Trustees Meeting 5/29/12 (2024)

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

7:00 PM

PRESENT: Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau, Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; and Channel 16.

Ronald Kilburn, Village President, welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.

1. Approve and Accept the Minutes from Monday, May 14, 2012 Meeting:

Adam Paxman made the motion to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, May 14, 2012 as presented. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Chris Leach asked if there was any progress made regarding the bridge report. Reg spoke with a state employee and said with the bridge being as old as it is, it is in good shape. He said the railing change out is a suggestion. He asked them about painting and he was given a phone number to call. Lynn Paradis stated she has applied for grant money several times for bridge repairs and that we have not received grant money for a few years for the bridge. Chris Leach was satisfied with these answers and stated they could now sign the bridge report. Unanimous.

2.Approve the following Warrants: Warrant #426 for $264,309.27; Warrant #427 for $20,769.82; Warrant #428 for $1.42; Warrant #429 for $395.17; Warrant #430 for $85,342.75; Warrant #431 for $5,700.00; Warrant #432 for $492.26; and Warrant #433 for $184,157.84:

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Warrants #426 through #433 as presented. Chris Leach seconded. Motion carried. Chris Leach asked about the segregation of Accounts Payable functions. Lynn explained the process to the Board.

3. Coin Drop Request – Ben & Jerry’s Relay for Life:

Chris Leach asked if there were any other coin drops scheduled in the month of June and Ron Kilburn asked what factors they use to approve such functions. Chris stated they have to be for a non-profit organization and a local one as well. Chris Leach made the motion to approve Ben & Jerry’s request for a Coin Drop to be held on Saturday, June 16 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.

4. Fire Chief Rick King – New Fire Truck Proposals:

Rick King, Pete Prouty, Travis Greeno, Jon Greer, and Alex Bourdeau, members of the Truck Committee; and Dan Desorcie from E-1 and Pat from HME were present for the opening of the fire truck proposals. Chris Leach asked if they received bids back from all requested and Rick stated all but one. Rick opened the bids:

Toyne, Shakerley from New York -- $456,526

HME, Lakes Region -- $427,000

E-1, Desorcie -- $429,541

Discussion followed and Reg asked if they had to accept the lowest bid provided. Pete Prouty said that the committee would review the bids to compare and make sure they are complete. Pete said the truck they order won’t be ready until the first of next year. Rick King stated this was their second run through with the proposal and that they have met with the vendors and gone over the proposal before this bid. They discussed their ISO rating and how that is determined. They exited the meeting at 7:36 p.m.

5. Electric, Water and Sewer Rate Increase Discussion:

Lynn Paradis informed the Board that she wanted to have a Class Cost of Service study and rate increase study done in the Electric and Water and Sewer Departments. A rate redesign and rate increase would be filed around September if needed in the Electric Department. There hasn’t been a rate increase in the Water and Sewer Department since 2006 and since 2010 in the Electric Department. Any rate changes in the Electric Department would require a filing with the VT Public Service Board. The Water and Sewer Department rates are set by the Village Trustees. She advised she would keep the Board updated on the findings of the study.

6. Solar Aerators for Waste Water Treatment Plant Discussion:

Reg Beliveau advised the Board that the Solar Aerators at the Waste Water Plant are old and not operating very well. He advised that the Village is going to need to purchase some new ones. We are still waiting to get a quote from a vendor that sells Solar Aerators. Chris Leach asked if they are going to have to dredge this year. Reg said not this year but in the next few years they will have to.

7. Any Other Necessary Business:

Chris Leach made the motion to have Reg Beliveau, Village Manager, sign the 2012 Transco Equity Offer and Assignment of Purchase to borrow Transco Equity from VPPSA. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried. Reg and Lynn discussed the Letter of Agreement and Shareholder Agreement regarding Velco. Reg will look into this more and get the necessary documents to the Board of Trustees. Ron Kilburn asked who does this analysis. Reg advised Dave Mullett and Bill Piper.

Any Other Business: Adam Paxman advised that the swans Sam and Betty are in the pond in the Village Green. He said the pond has been upgraded and thanked Mike Menard and his crew for their hard work. He also thanked Al Kinzinger and his crew for the work they did on the cleaning of the electrical outlets in the bandstand. Adam also asked the public to take down their yard sale signs when the sale is over. He asked if it was legal to post signs on the utility poles? Reg advised no it is not legal.

Any Other Business: Chris Leach advised they needed to sign the Bridge Summary Report. He also asked Reg if he heard anything on the tree removal for the park. Reg said he is waiting on weather and Al’s crew. Chris also stated the Grand List discussion needs to happen. He also stated that were the Patriot sign is now located in the Park is where he would like a kiosk placed so that vehicles driving by in either direction can read it. He will get a drawing to the Board.

Any Other Business: Eugene LaBombard mentioned the sidewalks in the Village and said that in some places it is difficult to walk due to overgrown hedges. He would like to know what can be done about this. Reg suggested visiting the homeowners that have hedges that need trimming and said he would look into it.

Any Other Business: Ron Kilburn stated he went to the Sewer Plant, Swan Valley and the Water Plant with Reg and came away impressed with all the projects and with the employees. He also stated that the Doughboy statue in Flat Iron Park was dedicated in May of 1937 and said he has been in contact with a company to get an assessment for what needs to be done on the Doughboy.

Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau advised that the power outage on River Lane, Ferry Street and Merchants Row was due to the storm today and said a tree had fallen on the wires taking out power. He also said the first filter is in at the Water Treatment Plant and that they had an issue last week to prime the low lift pumps. He said Lagoon #2 is cleaned and that Lagoon #3 will be cleaned this week. He said the new Lagoon is in use also.

Any Other Business: Eugene LaBombard asked is anyone was going to the APPA conference? Reg advised he is going the Municipal Smart Grid Summit next week.

ADJOURN: Eugene LaBombard made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 9:07 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. There being no further business at hand, Ronald Kilburn, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 9:07 p.m.

Minutes Recorded by Lynn Paradis, typed by Dianne Day.

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Ronald Kilburn, Village President Date

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Dianne Day, Village Clerk Date

Trustees Meeting 5/29/12 (2024)
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