria 1 1 3 3 1 1

Criteria 2 2 3 6 2 4

Criteria 3 3 3 9 5 15

Total point 18 20

Hierarchy 2 1

Continue? No Yes

The rating of the alternatives is made between 1 and 5, as shown in Figure 4

below, as compared to the reference alternative. The rating between the

alternatives is not the only rating that is performed; a weighting between the

different criteria is also performed. By multiplying the weighting of the criteria

and the rating of the alternatives, a score for the alternative, the point, is

generated. After multiplying all the alternatives, the remaining steps are to

summarise the total score, to order the alternative in a hierarchy and to select the

final alternative/alternatives to continue with.

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Table 4 Clarification of weighting, modified from Ulrich and Eppinger (2008)

Fulfilling comparing to reference Rating

Very poor 1

Poor 2

Equal 3

Better 4

A lot better 5


The research resulting in this licentiate thesis has a connection to the recycling

industry, as well as other industries such as automation integration and recycling

equipment integration. The work within the research has been performed

together with all of the research project partners depending on the focus of the

research projects. To be able to get several different ways of addressing the

problems, all of the actors have been an important input to the research. Since

the first two RQs are to investigate the problems with using automatic recycling

processes in the recycling industry, getting several views of this will be an

important contribution to answering these two RQs.

The research has been performed as shown in Figure 5. The research has been

an interactive process and answering RQ 1 and RQ 2 been performed during the

entire research process. The main investigation of RQ 1 and RQ 2, however, has

been performed in the two first stages of the research, as illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Research steps

Initially the challenges were identified through working together with recyclers

and an automation integrator in Sweden, and information was collected during

discussions with the companies and during study visits at recycling sites. To get

an understanding of the complexity of some of the incoming materials in the

recycling process, LCD monitors were dismantled by hand and analysed by the

researcher in the university’s laboratory. Examples of incoming monitors and

RQ 1-2

Identification of challenges

Understanding of product complexity

Development of process concepts

Initial test in laboratory


Validating test

in an industrial


RQ 4

RQ 3

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sorted LCD monitor materials are illustrated in Figure 6. The work with

suggesting different concept solutions was something that the researchers did by

themselves and then modified through discussions with others within the

research projects. To be able to verify the functionality of the concepts after

modifications of technical solutions, early experiments and tests were performed

together with companies which were capable of helping the researchers, and

also within Linköping University’s own laboratory. An overview is illustrated in

Figure 5 above.

Figure 6 Example of incoming material (left) and sorted LCD-monitor material (right)

The literature review presented in this licentiate thesis was conducted to get an

overview of the research area and to collect information about the different

subjects discussed. Some areas for the literature review included theory and

research of plastics, and theory and research about EEE, both from a technical

and environmental perspective.

The connection between the research presented in this thesis and action

research is that the author did not know where to start and has been testing his

way forward, especially when it comes to developing different concepts for

technical solutions. The work has been largely according to Plan – Action –

Result – Reflection; once completed, the author has started again at the

beginning to plan new tests or actions.

The inspiration from experimental research is mostly from the field

experimentation approach, since most of the information and tests, as well as the

problems itself, come from the real-life situation of the participant industry and

institutions within the research projects. The work in the research is problem-

focused, which is the reason why RQ 1 and RQ 2 are to find the main

challenges and RQ 3 and RQ 4 is to find answers to the challenges. To address

the challenge, the work was tightly linked to the industrial partners, and the

discussion was important to get an understanding of the problem and identify

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the challenges. This relation with the industry is something which is described

in the research method industry-as-laboratory approach. Both RQ 3 and RQ 4

have been addressed in collaboration with industry.

The concept development methods described earlier in this chapter have been

used in the theoretical evaluation of the practical testing of the different

technical concepts and have not been used to compare products but technologies

and equipment. Also, the methods have also been a help with the definition of

the requirements necessary to validate and compare the different concepts of



The relationship between the RQs and the methods and tools used is visualised

in Table 5 below. In Table 5, the upper row shows the research methods while

the left column lists the RQs. The relationship between the methods and the

RQs is marked in the table with a small monitor icon.

Table 5 Relationship between RQs and methods




research and






RQ 1

RQ 2

RQ 3

RQ 4

The mixture of methods which have been mentioned in this chapter have all

been a help when attempting to understand the available research in the area of

product and production research; without picking parts from the different

methods and just using one specific method, this research would not have been

possible. As Table 5 above shows, the most common method related to the RQs

is action research, but most of the time the research has been performed

according to the industry-as-laboratory and experimental research.


The relationship between the RQs and the papers included in this thesis is

visualised in Table 6 below.

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Table 6 Relationship between RQs and pulished papers

Paper I Paper II Paper III

RQ 1

RQ 2

RQ 3

RQ 4


To be able to validate the results of the research, the results have been used in

the publication of articles in international conferences for an open discussion

with other researchers and companies in the same research area. The practical

tests in a laboratory environment have all been documented with test-plans

containing the objective of the test, the expected result, the criteria for a

satisfactory result and the result itself. Some of the results are also presented as

physical objects, which are stored within the university’s laboratory.

The drawback with tests and experiments in a laboratory environment is the

possibility to create a “perfect” environment without some of the disturbances

which exist in an industrial environment. This makes the results not entirely

truthful, and erroneous conclusions can be made unless the tests are also

performed in a more industrial environment. The benefit with first making

laboratory tests and then industrial tests is the improved understanding of the

problem during the laboratory test. The more expensive industrial tests can then

be executed with a shorter ramp up period and with better understanding about

the problem and knowledge about what to measure. The result of this is a more

cost efficient testing than if the tests where done only in industry, and more

results from the tests are more accurate. The tests made in an industrial

environment added vital validation to the research, and was a source of

information transfer between industry and the academia within the three

research projects presented in the next sub-chapter.


The three first sections, i.e. sections 2.6.1 to 2.6.3, presents research projects

which were a part of the research presented in this licentiate thesis. The

additional projects presented in the last section, section 2.6.5, constitute of other

research projects in the same area.

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The plastic recycling project partners were made up of students from Linköping

University and the recycling company IL Recycling in Linköping. The project,

which involved four part-time (50%) students, began in August 2008 and ended

in December 2008. The main aim of the project was to investigate possibilities

for development of a recycling system for waste plastics from industry and

households. The system needed to be able to cope with a mixture of soft and

hard plastics and be economically profitable. The students identified two

recycling systems with the same layout, but with two different setups of sensors

for identification, sorting and separation of the different plastics.



The research project AutoDisA aimed to investigate the possibility to create an

automated recycling process which almost has the volume capacity of a

shredder and the ability to separate and sort materials and components as in

today’s manual process. The project involved a recycling company, a robot

integrator and two research institutes. The project, which had its start in August

2009, was planned to end in August 2012. The project plan has change and

extended until December 2013. This was done to finish the construction of a

fully-functional industrial demonstration process, to extend the research and to

include automatic recycling processes for LCD television sets.

The participants in the AutoDisA project are:

Chalmers Industriteknik Linköping University

CIT Recycling Development Nordic Recycling AB

Hans Andersson Metal AB SVIA Industrial Automation


The HÅPLA research project took a wider scope then the AutoDisA project

regarding the challenges of recycling flat panel displays. The HÅPLA project

involved: development of an automated recycling process, development of

processes for extracting high value metals from crushed LCD panels,

development of new products, study of environmental impacts and work

environmental impact, examination of product design for recycling, and

investigation of laws and certification changes. The project had numerous

different stakeholders from industry (both producers and recyclers), academia

and other Swedish institutions and agencies. The project started in January 2010

and will end in June of 2013.

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The participants in the HÅPLA project are:

Chalmers Linköping University

Chalmers Industriteknik MRT system

CIT Recycling Development Samsung Electronics Nordic

El-kretsen AB Stena

Hans Andersson Metal AB Swerea IVF

Kuusakoski Sverige AB TCO development AB

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute


The economic, environmental and work environmental issues related to the

research presented in this thesis will be investigated and validated by the

different project’s partners. The consequence of this is that this research, in

order to be validated, is dependent on the other partners in the research project.

Since some of the partners in the project are companies with economically-

driven goals, this means that the research is influenced by their economic goals.


The AutoDisA and HÅPLA projects are far from the only research projects in

the area of automated recycling of LCD monitors and televisions and other flat

panel displays. Other projects are for example the REFLATED project (Holmes,

2010), launched in United Kingdom, the European project Liquid crystal display

re-use and recycling (Ladanyi and Miklosi, 2006, Kopacek, 2010); and the

Belgium project PRIME - Perfecting Research on Intelligent Material

Exploitation (PRIME, 2011). The REFLATED project focused on developing a

semi-automated process for the recycling of liquid crystal, indium and glass

from LCD panels, using a shredding process (Holmes, 2010). The PRIME

project focuses on the recycling of LCD monitors and LCD televisions through

shredding the LCDs into smaller fractions, and then extracting the materials of

interest (PRIME, 2011). Another project which has used shredding to process

LCD monitors have been run by Swico Recycling, the aim of which was to

investigate the gas emissions of mercury from a shredding process (Swico

Recycling, 2011).

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This chapter contains the theoretical foundation for this licentiate thesis. The

chapter starts a discussion of the research area, followed by an explanation of

the Swedish recycling industry. Theory of plastic materials and liquid crystal

display monitors are also explained in this chapter. The chapter concludes with

an explanation of some aspects of automation in the area of production and the

recycling industry.


Within the area of production research there are many sub-areas; some

examples are manufacturing engineering, economics, logistics, maintenance and

management. The research presented in this thesis uses the theories and

experience from the area of manufacturing engineering and applies it to the area

of recycling. Other approaches to the area of recycling come from reverse

logistics, product design and environmental impact. All of these approaches

have affected the research presented in this thesis through collaboration with

other researchers, institutes and industry. The research presented in this thesis,

however, focuses only on recycling from the manufacturing engineering

perspective, an overview of which is presented in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7 Surounding research areas related to the research presenteed in this licenciate thesis











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Other recycling research within the manufacturing engineering area, besides the

research presented in this thesis, focuses on the development of different

processes, for example: shredding, separation and sorting systems (Yokoyama

and Iji, 1993, Cui and Forssberg, 2003); automatic disassembly process

technologies (Kopacek, 2010), e.g. circle saw, water jet cutting and laser

cutting; automatic disassembly systems (Scholz-Reiter et al., 1999); semi-

automatic disassembly systems (Hohm et al., 2000, Karlsson and Fugger, 1998,

Knoth et al., 2002); hybrid disassembly systems (Kim et al., 2009); different

sensors and analysis equipment (Jorgensen et al., 1996, Hata et al., 2008);

grasping tools (Seliger et al., 2001, Feldmann et al., 1999); disassembly

planning (Scholz-Reiter et al., 1999, Li-Hsing and Shun-Chung, 2007, Torres et

al., 2009) and chemical processes (Hunt et al., 2010, Li et al., 2009, Kato et al.,

2003). In addition to the research presented in this thesis, manufacturing

engineering includes research on, for example: development of new machines

and materials (Frogner et al., 2011, Svensson et al., 2012); wear of mechanical

products (Björling et al., 2012); human and machine interaction (Krüger et al.,

2009); and flexible automation and fixtures (Jonsson and Ossbahr, 2010).

Product design includes development of design methods, for example: design

for disassembly (Sodhi and Knight, 1998, Boks and Tempelman, 1998, Bogue,

2007); active disassembly (Boks and Tempelman, 1998, Suga and Hosoda,

2000, Chiodo et al., 1998); design for environment (Harjula et al., 1996, Fiksel,

1993); and finding new applications for old products and the components

included in these products (Hunt et al., 2010, Felix, 2011).

Environmental impact research includes end-of-life investigations (Socolof et

al., 2005, Sundin and Lee, 2012, Sundin and Lee, 2011) and analysis

techniques, e.g. life cycle assessment (Gungor and Gupta, 1999, Duan et al.,

2009, Dodbiba et al., 2008, Dodbiba and Fujita, 2004); and material analysis

(Ryan et al., 2011, Hischier et al., 2005).

Reverse logistics involves understanding the flow of material to recyclers from

customers who have been using the products in a way which makes it possible

to reuse, refurbish or recycle the products. (Knoth et al., 2001, Lundmark et al.,


The research areas of reverse logistics, product design and environmental

impact have all been inputs to the research presented in this thesis. Reverse

logistics has been important because knowledge about the incoming material to

a recycling process is crucial to the processes developed. The product design

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area has contributed with methods for analysing product design, how to

disassemble the products and how to construct new products from the old. The

area of environmental impact has contributed with an understanding of the

consequences of an automated recycling process on the products of interest,

namely plastics and large LCDs.

The following sections in this chapter will describe the relevant theory

(illustrated in Figure 8) for this thesis.

Figure 8 Diagram of the content of this chapter


In Sweden, a number of actors work together to ensure that consumer and

commercial products are properly collected, treated and put back on the market

or responsibly discarded. Among these actors are organisations for collecting

and distributing discarded products and recycling organisations.

The Swedish organisation responsible for packaging and paper collection,

Förpacknings och Tidnings Insamlingen (FTI), is an organisation representing

plastic and paper packaging producers. FTI provides collection and distribution

of discarded plastics and paper packaging to recyclers throughout Sweden. By

doing so, the plastic and paper packaging producers fulfil their environmental

responsibility. (Förpacknings och Tidnings Insamlingen, 2012a)

El-kretsen is an organisation which handles EEE producers’ environmental

responsibility, and is responsible for collection of EEE put on the market as well

as distribution of the collected WEEE to recyclers in Sweden. This includes the














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recyclers presented below, but also local companies and local government

organisations. (El-Kretsen, 2012a)

Since El-kretsen and FTI only have collection and distribution systems for

material, there is a need for recyclers with the possibility and capacity to

recycle, refurbish or reuse the waste. Some recycling companies in Sweden are

listed below: (The Swedish Recycling Industries Association, 2011)

Stena Recycling AB Sweden Recycling AB

Kusakooski Recycling AB IL Recycling AB

Hans Andersson Metal AB Rang-sells

Nordic Recycling AB SimS recycling solutions


Plastics are polymers based on petroleum products, and are used in a wide

variety of applications, e.g. construction, electrical and electronics, automotive

and packaging. The simplest plastic polymer is polyethylene, where the smallest

molecular chain building block contains one carbon atom and two hydrogen

atoms. Together with another set of carbon and hydrogen atoms, the blocks

create an ethylene monomer, the chemical schema of which is shown in Figure

9. The “n” in Figure 9 below defines the number of monomers in the

polyethylene molecule; usually the number of monomers is around 104, but the

number can differ in a range from 103 to 10

6. (McCrum et al., 2007)

Figure 9 A chemical schema of a poltethylene monomere, modified from McCrum et al.


The most common plastics in the world, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl

chloride and polystyrene represent over 85% of polymers used (McCrum et al.,

2007). According to Plastics Europe, polyethylene terephthalate can be added as

well (PlasticsEurope, 2011). In the list below, common plastics in the Swedish

waste stream are presented along with examples of application areas for each

respective plastic (McCrum et al., 2007).




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Polycarbonate (PC) is used in casing in electronic and electrical

equipment (McCrum et al., 2007).

Polystyrene (PS) is common in single use coffee mugs and single use

knives, forks and spoons, along with use in packaging (McCrum et al.,

2007, Dodbiba and Fujita, 2004).

Polyamide (PA) is used in a verity of tubes, hoses, cables and in e.g.

plain bearings in chain conveyers (McCrum et al., 2007).

Polypropylene (PP) is used in pipes, automobile parts and bottles.

(McCrum et al., 2007, Dodbiba and Fujita, 2004).

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used in soft drink bottles, food

containers and engineering plastics in precision moulding parts (McCrum

et al., 2007, Dodbiba and Fujita, 2004).

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is used in film packaging (McCrum et

al., 2007).

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is used in pipes, bottles and

kitchenware (McCrum et al., 2007).

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is commonly used in cable tubes, cable

isolation, hose, wall and floor coverage and wire (McCrum et al., 2007,

Dodbiba and Fujita, 2004).

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is used in liquid crystal display light

guides (McCrum et al., 2007).

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is common used in plastic casing

for electronics e.g. computer monitors and televisions, as well as in

pipes, and fittings (McCrum et al., 2007, Dodbiba and Fujita, 2004).


Besides the variations in plastics, there are also variations in additives to the

different plastics to improve specific features. One type of additive is to use a

softener to decrease the stiffness and increase the ductility in the plastic.

Examples of applications where softeners are used include bottles, cables and

children’s toys. The opposite of this is the use of hardeners to make the plastics

stiffer and more rigid. To make plastics even more rigid than can be achieved

with hardeners, fibres can be applied to create a material which is both rigid and

impact resistant. To create a plastic with a specific colour the plastic material

can either be painted or colour pigments can be added into the plastic. Colour

pigments also act as bulk material. The purpose of using bulk material is to

decrease the cost of the material, since the bulk material is cheaper than the

plastic; however, it also changes the mechanical properties of the plastic. One

additive in plastics which has become less common is flame retardants, due to

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the negative impact of this additive on the environment. Flame retardant

additives are used in EEE to prevent the plastic from catching fire in case of

overheating equipment. Flame retardants are also used in clothing for specific

purposes. (McCrum et al., 2007)


In addition to creating better plastic properties with additives, plastic producers

have started to create new plastics by mixing existing plastics. By doing so the

producers are able to create new plastics with entirely new properties. This,

together with the possibility to use additives and the great amount of virgin

plastic available makes the variety of different plastic materials vast. (McCrum

et al., 2007)


Overall global plastic production reached 265 million tonnes in 2010, while

European plastic production was 57 million tonnes. The development of global

and European plastic production is shown in Figure 10 below. (PlasticsEurope,


Figure 10 Plastics production from 1950 to 2010, modified from PlasticsEurope (2011)

In 2012, the amount of plastic waste generated by European consumers was

24.7 million tonnes; 10.4 million tonnes (42.1%) went to disposal, while 14.7

million tonnes (57.9%) were recovered. The recovered plastics in Europe are

recycled into new products or used as fuel in energy recovery. Many of the

European countries, including Sweden, use waste plastic for energy recovery to

a greater extent than recycling the plastic for use in new products.

(PlasticsEurope, 2011) This is also shown in Figure 11, which is a graphical

summery of the amount of plastics on the Swedish market and the amount of








1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010



s p



d [







European production of plastics Global production of plastics

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recovered plastics in Sweden between 1998 and 2011 (Förpacknings och

Tidnings Insamlingen, 2012b, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency,

2012). The Swedish government’s goal for recycling plastic waste is that 70%

of all plastics used for packaging shall be recycled and 30% of this material

shall not be used in energy recovery. This means that 21% (70%·30%=21%) of

all recycled plastics shall be material recycled. As Figure 12 illustrates, the goal

of a total plastic recovery of 70%, where 30% is not for energy recovery, has

not been fulfilled since the introduction of the goal in 2001 (Förpacknings och

Tidnings Insamlingen, 2012b). Overall, there are three different ways of taking

care of waste plastics (Dodbiba and Fujita, 2004): (1) discarding plastics in

landfills, (2) using mechanical recycling to reuse the plastic as material in new,

similar products or recycling the plastic on a molecular level through feedstock

recycling and (3) energy recovery through plastic incineration.

Figure 11 Amount of plastic available and recovered in Sweden between 1998 and 2011

(Förpacknings och Tidnings Insamlingen, 2012b, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency,












1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011



s o

f p











Total amount of plastic avalable on the Swedish market

Sum of recovered plasticsAmount of energy-recovered plastic

Amount of material-recovered plastic

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Figure 12 Government’s goal and percentage of total amount of plastics on the Swedish

market between 1998 and 2011 (Förpacknings och Tidnings Insamlingen, 2012b, Swedish

Environmental Protection Agency, 2012)

The dip in energy recovery in Figure 11 and the dip in the total percentage

collected in Figure 12 depends on new ways to collect the plastic, which

resulted in a lack of responding communes in the reporting of the amount of

plastic collected during 2009. (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency,



The following issues are present when performing recycling of plastics.

Plastics can be recycled roughly three to four times; then the plastic is

worn out and of a poor quality (Gupta, 2011, Eriksson and Finnveden,


Many types of plastics are used, making it difficult to separate from each

other and expensive to recycling (Gupta, 2011, Dodbiba and Fujita,


Plastics can contain several additives which degrade the virgin plastic

quality (Gupta, 2011).

Plastics can be reinforced or mixed with metals and other non-plastics

which degrade the plastic when recycled (Gupta, 2011, Froelich et al.,














ge o

f to

tal a



t o

f p




Goal of total recovered plastics Goal of material recovered plastics

Totel amount of plastics recovered Material recovered plastics

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A large display is a display larger than 10 inches measured diagonally across the

display. Small or medium-sized displays are smaller than 10 inches in diagonal.

(DisplaySearch, 2012b) An LCD is a display using the technology of liquid

crystals together with thin transistors, different filters, a light source, a power

supply, and data control signals to create an image on the display (Ishii, 2007).

LCDs are often used as computer desktop monitors, television sets and in other

display applications. (Matharu and Wu, 2009) In general, the product design of

a LCD monitor can be divided into several modules and components (Figure

13). A LCD monitor includes several components, including a LCD module.

This module, in turn contains several components, including the LCD panel

which contains the liquid crystals.

Figure 13 Exploded view of a LCD monitor, cables and printed circuit boards are excluded in

the figure


The outer shell of a LCD monitor contains two plastic covers, one at the front-

side and one at the backside. In between there are several components: the LCD

module, the metal frame, printed circuit boards and other components such as

speakers and buttons. Figure 14 below illustrates, from the top: plastic cover,

LCD module, metal frame and plastic back cover. The metal frame is the carrier

of components such as the speakers, buttons, energy power supply components

and the printed circuit boards. Components such as speakers, printed circuit

boards, cables, buttons, and indicators are not illustrated in Figure 14. (Matharu

and Wu, 2009)

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Figure 14 Exploded view of a LCD monitor, modified from Matharu and Wu (2009)

The material expected in a LCD monitor are plastics (ABS, PP, PS and PC),

metal (steel, copper and aluminium) and glass (Matharu and Wu, 2009).


A LCD module like that depicted in Figure 15 shows a sandwich construction

which is kept together with a metal frame and a metal back plate, shown at the

top and bottom of Figure 15, respectively. The metal frame (1) and the back

plate (7) are held in place with snap fits and in some cases a number of screws

as well. In between the metal frame and the back plate there are several layers of

components. The second component from the top in Figure 15 is the LCD panel

(2). The third component is a plastic frame (3), which keeps the LCD panel and

the optical plastic films (4) aligned correctly. The plastic films have optical

properties for focusing and aligning the projected light. The next component is

the light guide (5a) together with the two backlight unites (BLU) (5b), placed at

either long-side of the light guide. The light in a LCD monitor is projected by

the BLUs, which can be cold cathode florescent lamps (CCFL), light emitting

diodes (LED) or some other BLU (DisplaySearch, 2012a). A CCFL containing

BLU can contain 2-7mg of mercury (Matharu and Wu, 2009). The light from

the BLU and the light guide guides the light from the BLU to the optical films.

The light guide is usually made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) (Granta

CES, 2010, Peeters et al., 2011a, Li et al., 2009). The second component from

the bottom in Figure 15 is the reflector (6), which is a plastic film which reflects

all light which is travelling towards the reflection film. (Matharu and Wu, 2009)

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Figure 15 Exploded view of a LCD module, modified from Matharu and Wu (2009)

The materials in a LCD module are metal (steel, aluminium), plastic (PMMA,

plastics containing flame retardants) and some high-value printed circuit boards.

(Matharu and Wu, 2009) The high-valued printed circuit boards and cables are

not illustrated in Figure 15.


A LCD uses the ability of the liquid crystal to control the light in the display.

Figure 16 shows a cross section of a LCD panel which contains the liquid

crystal. The design is a sandwich construction of the different layers of

materials with specific purposes. The two polarisation films are twisted 90

degrees in relationship to each other ensuring no light can pass through the

films. To select a specific colour in a specific pixel in the display, the thin film

transistors are used and controlled by a matrix of electrical conductors made of

indium (Matharu, 2008). A pixel contains three cells, and each of the cells

creates the colours red, green and blue. There are several types of LCD panel

constructions; the type illustrated in Figure 16 is a thin film transistor LCD. The

specific colour pixel is turned on when the electrical loud is turned off over the

colour pixel, and vice versa. (Yeh and Gu, 1999, Matharu and Wu, 2009)

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Figure 16 Cross section of a liquid crystal panel: (1) polarisation film, (2) glass sheet, (3)

colour filter, (4) passive electrode made of indium tin oxide, (5) liquid crystal, (6) thin film

transistor, (7) glass sheet and (8) poloarisation film. Modified from Yeh and Gu (1999)


To be able to let light through the panel the liquid crystal medium and the

transistors are used. The liquid crystal molecules are by nature aligned in

orientation to each other. When the liquid crystal is uninfluenced by an

electrical load the molecules change their orientation and become twisted. This

ability is used for example to bend the direction of the wavelength of the light

let through the first polarising film in the LCD panel. This makes it is possible

for light to pass the second polarising film, and the pixel lets through light of the

selected colour, as illustrated in Figure 17 below. There are several types of

liquid crystal with different features. (Yeh and Gu, 1999, Matharu and Wu,


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Figure 17 Twisting the light's wavelength (Merck, 2012b)

The liquid crystal medium itself is a mixture of chemicals bounded together to

create a robust and stabile composition of chemicals (Yeh and Gu, 1999). One

of the common components in this mixture of chemicals is fluoride, a reactive

substance with suitable electro-optic abilities. The common concentration of

liquid crystal in a LCD is .5mg per cm2, which in a 30 inch LCD television

becomes 1.2g liquid crystal medium. If this amount is multiplied by the number

of LCD televisions sold in 2007, the amount of liquid crystal produced for 30

inch LCD televisions in 2007 equals 93 tonnes. (Matharu and Wu, 2009)

According to one of the liquid crystal manufacturers, liquid crystal medium:

“are not acutely toxic”

(Merck, 2012a)


”are not easily biodegradable.”

(Merck, 2012a)

The recommended way to recycle liquid crystal medium in metallurgical

melting processes is by incineration of the liquid crystal medium (Merck,

2012a). There are few long-term investigations of how the liquid crystal affects

the environment at this time, something which might be interesting to

investigate (Matharu and Wu, 2009).



In the area of recycling LCD monitors there are several issues to consider, some

of which are illustrated in the bullet list below.

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A lack of efficient recycling processes capable of coping with the amount

of LCDs in the waste stream (Kopacek, 2010, Peeters et al., 2011b)

Some of the LCD monitors contain hazardous materials such as mercury

(Peeters et al., 2011b, Salhofer et al., 2011, Boeni et al., 2012, Kim et al.,


The LCD monitors contain a variety of material (Socolof et al., 2005,

Schlummer et al., 2007, Peeters et al., 2011b, Salhofer et al., 2011, Boeni

et al., 2012)

A lack of information about the material composition of the products,

and existing information that is difficult for the recycling industry to

obtain (Salhofer et al., 2011, Vanegas et al., 2011, Peeters et al., 2011a)

An example of the amount of mercury put on the market is described by

Matharu and Wu (2009). Approximately 78.2 million 30 inch LCD television

sets were shipped from producers in 2007. If that number of television sets is

multiplied by the amount of mercury per television set (300mg), the amount of

mercury put on the market would equal approximately 23.46 tonnes worldwide.


The definition of automation can be stated as a process performing a task by

itself (Nof, 2009, Nationalencyklopedin, 2012). This means an automation

process can be any task without human intervention, for example a conveyor

belt moving objects from one place to another without any help from a human.

This is often the case when only one type of simpler task is required. As soon as

more advanced tasks are required for moving objects from one place to another

with specific positioning accuracy and time, this type of task requires more

equipment and information needs to be exchanged with the surrounding

environment. A good example is the usage of industrial robots. These systems

involve information exchange within the robots control system and can include

information exchange with surrounding equipment such a programmable logic

controller or the controller to industrial equipment. This entire system can also

be connected to an organisation’s local area network for access to information,

controlling and planning of the equipment. (Hodge, 2004, Nof, 2009)


According to Groover (2008), the most vital parts of an automated system are

(1) the power supply for all the parts of the system, (2) the instruction program

to manage the system, and (3) the control system of the actuators which perform

the instructions. A more detailed image is seen in Figure 18 below.

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Figure 18 Linkage between vital automation system parts (Groover, 2008, p.88)

The hierarchy in automation can be seen in five levels (Table 7), each of which

relates to the level of abstraction focused on. Level 1 focuses on local devices,

for example the feedback loop of information from a position sensor in an

electrical motor in a robot joint. Level 5, another abstraction level, focuses on

functionalities. (Groover, 2008)

Table 7 Level of manufacturing automation, modified from Groover (2008)

Level Geographic Description and examples

5 Enterprise level Corporate information system,

master production planning

4 Factory level Production system,

3 Cell system level Robot cell, production line, group of


2 Machine level Robot system, CNC machine

1 Device level Robot joint, one CNC axis

There are several types of automation, depending on the degree of automation

used. The degree of automation can be measured using the equation show in

Figure 19, where an operation is a stage in the manufacturing process, e.g.

drilling a set of holes in a piece of metal. (Nof, 2009)

Figure 19 Equation for calculating the degree of automation (Nof, 2009)

𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚

= 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

(3) (2)


Power supply

Program of

instruction Control system Process

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According to Nof (2009), an automatic system can either be fully-automatic or

semi-automatic. Krüger et al. (2009) have divided semi-automatic systems into

two types of systems, semi-automatic and hybrid automatic systems. The

systems are divided depending on how humans and the automated equipment

collaborate. The following two sub-chapters will describe the two different

automatic systems.


When an automated system is semi-automatic, the system contains process

stages which use human and automatic machines as resources. The work can be

divided geographically, or by time when the human and the machine

collaborate. The system can be built like a production line, i.e. using several

stations with one resource at each station. The resources in the production line

can be mixed with human and automated machines. This system divides human

and machine geographically. When a human and an automatic machine are

divided from each other by time, the human and the machine use the same work

area, but during different periods of time. Figure 20 below shows a time and

work schedule over two process stages in a production system where the human

and machine, represented in Figure 20 by a robot, share the two stages, but

during different times. (Krüger et al., 2009, Spath et al., 2009)

Figure 20 Workspace sharing (Krüger et al., 2009, p.630)


A hybrid automatic system includes human and automatic machine

collaboration in two workstations and is working in the same geographic area at

the same time. The collaboration requires some kind of interaction between the

human and the machine. One way of doing so is by using a force feedback

Handling time Assembly time




Workspace sharing


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system in an industrial robot system which the human uses to interact with the

robot. Figure 21, a similar figure to Figure 20 shows a time and work schedule

for a hybrid automated system. (Krüger et al., 2009)

Figure 21 Workspace and time sharing (Krüger et al., 2009, p.630)


In general, the recycling industry is divided into processes involving large

automated process plants for the recycling of materials, and manual disassembly

processes with recycling of materials and components. The use of semi-

automated dismantle processes is still not common practice in industry today.

(Cui and Forssberg, 2003, Yokoyama and Iji, 1993, Kopacek and Kopacek,

2006, Rousis et al., 2008)

The process starts with collection of the waste through a network of collection

stations and a transportation network. Material is often already roughly

manually sorted at the collection stations. The next step, at the recycling plant,

is to make a further manual sortation of materials into fractions. The third step is

to use a grinder or a shredder to decompose the material into fine fractions. The

fourth step is to use several different extraction processes such as flotation,

magnetism and eddy current (Rem et al., 1997). The final stage is to refine the

material, e.g. plastic material to plastic pellets and metal in a smelting process,

to create the final products. (Kell, 2009, Kellner, 2009)

Handling time Assembly time




Workspace and time-sharing


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There are in general three main ways to recover waste plastics: through energy

recovery or by chemical or mechanical material recycling (PlasticsEurope,

2011). Plastics recovered as fuel are often incinerated in water heating or power

plants. These types of plants are often fitted with advanced filtration systems to

prevent hazardous gases from being released into the environment (Eriksson and

Finnveden, 2009). Using plastics as fuel in energy recovery is fourth place in

the waste hierarchy (European Commision, 2008). The waste hierarchy is

illustrated in Figure 22 below.

Figure 22 Waste hierarchy (European Commision, 2008)

Recycling of plastics can be done by chemical processes or by mechanical

processes. In the chemical recycling process, the plastic molecule components

are separated from each other through the chemical, often a thermal, process.

The desired plastic molecule structure is then reconstructed and the new plastic

is created. The chemical recycling process does, however, create by-products

often different gases. These gases can be used as fuel in an energy recovery

process. (Miskolczi et al., 2006) Mechanical recycling contains a mechanical

process for separating the different plastics on a macro-level. The plastic can be

sorted in the original size or be shredded into smaller fractions and then sorted.

The European state-of-the art in mechanical plastic recycling plants includes

several different processes: decomposition, separation and sorting, and

granulation of the plastic products. The decomposition includes processes such

as shredding and grinding. Separation is often done by mechanical feeders,

while the sorting is done using flotation by the different densities of materials.

Other sorting processes are aerodynamic separation, electrostatic, Eddy current

(Rem et al., 1997), magnetic separation and manual sorting. (Froelich et al.,

2007) There are also technologies such as optical sensors and the use of melting

properties for the sorting of plastics (Malcolm Richard et al., 2011).

Prevent waste

Prepare products for re-use

Recycling of products

Other recovery e.g. energy recovery

Disposal of products e.g. landfill

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In the following list of technologies for the mechanical recycling of plastics, the

variation of available technologies today is apparent, and some of them are used

in industry.

The following nine technologies in the list below show the variation of available

technologies today for identifying different types of materials. Some of them are

used in already existing equipment.

1. Infrared spectroscopy – Identification of material using infrared light

(Sherman, 2000).

2. Near-infrared spectroscopy – Uses the same technology as the infrared,

but only in the near infrared spectrum (Salomonsson, 1995).

3. Electrostatic identification – Identification of materials by measuring the

materials’ ability to lose an electric charge over time (Hearn and Ballard,


4. Flotation – Identification of material by using the material’s density

(Shent et al., 1999).

5. Fluorescent markers – The plastic is marked by a substance/substances

that contain/contains information on what type of plastic it is (Ahmad,


6. Laser – A laser heats up the surface of the material and the material’s

ability to conduct heat is measured, making it possible to identify the

material (Flaferkamp et al., 1994).

7. Vision/optical grey scale – This technology compares an object against

the background and reference colour, to detect brighter and darker

objects. Filters and different lights can be used to identify objects with

specific colours, but the main purpose is to identify brighter and darker

objects (Riise et al., 2001).

8. Vision/optical colour scale – A technology that has the ability to identify

objects with different colours (SICK, 2009).

9. Ultrasound – When a sound wave with high frequency travels through an

object the sound waves become weakened by the materials’ ability to

absorb sound waves. By comparing the sound before and after it passes

through an object it is possible to identify the object (Lotfi and Hull,


To complement the list above, two lists below contain some equipment used in

different plastic recycling processes. The list is split into two parts: initially a

list for sorting equipment, and then a list for cleaning equipment.

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1. Gassner Retec™ – A machine constructed only for sorting and separation

rigid and non-rigid plastics (Gassner Retec, 2008).

2. Rotating disks – A machine with the same purpose as Gassner Retec™

mainly used today to separate different types of paper and cardboard

(Jonsson, 2008).

3. Flotation – Plastics are sorted by density in a chain of vats with fluids

which have different densities (Hillertz, 2008).

4. Centrifuge – Same principle as flotation but requires less water; the

number of objects to be sorted should be relatively small (Flottweg AG,


5. Criterion plus™ – Sorts different kinds of plastics, requires some manual

labour with incoming material (Binder-co, 2012).

6. MSS Vydar™ – Uses x-ray to sort two different types of plastic flakes

(Franz-Kahl, 2008).

7. MSS Sapphire™ – Uses NIR sensors to identify five of the selected

plastics (Magsep, 2009c).

8. MSS Binary BottleSort™ – Sorts five of the selected plastics, but only

rigid plastic (Franz-Kahl, 2009).

9. MSS Aladdin™ – Developed for sorting plastic bottles, maximum of three

kinds (Magsep, 2009a).

10. Scanmaster II™ – Sorts plastics by colour (Satake, 2009).

11. Colour vision sensor – Sorts objects by colour or colour combinations

(SICK, 2009).

12. Photocell – Uses a reflector to identify transparent and non-transparent

objects (SICK, 2009).

13. Colour photocell – Sorts objects by colour (SICK, 2009).

14. MSS Plastic Elpac™ – Sorts plastic and metal, both magnetic and

nonmagnetic. Requires small objects, flakes (Magsep, 2009b).

15. Magnets – Five types of techniques using magnets were investigated as

well. Static magnet (Storch Magnetics, 2008, EP Maskin AB, 2008).

The cleaning equipment is presented in the following list.

1. MR75™/MR110™ – Cleans plastics without water and requires plastic

flakes (30-50mm in diameter) (Pal.to, 2008).

2. KS-WLC300-2B™ – Cleans plastics with water/fluid with no

requirements on the incoming material (Stephanie, 2008).

All three lists above show some of the available technologies and equipment for

usage when sorting and cleaning plastics materials in a recycling process; when

refining the plastic materials, however, some other types of processes are

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needed. The processes are shredders and smelters, which make plastic pellets.

The shredders can be used before or after the cleaning process, depending on the

requirements for the incoming plastic material to the cleaning process. The

process which makes the plastic pellets is often located after the shredding or

cleaning process. (WRAP UK, 2012, Tsai et al., 2009)


LCD monitors are recycled using automated processes designed for a wide

variety of EEE; some processes, however, are developed to treat LCD monitors

more specifically. The common approaches for LCD monitor recycling are large

plants with shredders or manual disassembly. The shredding process is often

followed by a series of separation equipment to sort out ferrous and non-ferrous

metals, plastics and glass. (STENA Technoworld, 2011, Vanegas et al., 2011)

The separated metals are sent to smelters to become new raw material.

(UmiCore, 2012, Boliden, 2012) The plastic is sent to refining facilities and also

finally re-used in new applications. (WRAP UK, 2012, Tsai et al., 2009) LCD

recycling using this process flow is often mixed with other WEEE products. An

overview of the shredding and separation stages, adapted from Kell (2009), is

illustrated in Figure 23 below.

Figure 23 Process flow for mixed EEE recycling (Kell, 2009, p.96)


















Large capacitors






Stainless steel


Eddy current












Al rich


Cu rich


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A list with examples of equipment used in these processes is presented below.

1. Hammer mill – A form of shredding which smashes waste into smaller

fractions (Kell, 2009, Kellner, 2009, Stessel, 1996).

2. Chewer – A form of shredding which is used to shear waste into smaller

fractions (Kellner, 2009, Stessel, 1996).

3. Magnetic separation – Magnets are used to separate ferrous metals from

the remaining waste stream (Kell, 2009, Froelich et al., 2007, Cui and

Forssberg, 2003, Stessel, 1996).

4. Eddy current – Eddy current fields are used to separate non-ferrous

metals (Kell, 2009, Rem et al., 1997, Cui and Forssberg, 2003, Stessel,


5. Density separation – The materials’ different densities are used to

separate materials from each other. Types of processes are cyclones and

different liquid mediums, which can be used separately and in

combination with each other (Hillertz, 2008, Flottweg AG, 2008, Cui and

Forssberg, 2003, Stessel, 1996). Another type of separation process is

Jigging (Cui and Forssberg, 2003).

6. Electronic separation – The materials different electrostatic features are

used to separate the materials (Kell, 2009, Cui and Forssberg, 2003).


In the recycling industry, manual labour is often used in stages before the main

processes, such as shredding, for example in the dismantling of the products to

remove unwanted materials and remove materials of easy access and of high

value, and in the sorting of incoming materials to remove unwanted or separate

products or material of special interest. Using manual separation is an effective

way to make the first sorting and separation of the incoming materials. (Kellner,



The disassembly of a product can be divided into several operations; some

examples are identification of parts, orientation of product and fixation.

(Johansson et al., 1997) However, in the recycling industry there are often one

or several operations with sorting material before the actual disassembly

operations begin (Kell, 2009). When recycling plastics products the separation

of the products is not an issue. The issue, rather, is more related to sorting and

identification of the different plastics products. (Rios et al., 2003) The issue

with disassembly is revealed in the case of large LCD product recycling. A LCD

is in general not designed for disassembly (Matharu and Wu, 2009).

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When disassembling a product, the disassembly is done with the purpose of

reaching the components of interest. The components can be hom*ogenous

components, complex components, or modules. A hom*ogenous component is a

component of one solid item and contains no sub-components; an example of

such a component is the plastic back casing on a LCD monitor. A complex

component is a component containing two or more hom*ogenous

subcomponents. This component cannot usually be disassembled due to the

integration of the subcomponents. Examples of complex components are;

printed circuit boards, transformers, cathode ray tubes, rotors and stators. The

final target component is modules, and a module is a composition of

hom*ogenous and complex components that can be disassembled. If a module is

disassembled then its functionality is lost, and the item loses its value for

remanufacturing. Examples of modules are electric motors, optical units, cables,

batteries, and engines (Lambert and Gupta, 2005).

When a disassembly or dismantling process is performed in the recycling

industry, the process is performed to a breakpoint. The breakpoint is when the

process reaches the maximum profit for the actor performing the disassembly or

dismantling. All disassembly or dismantling before the breakpoint contributes to

an increase in revenues; after the breakpoint, disassembly contributes with a

decrease in revenues. Finally, the disassembly generates an economic loss after

the point marked with a Q in Figure 24. Some factors which decide the

breakpoint are: the materials recycled, the components recycled, the material

and component values, the cost of disassembly and the cost of material sent to

landfills. (Penev, 1996) The disassembly of a single product can be plotted as in

Figure 24, where the disassembly of the product is illustrated by the negative

slope of the disassembly curve. As soon as a component is removed from the

product the curve takes a step in a positive direction as the part removed brings

revenue at a specific time ts, e.g. t1 and t2. As Figure 24 illustrates, not all

disassembled parts complements the disassembly time multiplied with the

disassembly cost (the negative slope of the disassembly curve) with enough of

revenues. From the environmental perspective, all parts removed during

disassembly generate a positive environmental impact. (Lambert and Gupta,

2005) The challenge for the recycling industry is to be able to judge the

breaking point for the products to be disassembled. (Penev, 1996, Gungor and

Gupta, 1999)

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Figure 24 Disassembly cost, modified from Lambert and Gupta (2005)


The following issues are some of the reasons why there are challenges with the

disassembly of products, done both manually and automatically:

No clear product specification (Penev, 1996, Santochi et al., 2002).

A lack of information about the product and the components within the

product (Penev, 1996).

o Lack of information about what material the components are made of

(Penev, 1996).

o Lack of information on what service has been done with the product

(Penev, 1996).

o Lack of information about where the connection points are (Penev,


o Lack of information about the quality of the materials in the products

(Penev, 1996, Santochi et al., 2002).

o Lack of information about if any hazardous material is present within the

product, e.g. mercury and batteries (Lambert and Gupta, 2005).

Variation of products (Penev, 1996, Lambert and Gupta, 2005, Santochi et

al., 2002).

Difficulty to decide the breakpoint when disassembling unknown products

(Penev, 1996, Gungor and Gupta, 1999).

Variations in the time to perform the disassembly (Penev, 1996).

Difficulties in predicting the material value (Santochi et al., 2002).

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Manual disassembly within the recycling industry is often performed at work

stations equipped with all the disassembly tools the operator needs. Examples of

tools are: rotation tables, clamping mechanisms, pneumatic screw drives,

pneumatic cutting devices, trays, crowbars, and hammers. (Penev, 1996,

Lambert and Gupta, 2005)


When using automatic disassembly systems for reusing, refurbishing, or

recycling products the systems are often limited to a single product or a group of

products. The quantity of the product or group of products needs to be sufficient

to make the system economically profitable. (Steinhilper, 1998, Kopacek and

Kopacek, 2006) The number of automatic disassembly systems is few, and only

pilot projects have been performed at research institutes. This is mainly due to

the development of automated systems in the area of assembly, and not in the

area of disassembly. (Kopacek and Kopacek, 2006)


To design a disassembly-efficient product the valuable components need to be

able to be removed first, and the disassembly needs to end before the point

where it becomes uneconomical. (Forss and Terselius, 1994) When designing a

product according to design for disassembly (DFD) the design can be applied at

different levels of complexity. The different levels are the company level,

product level, product structure level, component level, and connecting method

level. (Johansson, 1997) General DFD principles related to the different product

levels presented above are illustrated in Table 8 below. The general principles

are generated to be able to design disassembly-friendly products. (Johansson,


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Table 8 General DFD principles (Johansson, 1997, p.88-89)


property DFD principle Product level


se o






Separation points should be visibly located Product structure

Connectors should be visibly located and possible to

disassemble by use of standard tools

Product structure/ Choice

of connector method

Hazardous parts should be clearly marked Component design

Mark all plastic parts and similar parts for ease of


Component design





Fasteners should be easy to access Product structure

Locate draining points for easy access Product structure

Locate non-recyclable parts in one area which can be

quickly removed and discarded

Product structure

Locate parts with the highest value in easily accessible


Product structure

Access and break-points should be made obvious Product structure


se o

f se




Minimise the number of different types of materials Component design

(Material choice)

Use non-aging/corrosive materials Component deign

(Material choice)

Make subassemblies and inseparable parts from the

same or compatible materials

Component deign

(Material choice)

Connectors should be easy to remove Choice of connection


Hazardous parts should be easily removed Product structure

Eliminate incomparable labels on plastic parts Component deign

(Material choice)

Avoid moulded-in metal inserts on plastic parts Product structure

Standardise connecting techniques Choice of connection


Uniform disassembly direction Product structure

Minimise the number of connectors Choice of connection


Try to use connectors of material compatible with the

components joined

Choice of connection


If two parts cannot be compatible make them easy to


Choice of connection


Make designs as modular as possible, with separation of


Product structure

Eliminate adhesives unless compatible with both parts


Choice of connection


Connections can be designed to break as an alternative

to removing fasteners

Choice of connection



se o






Minimise the number of parts Product structure

Avoid non-rigid parts Component design

Leave surface available for grasping Component design

Avoid reorientation operations during disassembly Product structure

Design parts for stability during disassembly Component design

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This chapter will be the part of the thesis that will answer the research

questions (RQs) previously asked in Chapter one, Introduction. The chapter is

divided into three sections, each related to the appended papers.


The text presented in this section is generated from the paper written by Elo and

Sundin (2009) with the title Automation of Plastic Recycling – A Case Study

(Paper I).

This section is linked to RQ 1 and RQ 3, presented in Section 1.5, Research

Questions, and aims to answer these questions. The aim is also to present an

investigation of the possibilities to create an automated plastic recycling plant

capable of sorting, separating, cleaning and granulating plastics common in

Swedish household and industry disposal waste.

The research resulting in the Automation of Plastic Recycling – A Case Study

was performed in cooperation with the recycling company IL Recycling. The

project was performed according to the methodology presented by Ulrich and

Eppinger (2008). The data were collected through literature review and

discussion with employees at IL Recycling’s plants in Linköping and Örebro.


The main tasks for automated recycling plants are to sort, separate, clean and

granulate plastics for recycling. The sorting of plastics for recycling can be

divided in to the following stages:

1. Sort and separate metals from other materials

2. Sort and separate plastics and non-plastics

3. Sort and separate rigid and non-rigid plastics

4. Sort and separate coloured and non-coloured plastics

5. Sort and separate the selected common plastic groups

The selected common plastic groups in Sweden are PET, PP, LDPE, HDPE,

PVC, PS and other plastics. The reason for the selection of these groups was

that these groups are defined by the DIN 6120 standard, and labelling and

grouping according to this standard is recommended by the Swedish

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organisation Registrering för Producentansvar (REPA, 2011). The cleaning of

the respective sorted plastics needs to be done individually, and the plastics

cannot be mixed again due to the need for new sortation if the plastics are



The result of the literature review of technologies, interviews and industrial

visits was the identification of two concepts of automated plastic recycling

plants. The first alternative consisted of conventional technologies which use

sensors for detecting plastics and other materials. The second alternative uses a

combination of sensors and added markers in the plastics to identify the plastics

of interest.

The two resulting alternatives use the same five steps to sort the incoming

material. The sorting order is seen in Figure 25 below. The materials which are

products from the sortation are: non-rigid plastics and non-coloured plastics

sorted in the fractions of the plastic types; PET, PP, LDPE, HDPE, PS, PVC and

other plastics; and coloured plastics sorted in the fractions. The remaining by-

products are metal and non-plastic materials such as gravel, wood and paper.

Figure 25 Sorting and separation steps, modified from Elo and Sundin (2009)

Step 5

Step 4

Step 5

Step 3

Step 2

Step 1

Incoming material

Material Magnetic and non-

magnetic metals

Plastic Non-plastic

Rigid plastic Non-rigid plastic

Non-coloured plastic Coloured plastic



other plastics



other plastics

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The separation and sorting steps in Figure 25 above are realized by using the

five following technologies:

Step 1. A magnetic roll (Figure 26), together with a conveyor belt, which

separates metals and non-metal materials. The speed of the conveyor belt

makes it possible to separate objects made of non-ferrous metals from

other materials. (Storch Magnetics, 2008, EP Maskin AB, 2008)

Figure 26 Alternatives 1 and 2 in Process Step 1, modified from Elo and Sundin (2009)

Step 2. Non-metallic objects made of e.g. wood, paper, cardboard etc. are

separated from the material flow using a technique called electrostatic

identification/charge relaxation (Figure 27). The different materials’

electrical relaxation is used to identify the material. The incoming

materials are at first bombarded with electrodes by an ionizing bar. The

electric charge is then measured at measurement station one. The object

is left to rest during the transportation to measurement station two where

the electrostatic charge is measured again. Finally, the electrostatic

relaxation is calculated and the object is categorised depending on the

material’s electrostatic characteristics. (Hearn and Ballard, 2005) The

separation of the materials is done using a pneumatic system which uses

air bursts to change the falling object’s trajectory. When an object is

affected by the air burst, it lands on a different conveyor belt than if the

object were not affected by the air burst.


Non-metal material

Non-magnetic metal material

Magnetic metal material

Direction of material flow

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Figure 27 Alternative 1 in Process Step 2, modified from Elo and Sundin (2009)

Step 3. To separate rigid and non-rigid plastics the mechanical process

Gassner Retec™ is used. This process step is illustrated in Figure 28. The

Gassner Retec™ machine uses the mechanical properties of rigid and

non-rigid plastic to separate the plastics. The non-rigid plastics catch on

to hooks on the tilting conveyor belts and travel upwards, while the rigid

plastics skid on the tilting conveyors and fall down to a conveyor on a

lower level. (Gassner Retec, 2008)

Figure 28 Alternative 1 in Process Step 3, modified from Elo and Sundin (2009)

Step 4. For the separation of coloured and non-coloured plastics a colour

sensor and a reflector are used (Figure 29). The sensor uses the optical

properties of the coloured and non-coloured plastic to be able to separate

them. (SICK, 2009) In this process step, the incoming plastics are aligned

Non-plastic material

Plastic material

Direction of material flow

Measurement 1 & 2




Ionizing bar


Rigid plastic

Non-rigid plastic

Direction of material flow



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and then investigated by a colour senor. The sensor signals the next stage

in the process, the pneumatic system, depending on if the object is to be

sorted to another conveyor or not. The pneumatic system is the same as

used to sort the different plastics in Process Step 2, as illustrated in

Figure 27 above.

Figure 29 Alternative 1 in Process Step 4, modified from Elo and Sundin (2009)

Step 5. To be able to separate PET, PP, LDPE, HDPE, PS, PVC and other

plastics the machine Criterion plus™ is used (Figure 30). The machine

uses near infra-red sensors to separate the different plastics. (Binder-co,

2012, Sherman, 2000)

Figure 30 Sorting process of plastics using Criterion plus™ (Elo and Sundin, 2009, p.939)

Non-coloured plastic

Coloured plastic



Pneumatic system Conveyor 1

Conveyor 2

Direction of material flow

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The sorting and separation steps in Figure 25 above are realized using one ultra-

violet sensor, together with a set of fluorescent markers added in the plastics and

the same technology used in the first step of the concept. In today’s technology,

a magnetic roll is used together with a conveyor belt (Figure 26). The magnetic

roll and the conveyor separate metal objects from the flow of material. The

sorting and separation of step 2 through 5 is made using the sensor and the

florescent markers added in the plastic. This process step is illustrated in Figure

31 below.

Figure 31 Alternative 2 in Process Steps 2 to 5. Modified from Elo and Sundin (2009)


Both the alternatives for automated plastic recycling plants work if all the

requirements are fulfilled. A common requirement for both alternatives is that

the incoming material should be spread onto the conveyor instead of staying in

pressed plastic bundles. Alternative two, fluorescent marking, also requires that

all incoming material is marked in a predefined way, and that the marking can

be interpreted independent of the orientation of the material on the conveyor.

The common requirements to spread material onto a conveyor are possible to

solve even today. There are several different types of equipment that solve this

problem, one of these types is already owned by IL Recycling and used daily.

Florescent marking requires that all incoming plastic to industry and households

should be marked. This means that all producers that deliver plastic products to

Sweden have to mark their plastic. To be able to do this, there must be a global

standard plastic marking.

Plastic material flow

Non plastic materials

Direction of material flow

UV – light UV – detector





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The theoretical section treats sorting of pure plastic. The effect of how the

sorting will be affected by mixed plastics is not known, and needs to be

investigated further. The results are conceptual in nature, and thus not verified

by implementation in industry.



The text presented in this section is generated from the paper written by Elo and

Sundin (2010) with the title Requirements and Needs of Automatic Material

Recycling of Flat Panel Displays (Paper II).

This section is linked to RQ 2, presented in Section 1.5, Research Questions,

and aims to address this question. The objective is also to show the different

requirements to develop an automated recycling plant for the recycling of large

liquid crystal displays.



Some liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors contain cold cathode florescent

lamps (CCFLs) which contain mercury, and because of this the plants need to

fulfil all Swedish regulations, environmental laws and work environmental

laws. The Swedish work environmental authority requires that the limit value of

airborne mercury cannot be higher than 0.01mg/m3 during eight hours in the

work environment. Airborne mercury comes in the form of dust, gas, fog,

smoke or steam. (Swedish Work Environment Authority, 2005)

The Swedish chemical agency requires that storage and safe-keeping of mercury

or material contaminated by mercury shall be carried out in a closed and locked

space which is unreachable for children and none authorized persons. The

mercury, material contaminated by mercury and its container shall be treated as

hazarded material and shall not be released into the environment. (Swedish

Chemical Agency, 2010)


The general waste flow of WEEE in Sweden is through two separate waste

flows, the first controlled by El-kretsen and the second by the recycling

companies themselves. The waste flow controlled by El-kretsen is distributed to

the recycling companies and delivered in cages, as illustrated in Figure 32

below. The plants need to handle all incoming materials. In order to automate

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the plant some requirements are needed on the incoming material, and to be able

to fulfil these requirements the incoming material needs to be identified and

sorted. The identifications that need to be carried out are as follows. The

incoming displays need to be identified due to the possibility that the incoming

material will include material that is not some type of display. An additional

identification is the identification of the different types of displays (LCDs,

plasma display panel, organic light emitting diodes etc.), due to the different

structural designs and the components which require different recycling

approaches. If a LCD monitor or LCD television is present in the sorting stage it

also needs to be identified for the same reason as the previous identification.

Depending on if the display contains a CCFL or a light emitting diode (LED)

back light unit, the display can be treated in different ways; this is why displays

need to be identified depending on if they contain CCFL or LED back light

units. A damaged LCD monitor or television with a broken CCFL also needs to

be identified. If a damaged monitor or television is undetected and separated

there is a risk of contaminating the processed materials. The separation of the

incoming materials needs to be done according to the same structure as the

identification of the incoming materials. The separation stages are: displays and

other incoming material; the different display types; separation of LCD

monitors and LCD televisions; and separation of the displays, which are thought

to contain broken CCFLs or mercury-contaminated material.

Figure 32 WEEE cages (Elo and Sundin, 2010, p.6)

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The available materials in a LCD monitor and of interest for recycling are:

metal (42.8wt%), plastic (24wt%), cables (0.4wt%), glass (25.5wt%), printed

circuit boards (6.9wt%), pollutants (0.3wt%) and other materials (0.4wt%).

(Swico Recycling, 2009)

The materials and components which are to be processed in a waste recycling

facility include: plastics like polymethyl methacrylate (Peeters et al., 2011a, Li

et al., 2009), common as a light guide; acrylonitrile butaliene styrene (Granta

CES, 2010), common in the external plastic hood; metals like copper, which are

found in the printed circuit boards and cables; and aluminium or sheet metal,

found in back plates and frames. Printed circuit boards can be divided into two

fractions, one with high-valued printed circuit boards and one in with low-

valued printed circuit boards. If there is no interest, e.g. no economic benefit, in

recycling the LCD panel as a component, then it is possible to recycle the glass

material in the LCD panel. If there is interest, then there are several materials or

components that can be recycled. The recyclable materials are indium and

polyvinyl alcohol, while the components are liquid crystals and polarization

film. (Hunt et al., 2009, Shin-Lian et al., 2008, Park et al., 2009) These

materials and components need to be identified, sorted and separated.


The automated recycling plant needs to handle the incoming material and

identify, sort, separate and handle the resulting products. It may be

economically difficult to motivate the automation of all production processes,

and therefore manual operations should be considered. For example, the

identification and separation of some uncommon displays may be done

manually in order to achieve high flexibility and accuracy. Other production

processes that are needed besides the identification and separation are

disassembly or dismantling, material transport, material storage and storage of

mercury and mercury-contaminated material.


The requirements to create an automated recycling plant with focus on liquid

crystal displays are:

The plant or process shall fulfil all rules and regulations stated by the

Swedish government and it is agencies.

The plan or process shall be able to handle all the incoming material,

e.g.: different types of displays (LCDs, PDPs, OLEDs and other types)

and other electronic waste.

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The plat shall be able to identify the incoming material e.g. type of

display (LCDs, PDPs, OLEDs and other types), monitors and televisions.

The plant or process shall also be able to identify what type of back light

unit the monitor or television contains and if it is damaged.

Sort and separate the incoming materials.

Disassemble or dismantle the incoming materials.

Sort and separate the components and materials of interest, e.g.: plastics,

metals, high and low-value printed circuit boards and LCD panels.


The text presented in this section is generated from the paper written by Elo and

Sundin (2011) with the title Conceptual Process Development of Automatic

Disassembly of Flat Panel Displays for Material Recycling (Paper III).

This section is linked to Section 1.4, Research question, with the aim to answer

RQ4. The aim is also to explore different technical concepts of an automated

recycling plant which copes with the requirements and needs mentioned. The

result presented in the previous section, i.e. a list of requirements needed by an

automated recycling plant, is the foundation for the results in this section.



In the beginning of the concept development phase, the recycling system is

divided into three stages: the pre-process stage, the main process stage and the

post-process stage. The pre-process stage entails taking care of incoming

products, and includes preparing, controlling and sorting. Preparing the products

includes e.g. removal of cables and stands from LCD monitors. Controlling the

products includes investigating the products and identifying if the products are

of the specific type desired. After controlling the products, they are sorted

according to product type. The unwanted products are separated from the

material flow and do not continue to the main process stage. The main process

includes dismantling of the products and removal of the CCFLs in the products.

The post-process stage includes separation and sorting of the materials in the

products which have been opened. The separation includes removing the

different materials of interest from the rest of the product, and then sorting the

materials into containers dedicated to the specific material. Figure 33 visualises

the overall view of the process chain of the automated recycling process.

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Figure 33 Recycling process stages (Elo and Sundin, 2011, p.199)

To get the chain of the pre-process, main process and post-process to work

together, all the processes need to be fulfilled. To develop one of the processes,

inputs or outputs are needed from the other processes. This means that to

develop one of the processes, the others need to be developed first. The research

group decided to develop one of the processes without having a clear picture of

the other processes and the decision came to develop the main process first. This

is because the development of the main process influences both the pre-process

stage and the post-process stage, and the main process stage contained the

largest challenge for the research group.


Since the main processes were selected to be the key process in the research

project, the work started with investigating different types of technologies for

opening and removing the CCFLs in LCD monitors.

The exploration of different technologies for the main process came to a list of

several technologies suitable for the purpose. The list of the technologies is

presented below.

Manual – this was the reference concept which is in use in many

recycling companies today.

Band saw – saw machine with a band blade which mechanically removes

material from LCD monitors. The monitors are handled with an

industrial robot.

Circular saw – saw machine equipped with a circular saw that removes

material from LCD monitors the same way as a band saw. The monitors

are handled with an industrial robot.

Double circular saw – similar to the circular saw concept the different

being that this equipment uses two saw blades mounted beside each one

another and rotating in opposite directions. The monitors are handled

with an industrial robot.

Circular saw fixture – a circular saw is used together with a fixture to

fixate the LCD monitors before the cuts.


• Preparartion

• Control

• Sorting

Main process

• Dismantling

• Removal of CCFLs


• Separation

• Sorting

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Water jet – a mixture of high-pressure water and abrasive (fine sand)

erosion removes material from LCD monitors. The water transports and

removes the materials, while the abrasive speeds up the removal of

materials. The monitors are handled with an industrial robot.

Laser – a laser beam evaporates the material that the laser beam focuses

on. The vapours are removed with a ventilation system. The monitors are

handled with an industrial robot.


To be able to prioritise the different technologies mentioned in the previous

section, the different requirements for the processes were identified and

weighted. The weighting is visualised in Table 9 below, with the following


Capacity – the production capacity in terms of monitors per hour.

Ease of use – the education level needed to run the equipment.

Durability – the ability of the equipment to fit with existing or new


Product flexibility – the ability of the equipment to process a variety of


Investment cost – the amount of investment into the process equipment.

Working environment – the environment for the worker using the

equipment or in the area surrounding of the equipment.

Operational cost – the cost to run the equipment during a year.

Table 9 Requirements with wieghting (Elo and Sundin, 2011, p.201)

Requirement Weighting

Capacity 31%

Durability 15%

Investment cost 13%

Operational cost 12%

Working environment 11%

Product flexibility 10%

Ease of use 6%

The weighting of the list was done by the participants in the research project

AutoDisA, and within the framework of a bachelor’s thesis by Sundberg (2010)

at Linköping University.

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The concepts and the requirements presented in the previous section were used

in an evaluation table called concept scoring, which is described in Section 2.4.

The exception, and omitted from the matrix, is laser technology. The reason for

this is that the investment cost of the technology does not motivate further

investigation of the technology. The results from the concept scoring method

are illustrated in Table 10 below.

Table 10 Process concept scoring table, modified from Elo and Sundin (2011)















Criteria Wei




























Capacity 31% 3 0.93 5 1.55 5 1.55 5 1.55 5 1.55 2 0.62

Durability 15% 3 0.45 3 0.45 3 0.45 3 0.45 3 0.45 2 0.30

Investment cost 13% 3 0.39 2 0.26 2 0.26 2 0.26 1 0.13 1 0.13

Operational cost 12% 3 0.36 2 0.24 2 0.24 2 0.24 2 0.24 1 0.12


environment 11% 3 0.33 3 0.33 3 0.33 3 0.33 1 0.11 4 0.44


flexibility 10% 3 0.30 4 0.40 4 0.40 4 0.40 4 0.40 1 0.10

Ease of use 6% 3 0.18 2 0.12 2 0.12 1 0.06 1 0.06 1 0.06

Total score 2.94 3.35 3.35 3.29 2.94 1.77

Rank 4 1 1 3 4 6

Continue? No Yes Yes No No No

The two conceptual processes for automatic disassembly of flat panel displays

with the highest scoring are the band saw and the circular saw. These two

“winning” concepts both use the same type of mechanical cutting, but with

different cutting tools. Therefore, only one of the sawing processes needs to be

investigated in practice with more tests in the future research. However, the

selected sawing method is the circular saw due to a higher number of different

types of cutting tools available on the market. The other concepts which have

been investigated in this paper are the double circular saw, the circular saw

fixture, the laser and the water jet. Future work will be to test the winning

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concept in practice to see if the concept is plausible on an industrial scale and

economically defendable.


The LCD monitor dismantling process to develop is initially divided into three

sub-processes, namely pre-process, main process and post-process. The main

process was decided to be the key process, and for that reason developed first.

The technologies selected for investigation of if they were suitable for the main

process were several. The technologies were evaluated with the support of the

process requirements defined in Paper II, presented in the previous section. The

evaluation was made according to the concept scoring method. The most

suitable technologies according to the scoring method were the band saw and

circular saw technologies. The remaining technologies were omitted.


A recycling system for recycling flat panel displays shall fulfil all of the

requirements presented in Section 4.2, Requirements for Automated Large

Liquid Crystal Display Recycling. A hybrid automated recycling system using

the process presented in Section 4.3, Conceptual Process Development, will

fulfil the technical requirement. However, a hybrid system will have problems

fulfilling the work environmental requirements since the operator will share the

environment with the process equipment, both in time and space. This

environment will contain the hazardous materials mercury and liquid crystal.

The operator could use protection equipment such as protective glasses,

respiratory protection equipment, and a protective suit. This would not be a step

forward from the work environment perspective. However, the capacity will

probably increase, which is a positive contribution to industry. If a semi-

automated system is implemented instead, then the operator is able to be

geographically separate from the process and the work environment will fulfil

the requirements. The semi-automatic process fulfils requirements in the same

way as a hybrid system, but without the drawback of the work environment.

This process will also have a better production capacity compared with a

manual recycling process.

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This chapter is dedicated to discussions and conclusions based on the previous

chapters in the thesis. The chapter begins with the presentation of the industrial and

academic contribution of the research, along with a discussion. The chapter continues

with the research’s relationship to other research projects and the linkage to the

recycling industry. Next is the conclusion, which contains answers to all four RQs

posed in Chapter 1, before the chapter ends with suggestions for future research.



The four RQs can be divided into two areas: one related to research involving

recycling of plastics, and one related to research concerning recycling of large

LCD monitors. Both areas are divided into two types of RQs (see Table 11); the

first type is to help get an understanding of the problems in the area of research,

while the other is to gather knowledge and develop solutions to the problems

found in the previous type of question.

Table 11 Relationship between the type of RQ and research area

Problem-oriented Solution-oriented

Recycling of plastics RQ 1 RQ 3

Recycling of large liquid

crystal displays RQ 2 RQ 4

Dividing the RQs into two types has contributed to first obtaining knowledge

and discovering problems in the research areas, and second being able to find

new knowledge and develop solutions to the problems discovered. If the

research only had been focused on developing solutions and discovering new

knowledge from the start, the risk would had been greater for looking problems

of the past from industry and the academic points of view. (Potts, 1993) The

drawback with the approach of first investing the problems and then developing

solutions is that the research is influenced by the problem holders, i.e. the

recycling industry. This means that the objectivity of the research can be

questioned. As long at the involved researchers have an awareness of the

questionable objectivity, the more likely the researchers are to manage the

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objectivity. Research closely linked to industry is more likely to contribute to

society in a shorter time span than other research. This is because of the

possibility of overhearing of the information between industry and academia.

(Potts, 1993)


The research methods used in the research presented in this thesis (see Chapter

2) are industry-as-laboratory, action research and experimental research.

Initially, when the research problem was the focus, as in RQ 1 and RQ 2, the

research methods industry-as-laboratory and action research where utilized.

When the research matured and became more focused on solving problems, as

in RQ 3 and RQ 4, the methods utilized shifted, mainly from using industry-as-

laboratory to being complemented with the use of action research and

experimental research.

There are some disadvantages with using the methods industry-as-laboratory,

action research and experimental research. For example, industry-as-

laboratory states how research shall be executed, but does not offer techniques

for how to gather information or any guidelines (Potts, 1993). The lack of

techniques has been compensated for with the use of techniques taken from

action research, experimental research and the concept development methods.

Examples of techniques are literature reviews, focus groups (Oosthuizen, 2002)

and one-group pre-tests (Tanner, 2002a). Another example of a drawback is

related to the method experimental research, which is focused on hypothesis

testing using experiments. This requires the researcher have an understanding of

the problem and have general principles to test. (Tanner, 2002a) Since the

problems were initially unclear, the method was only useful in the later stages of

the research. Another example is the techniques related to the action research

method, were in many cases the techniques were not useful due to the research

method being related to the research field of social science (Oosthuizen, 2002).

Some techniques where however utilized in the research.

The usage of concept development methods in the research was done when

different types of technologies and processes were evaluated and selected.

Worth considering when using these types of methods is the impact on the

results of: the selection of the reference alternative, the selected requirement

together with the weighting, and the person or persons who performs the

weighting and prioritizing. The methods are, however, a structured, effective

and concrete way of evaluate product, system or process alternatives compared

to a reference alternative.

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All the research methods presented in Chapter 2 have been used; however, none

of the methods have been used entirely, i.e. none of the methods have been

followed completely. The reason for this is that none of the methods completely

fit with the research performed. During future research, the selection of the

research method should be reconsidered and be discussed with senior researcher

to be able to find a fitting research method.


The results in the paper Automation in the Recycling Industry – A Case Study

were entirely theoretical, and no tests in a laboratory environment or industrial

environment were done. The results, two non-validated processes, require some

kind of validation before any conclusion can be made to put the systems into an

industrial application. In particular, the compatibility between the different

processes in the proposed systems must be verified. Another factor which needs

to be further investigated in the system is the setup of the sorting steps. There

are five sorting steps in the systems presented in Figure 25 for separation of

plastic into a total 15 different fractions. It is ambitious to separate all 15

fractions and industry might only need to focus on some of the fractions; for

example, it might only focus on separation of rigid non-coloured plastic into the

different plastic types PET, PP, LDPE, HDPE, PS, PVC and other plastics due

to the DIN 6120 standard (REPA, 2011). The other fractions to sort might be

non-rigid plastics and coloured rigid plastics. In other words, do not separate

coloured rigid plastics into the fractions PET, PP, LDPE, HDPE, PS, PVC and

other plastics.

As mentioned in Section 4.1 the second recycling alternative, the system using

fluorescent marking, requires that all plastic to recycle is marked according to a

standard (Ahmad, 2000). Introducing such a marking standard will require that

all plastic producers and recycling companies need to agree to use this marking

standard. A possibility is to use and complement the existing labelling. Another

alternative is that the Swedish government, European Union or some

environmental organisation engage in implementing a marking standard.

However, the recyclers can still use other recycling technologies to recycle

plastic, and do not need to use the florescent markers for recycling plastics.

Thus, if it is possible to separate and sort plastics for recycling without using

florescent markers, why use the markers? There is an extra investment for the

society to invest in a marking system when other technologies can do the same

thing without florescent markings. The positive side of using fluorescent

markings in plastics for identification is the possibility to make faster and more

accurate measurements during the sorting process (Ahmad, 2000). The plastics

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can also be sorted in to finer fractions within the same plastic type, i.e. plastics

of the same type but with different purity can be sorted and separated (Ahmad,

2000). However, additional additive to be able to perform identification via

fluorescent markings will degrade the plastic quality (Gupta, 2011). To

summarize the drawbacks of implementation of florescent markings the

following list is presented:

A new labelling standard is required

The plastic material requires an additive to be identified

The labelling needs to be implemented on all household and industrial


The recyclers need to be able to secure a satisfactory quantity of plastic

to be able to invest in a plant applying the technology with fluorescent


At this time, the alternative with fluorescent markers is probably a greater cost

then an ecological and economic win when implementing florescent marking,

due to the drawbacks and the competition of the state-of-the-art technologies



The results presented in Section 4.3 and in Paper III, which is presented in the

appendix, say that the circular saw and band saw processes are suitable for the

dismantling of LCD monitors. The processes presented are not newly developed

processes; they have been present in the manufacturing industry since the late


century (Richter et al., 2009, Woodbury, 1960). However, the application of

these processes in the recycling industry has not occurred before in any greater

scale. The reasons for the possibility to use the processes are the development of

the tool’s user in the processes and the change of requirements, and the

approach in the recycling industry.

In the investigation of the requirements for the recycling process for LCD

monitors, industry representatives and the other partners in the recycling

projects were included in an exploratory survey (Tanner, 2002b). The result is

presented in Table 9, while the number of responses, in total seven persons, is

presented in Table 12 below. This number of responses is not enough for

statistic validity, and the result to be seen more as a guideline. Since seven

persons have been asked to weight the requirements in the survey, the answer

were different depending on person due to the different backgrounds,

knowledge and experience. However, the results were validated through

discussions with all participants in the research group and the results have been

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accepted to be used as guidelines in the research projects. The requirements are

suited as a translation of some issues presented in Section 3.4.5 and 3.6.1, which

indicates that the requirements are relevant for the research.

Table 12 Survey participants (Elo and Sundin, 2011, p.201)

Type of organization Number of people

responding to the survey

System integrator 1

Recycling company 1

Research institute 2

University 3

Total 7

Since the technical tests of dismantling processes were made in a small-scale

laboratory environment at a university, the equipment at the test site was not

optimal. The purpose of the tests was to give the researchers an understanding

of the problem and, by studying the worst-case scenarios, get an understanding

for the possibilities for the different technologies. This is in line with the

research methodology experimental research (Christensen, 1993). The

equipment used in the tests was considered to be sufficient to be used in the

laboratory tests due to the purpose of the tests. What the test did not show were

the long-term effects of using the different technologies, and these kinds of tests

are required to secure the suitability of the technologies to fulfil the

requirements for an LCD monitor recycling process. The research done only

shows that this is one way of creating a recycling process for EEE recycling,

and does not show the absolute best and only solution. The number of selected

and tested technologies was in total seven in the beginning, and later was

reduced to six technologies. It is not possible to claim that these six technologies

are the ones that fulfil the requirements. There is a possibility that there are

other technologies, not investigated in this research, which fulfil the

requirements which have been the starting point for the technology

investigation. To be able to find other technologies, further investigation is

required with another composition of industrial representatives and persons

from academia to ensure that the problems and technologies are put into another

perspective. Since the research methodologies used, i.e. industry-as-laboratory

and action research, are both cyclic, this makes it easy to update and include

new technologies. This does also include the concept development methods.

The suitability of a semi-automatic recycling process needs to be validated

before any future work can be done. One validation which will contribute to

determining the suitability is to perform a simulation showing the expected size

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of the system and how the system can be scaled up or down in capacity. This is

important as the capacity is the highest rated requirement. The use of semi-

automatic recycling processes for the recycling of LCD monitors is in its initial

stages, and is not exploited in industry with the exception of some pilot plants,

but the idea of a semi-automatic process is supported by researchers in

academia (Kopacek and Kopacek, 1999, Ryan et al., 2010, Scholz-Reiter et al.,

1999, Kim et al., 2009).

The dismantling of LCD monitors requires information which needs to be

collected. Information in the exterior features such as shape, size, position and

orientation can be mined in several ways, e.g. via vision systems and different

sensors. However, the information about the material content and the structural

design of the monitors is challenging to collect, and is one of the important

issues in the recycling industry according to Penev (1996), Santochi et al.

(2002), Lambert and Gupta (2005).

The generated conceptual process for dismantling LCD monitors is done for one

key purpose, removal of cold cathode fluorescent lamps, before further

processing for recycling. However, is not the recycling problem with LCD

monitors a temporary problem, since the mercury-containing LCD monitor will

be phased out with time? Yes, the problem is temporary. The LCD monitors and

other LCD units using cold cathode fluorescent lamps as backlight units are

expected to be replaced. The replacement is LCDs with a backlight unit

containing light emitting diodes, or to be entirely replaced by organic light

emitting diodes (Boeni et al., 2012). The problem is temporary but still

important to manage, and for two reasons. First, to remove the mercury in the

cold cathode fluorescent lamps from the material waste stream, and second, ot

minimize the loss of materials due to the mercury contamination of material

(Sundin et al., 2012). A reminder is the example from Matharu and Wu (2009)

were the amount of mercury in LCDs close to the end-of-life can be

approximately 23.46 tonnes worldwide. There is expected to be a decrease in

products containing CCFL in approximately four to six years (Boeni et al.,

2012). Until then, the amount of mercury will increase in the waste stream.

The resulting technology of the circular saw, presented in Section 4.3, might be

possible to use in a similar recycling process for another type of EEE product

causing problems for the recycling industry, e.g. LCD televisions and other

FPDs. Another product from the automotive industry which needs to be

recycled is car batteries from hybrid cars powered by a combustion engine and

electrical motors.

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The research presented in this thesis has investigated processes, from a technical

perspective, to remove material and components from LCD monitors which

contain mercury. The processes are not of the kind that utilise shredding before

further processing and recycling. These types of processes are also presented by

Ladanyi and Miklosi (2006) and Kopacek (2010). The research related to the

research presented in this thesis complements the research presented by Ladanyi

and Miklosi (2006) and Kopacek (2010) with: testing alternative technologies

for LCD monitors, LCD laptop screens and LCD television dismantling;

showing the possibility to create new products from rejected LCD monitors

(Felix, 2011); and presenting guidelines for new environmental legislation and

environmental labelling (Jönbrink, 2012). Some examples of products created

from LCD monitor components which are related to this research is presented

by (Felix, 2011, BOID, 2013). The products are different types of illuminating

flat lamps as illustrated in Figure 34 below. Another example of material reuse

from LCD monitors is the result presented by Hunt et al. (2010), where

Polyvinyl-alcohol in LCD monitors is reused in medical applications (Hunt et

al., 2010).

Figure 34 Lamps made of reused components from LCD monitors (BOID, 2013)

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One of the results presented by Kopacek (2010) shows that the usage of circular

saws for dismantling a LCD module is not suitable. This is because the

composition of the LCD monitors makes it difficult to use a circular saw with

the correct profile fitting the materials in the monitors. The wear of the circular

saw is due to the glass in the monitors reducing the lifespan of the circular saw.

The difference between the results from Kopacek (2010) and the results from

the research presented in this thesis is probably due to the setup of the tests. In

the case presented by Kopacek (2010), the circular saw used was one dedicated

for cutting wood, and not optimized for cutting materials such as aluminium and

plastics. The tests performed in the research presented in this licentiate thesis

were done using a circular saw or, as it is also called, a slot milling tool

designed for processing metals such as aluminium and steel, and therefore more

suitable than a circular saw made for processing wood. Another difference in

the tests outlined is that in the case presented by Kopacek (2010), the cutting

was made in LCD modules, while in the results presented in this thesis, the

cutting was made in LCD monitors. The difference between these setups is that

an LCD module is thinner, has materials, and no air pockets, making the

fixation of the object less problematic. This makes the conditions for cutting the

LCD monitor less suitable than for cutting a LCD module. Validating the

statement, by Kopacek (2010), that a recycling process using a circular saw is

not economically suitable compared to manual disassembly cannot be done yet.

This is because the conditions have changed, new and more suitable equipment

is available and there have been changes to the LCD monitor product design

since the research done by Kopacek (2010).


Is a researcher influenced by industry if industrial partners are included in

research projects where the researcher also is included? The answer to this

question is “yes”. The drawback is that industry directly influences the research

in its decisions, making the researcher’s objectivity questionable. The positive

thing with using industry directly in research is that the researcher has: direct

access to information from industry; a possibility to investigate real industrial

problems; the possibility to change focus faster when the conditions change in

industry; and the possibility to influence industry. This reasoning is supported

by the research methodology industry-as-laboratory (Potts, 1993). In this thesis,

the researcher has worked together with industry and has managed influences

from industry. The possibility the researcher has is to influence industry with

the results from the research and the knowledge discovered.

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To conclude the previous chapters and answer the RQs formulated from the

objective in this research the following RQs will be answered in this section.

RQ 1 What technical problems may occur in automatic sorting and

separation for the recycling of plastics?

In the plastic recycling industry there are several problems, some related to

incoming material and some related to technological solutions. The problems

are stated in Section 4.1 Automatic Recycling of Plastics and in Paper I, and are

listed again here:

The problems related to the incoming material are the mixture of:

o Non-coloured rigid plastic types.

o Non-coloured non-rigid plastic types.

o Coloured rigid plastic types.

o Coloured non-rigid plastic types.

o Other materials.

The problems with the technical solutions are:

o The capacity of the equipment.

o The equipment’s ability to identify the specific plastic types and the

compatibility between the different processes.

o Finding equipment which is compatible.

RQ 2 What technical problems may occur in automatic dismantling of

large liquid crystal displays?

The problems with an automated recycling process for large liquid crystal

displays are stated in Section 4.2, Requirements for Automated Large Liquid

Crystal Display Recycling, and in Paper II, as well as below:

The expected increase of large liquid crystal displays in the waste stream

makes it difficult to process with current recycling processes.

Finding processes capable of removing mercury in large liquid crystal

display monitors is difficult. The hazardous mercury-contaminated

materials and the mercury itself needing to be removed from large liquid

crystal display monitors require special treatment.

The product design of a large liquid crystal display monitor is a problem,

due to the sandwich construction along with the frames with snap-fits

and screws holding the product design together, making the product hard

to disassemble.

The unpredictable changes in incoming material.

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The change in the different material value is a problem for the recycling

industry; this affect, together with the changes in incoming material, the

conditions for investing and operating an automated recycling process.

RQ 3 What processes can be utilised in automatic sorting and separation

for the recycling of plastics?

The answer to this RQ is answered in more detail in Section 4.1, Automatic

Recycling of Plastics, and in Paper I, but to conclude this section the following

paragraph will succinctly answer RQ 3.

In general, a flexible automated recycling system containing standardised

equipment such as conveyer belts and different processes for identifying,

separating and sorting will solve a lot of the problems in the plastic recycling

industry. There are several types of equipment and processes already available

on the market for the plastic recycler to use. By using the system components

and conveyors, the recyclers can reorganize the equipment so it fits the

incoming type and amount of incoming material and the products produced at

the time. This approach means that the recyclers need to rearrange the

equipment from time to time, which costs resources in both labour and

production stops. It is also shown in this licentiate thesis that there are

technologies for separating and sorting the different plastics of interest.

RQ 4 What processes are suitable to utilise in automatic dismantling of

large liquid crystal displays?

Due to the specific design of large liquid crystal display monitors, an automated

recycling process needs to be devoted to recycling products with the same shape

and with the same design as a large liquid crystal display monitor. The two

technologies found most suitable for creating an automated recycling process

for large liquid crystal displays were the circular saw and the band saw. A

semi-automatic process will probably create a recycling process fulfilling all

requirements of a recycling process for large liquid crystal displays. The process

will combine automatic equipment and manual operators to be able to receive

incoming materials, to identify, separate, and sort materials, and to possibly

refine the products. The process will at the same time create an environmentally

friendly work environment for the operators.

Section 4.3, Conceptual Process Development, and Paper III will answer RQ 4

in more detail.

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The academic contributions from the research presented in this licentiate thesis


A case study of what alternative process technologies are available in

plastic recycling systems

An understanding of the requirement on an automated dismantle process

for large liquid crystal display monitor recycling

Knowledge about what types of processes needed in the recycling

industry for the recycling of large liquid crystal display monitors


The industrial contributions from the research presented in this licentiate thesis


A mapping of available technical alternatives for a plastic recycling


An investigation of the requirements for a large liquid crystal display

recycling system

A presentation of several technological solutions for use in large liquid

crystal display recycling


The questions and areas to investigate were developed during the research

resulting in this thesis. Some of these questions are:

Are there any ecological or economic wins or costs when implementing

fluorescent marking?

When using automatic recycling processes for recycling of plastics, how

does dirt-contaminated plastics and mixed plastics influence the selected


What is the mechanical wear of a circular saw when being used in an

automated recycling process for LCD monitors?

Is there a risk for pollution of mercury and or liquid crystal in a

mechanical recycling process using circular saws, and if yes, how much?

Are there other requirements for utilization of the processes for LCD

monitor dismantling when it is applied on other products? If so, what are

the requirements?

How can information about the structural design and material content be

extracted from large LCD by technologies suitable for being used in

automatic recycling processes?

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