KITCHENHAND. Full-time for The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday, November 8, 1995 43 WAITING STAFF read for new restaurant in Nth Syd. Phone Greg Doyle or Richard Latham FANCY FILLINGS Secretary Manager SITUATIONS VACANT Domestic and Rural LEGAL NOTICES POSITIONS VACANT Hospitality and Catering Industries SELF-EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ContractCommission GENTLEMAN residing modern home Dover Heights reas live-in CHEFS CARETAKER suit retired couoie charming home, swest. ige gdn SC. flat, small wage 826 7000 CARETAKER LIVE IN Pref retired or semi retired couple for general maintenance duties Excellent accomodation Please ph: 047 73 8599.
COMPANIONHELP. Northern beaches, lie ess S350 HOUSEKEEPER, live-in. East Subs, car Dref. $600 dw Manv temD but live-ins Good ratesconds Manv casual cleaning jobs. Exo ess All suburbs.
A.M. HOME HELP 9977 0688 L.N 850 DRIVER reauired for eastern suburbs bakery, must have own van. good wages and conditions Ph. 389 3588 ELDERLY LADY needs helo between 9-5. 5 davs.
Rose Bay Ph: 015 280 790 or 018 410 876 FARMHAND needed for flower growing. ChineseVietnamese welcome Phone 651 2385 FREE rent in exchange for hkeeo-ing and babysitting, own studio Fern. Asian student 818 1513 AVAILABLE I need 10 part-time and 10 full-time CONSULTANTS to heiD me in mv nutrition business S820 ten days Work from home Ph 02 369 5925 or 02 ebaoui 24-nrs. BEAUTICIAN to work within uo market hairdressing salon Work ror yourseir ana notice tne aitter-ence! 556 20 1 9. 04 1 4 464 850 ah BUILDERS LABOUR Skilled builderslabour reauired for building site eastern suburbs Ring 015 957 825.
CARPENTER Leading handCar penter reauired for Drogressive building co. to work unsupervised ana control small renovation jod Ring 015 957825. CLEANER Window and general north shore, own vehicle, dav work pnone a-b. B3 1977. DRYCLEANING SERVICE.
Work your own hours, build vour own Dusiness. selling this service Full support, no outlay Large return for your effort. Must have own car. BH 9904 6391 AH. 439 4359 ELECTRICIANS.
GOLD LICENSED Interesting easy work installing RCD S2000 For more info call Peter early on 014 964 181 LAWNMOWING. etc buD-contractor contract guarantees too hourly rate for those with ute and eauipment. North shore and some west subs work 5-6 dav week Phone Operations Manager 016 282 250. OWNERDRIVER 34 tonne table truck for delivery of Dhone books, must be reliable, hardworking, able to supervise others leff 0 1 4 040 963 HOUSEKEEPERNANNY (LIVE-IN) Professional couple reauire mature personcouple for DPSition of Live-in HousekeeoerNanny to look after large waterfront home and care for 3 schoolchildren References and drivers licence essen- tial Phone Chris. 299 2194 TrainingServicesResumes CONSULTANT CONTRACTORS Reauired Send resumes listing QATQMEMSStrategy and Automotive experience Include a brief capability statement, availability and schedule of rates MICHAEL MINNS HUMAN RESOURCES PO BOX 1064.
PARRAMATTA. 2154 OURINDI RSL SUB BRANCH CLUB is seeking the services of a suitably auaiitied Derson to man aae the above club Exoenence in Poker Machine clearances, data entry editing and analysis, wages and the relevant awards book keeoing. accounts comouter experience, bar and liauor control bank reconciliation and staff rostenng are essential Salary will be negotiated and a house is offered to the most suitable aDDlicant Applications close Monday November 27. 1995 Please send application together with resume and refer ences to Confidential and Personal The President. Quirindi RSL Sub Branch Club.
po eux iuu QUIRINDI 2343 Supervisor-Floor For busv lie brasserie Neutra Rav Great team to work with Waters Lane 953 4887 TAKEAWAY. Senior service staff reauired by major City retailer Mut be ab to work weekends Experience in deep fry. rotissene and sandwich making King 264 1927 for information. TAKEAWAY. Willing, enthusiastic peoDie for busy Fooa oun 267 4396 bet 8-1 1am Teacher Instructor Reauired for an Australian-wide hospitality co Mm 7 vrs Exoeri ence Must be willing to travel Immed.
start! Ph: 02 300 0624 Trainee Waitoerson Central citv restaurant No experience necessary interested in hospitality industry Ph Melissa. 247 3402 WAITERSIWAITRESSES part-time North Shore aualitv Italian Restaurant Exoenence essential Please ring the Manager WAITERWAITRESS, ftime and casua for new cate and sanawicn bar. Citv locn Mon-Fn. Call after 9am M-F 281 4455 WAITERWaitress Due to our exoansion we reauire experienced waiterwaitress for our busv lower north shore restaurant Good rates and conditions 9906 4408 from 10 30-6 pm WAITERRESS Weekend shifts in busv restaurant Experienced good tips 363 2293 Paul or Jo WAITER WAITRESS read, full time Si days AodIv oerson to Zia Pina Pizzeria. 93 George The Rocks 247 2255 WaiterWaitresses Counter Hand Full time position Exoerience not necessary Wanted for busy city coffee lounge We are seeking clean and enthusiastic applicants who are able to work without supervision After 1 1 am please call 247 5425 WAITERESS FT or PT Fully trained with supervisory skills for busy CBD seafood rest.
362 OB93 or 0414 723 323 waiteriwaitress Mm 12 mths experience in busy a la carte restaurant Vary ing shifts Eppinq 876 6563. WAITERWAITRESS fully experi enced to wait on tables and drink service, full time. Too money for right peoole Ring Frank 651 4385 between 2-4 pm WAITERWAITRESS Cafe Dar linghurst Energetic all rounder with espressocashier experience and excel floor skills Must have mature attitude Approx. 40 hours ow. includes day and late night snirts i positions avaiiapie.
Phone Peter 331 5587 WAITERWAITRESS Exo oerson rea. 5 days, some evenings, func tion exo a bonus immed. start Ph Bill 3888188 WAITERWAITRESS Derm Sat nite. exD presentable rea 923 2336. after 12 noon WAITERWAITRESS Italian Res taurant, exoenence nec evenings.
Five Dock area 713 8733 WAITERWAITRESS Keen oerson for busv cafe in Glebe. exD with coffee machine and desserts. Call Sarah 239 9656 WAITERWAITRESS FULL Full tiOS Full time. Full on. Call Melissa 247 3402 WAITERWAITRESS.
Shore Rest. casualDerm. exD food. wine, bar, lunchdin. 439 7155 WAITERSWAITRESSES.
Reauired for casual agency Must have exDerience and phone BLACK WHITE BRIGADE Phone 369 4044. M-F 6.30-5.00. WAITERESS reauired for busv coffee lounge. Chatswood. Must be exD Day shift.
Top salary for rne ngnt person. 4isii2! WAITER! ESS. experienced reauired for upmarket caferestaurant Fun and bubbly person reauired for daynight work with great team sawmiiiers cate. 9957 5504 WAITERfWaitress for busy Mos man cate tsoresso exD essential. Approx.
30 hrs 9968 3054 WAITERESS Evening work Nice restaurant gooa conas txo witn coffee machine pref. Travellers OK. Ph 661 9331 or 3586176 WaiterWaitress Spuntini Cafe Fine Catering Are you interested in a MonFri. iob. aDDrox 40 hrs ow' ExDeri-enced in providing attentive service, aualitv driven, organised and ateamolayer.
Callus 233 3110 Mon-Fri 041 1 221 404 Sat WAITERfRESS experienced Neat tidy appearance a. ft and PT available. Ph 327 2747 WAITERSWAITRESSES Busv internat cuisine rest rea waiting Dersons Good salary and conditions Only exD. aDDly in Derson between 3-5 pm any dav at Jo Jo Harbourside Restaurant. 198 Harbourside.
Darling Harbour I The WENTWORTH WAITING and Bar Positions Join the slick team for the re-opening of Garden Court. Both bar and waiting positions are available offering excellent conditions of emolovment and benefits. So if you have: 3 vears restaurant exo A sound knowledge of Australian wine and produce. Excellent people skills Commitment to teamwork. Energy to burn! Then we need YOU1 Interested applicants should Dhone Karen Fursman on 230 0700 ext.
2326 ONLY between 2-5 p.m. on Wednesday AFTER HOSPITALITY Training? Stedmans 247 9499 Next Certificate Course Silver Service and Waiting 1311 Bar and co*cktail Making 201 1 Art of Restaurant Service 1411 Free Job Placement, small class size Accredited trainers and guest lecturers 88 Cumberland atreei. i ne hocks ALEX BEAUMONT BAR AND co*ckTAIL and RESTAURANT WAITING COURSES Weekly and Saturday Classes Onlv course accredited by Aus tralian Bartenders Guild Soon sored bv Toohevs Brewery Free iob placement and certificate 362 Kent St 40DarcvSt (4thflr CITY PARRAMATTA 2622095 6892949 AUTO CAD TRAINING For Architects. Engineers and uraugntsDersons t-an Jin THE CADMASTERS 9290212 AUTOCAD TRAINING CAD LT R1 3 Upgrade 3D Studio Engineers Architects Designers CADMEN 9906 1655 COMPUTER Business Training Re-enterjotn workforce soft ware setup Learn MS Word. txcei etc ortice oroceoures Keyboard much more 1 -1 training Flex hrs.
FREE evaluation REALE TRAINING 617 1954 COMPUTER Training. Burwood See our ad under Courses and Private Tuition 744 6944 Computer Courses Word for Windows. WordPerfect Excel. Lotus. A.
PCs. Harvard Graohics plus more. Personalised service small classes, manuals, certificates and Hot Line Support. NOVEMBER SPECIAL OFFER. CALL NOW 281 B244 COMPUTER MAKE MONEY with your home computer.
Excellent full or Dart-time Drof its Ask for our free PC Profits Report. Tollfree: 1-800-252 775 aast BSB3 WAITING STAFF A busv and expanding restau rant grouo has serveral full and Dart time positions available in Chatswood. Bondi. Neutral Bav and Miranda Would suit those interested in pursuing a hospitality career as well as students and those with little to no experience Extensive training provided No visas or travellers. Call Tonv on 9968 12S4 between 9-11 am WAITING STAFF Casual and full time reauired for restaurant in Clontart.
Must be experienced and well groomed and able to work SatSun No travellers. Phone Linda between 3 00-5 00 pm on 9948 2373 WAITING Person full time, exp for Lower Nth Shore restaurant excel oav and conditions. Ph. Paul 908 1823 WAITING STAFF. Personality Dlus Stvle eouals a career with trendy, uo-market City restaurant within International Hoteli Must have exoenence and knowledge of winesfood Call Vicki today on lybb or U41t 030358 MENSA STAFF LN2789 WAITPERSONSfbistro attendants must oe tuny exp Esubs hotel oaynignt shifts 327 5877.
waitperson. casual, warm friendly and presentable must believe customer is No. 1. for trendy Neutral Bav cafe Coffee macn exoerience an advantage -aii iwan on aauaOB. WAITPERSON.
Permanentoart time. Nth Shore motel, serving Dreakrasi. Mon-hri b.3U-iu a.m. Exoerience essential. KILLARA INN.
416 1344 WAITPERSON. Permanent. Sat and Sun mornings. 6 30 10 a txDenence essentia KILLARA INN. 416 1344 WAITPERSON Perm oart time ExDerienced oerson Hardworking ror dusv iuu cate 7 nr.
dav Monday to Friday Some knowl edge or Italian food desirable Ph. 299 5218. or 797 8242 WAITPERSONS For new licensed city cafe Mon-Fri. no evenings. Full time ana casual positions avail contact Steve on Z47 2 764 after 2 pm WAITPERSON position.
7 30am 4 D.m. Mon-pn wen groomed. well spoken Call 363 SI 38. not petween 12-2 pm. WAITPERSON Exp various shifts tor caterest in Baimain baa 2i a WAITPERSON and SUPERVISOR Exc.
condswages. Flexible hours. Busy lower north shore eatery uia boi ZQ7. WAITRESS WAITER Crows Nest lie rest Lunch Dm shifts avail Phone Paul 9901 4190. WAITRESSWaiter reauired to work in a progressive ana rast moving caferestuarant Must be well sooken and well presented and fully experienced Part time ana run time work available Ph between 9-12 noon or 3-5 om.
on 5198128. WAITRESSWAITER, exod only neea apply Mon-t-ri n.iu-jja CBD. Ph 247 9304. 018 618 307 WAITRESSWaiter reauired for inai restaurant in at Leonards 439 6533 or 418 8444 WAITRESS or WAITER, exoeri enced. for Italian restaurant.
Chip pendale area Ring 6999148. WAITSTAFF One of Svdnev's leading 4-Star boutiaue hotels "The Waratah Central located at Central, reauires professional, dedicated casual Wait Staff Experience in food and beverage service in either banauet or a-la-carte res taurants desirable This is a career opportunity to join an exoanding chain of hotels Ring the Food and Beverage Manager, on 281 0333 after bam. Monqay to pngay UKSIAIIKVNIS ii' 1 in- WAITSTAFF Our award winning restaurant group has a number of positions available for professionals taking pride in the service thev orovide and enjoying meeting people from ail over tne world Gooa conditions including incentives and bonuses. Please call the personnel office on 247 1888. WAIT STAFF.
For busy he brasserie Neutral Bay. Great team to work with Waters Lane. 953 4887 Food Services WEEKEND COOK Weekend cook reauired North Shore area Good knowledge of aualitv home style cooking, cash handling and customer service is needed Hours 9 30 to 6.30 m. operates an eaual employment and smoke-free workplace for vour comfort. Please contact Jenny Finnegan on 3646162.
POSITIONS AND NOTICES University and Higher Education Economics Tutor Reauired for two Summer school orogrammes. NovDec and JanFeb Previous tertiary teaching exoerience essential. Fax resume urgently to: Head of Academic Services CQU Sydney Int Campus. Fax 02 223 5002 The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer NEW SOUTH WALES itxJ JoL newly renovated Rowers Restau rant on Mosman Bay Contact Paul Cohen 9-12 noon or 3-t pm 9953 7966 KITCHENH ANDFOOD PREP Reauired for Crows Nest cafe 32 hrs daytime. Ph Des or Chris 439214 after to am KITCHENHAND for award win ning bistro in Parramatta CBD Must oe experienced Phone 015 438 527 for appointment MANAGER Experienced Manager reauired ror exclusive retreat hotel B0 kms north of Sydney Would suit couDie.
Accommodation available U2 yybubibi MANAGER CONVENTION SERVICES Our client, a 5 star Qid. hotel seeks rne services or an exD Manager to oversee their conven tion operations Exo in a similar position essential S45K neg Call Aoi-ao Hospitality pn 233 7255 MANAGER Outstanding opportunity for motivated professional to loin successful accommodation onlv hotel Previous management exoenence not essential, but a thorough knowledge of overall hotel operations is reauired Must be dedicated possess strong communication skills and be able to lead by example Salary commensurate with ability AodIv in strict contiaence to xsabb Heraia GPO Box 3764 Sydney. 2001 Manager-Hotel hotel, harbour front Potts Point reauires Manager experienced in operations and marketing. Live-in position suit single or couoie Reauired to start 1st December Please reply in writing to O. Box 209.
Potts Point. 2011 MANAGER ASSISTANT For Southern suburbs hotel Must be hands on and fully conversant with bar. aad and eftoos Bottle shoD experience an advantage. Please reply with brief resume to Manager, box 269 Jannall 2225 MANAGERESS or Wait resswaiter. Seafood Restauant Willoughbv Seats 50 Must be exo 6 nights.
3 lunches Wage neg aibu4 arrer pm MANAGERS expd see Situa tions Wanted Ph 019 63 9722 Manager Assistant For busv licensed Glebe caferestaurant Must have at least 3 vrs experience at a supervisory level For more info Ph 331 5241. if there is no answer piease lease message MOTEL ASSIST MMAN AGERS Rea hands-on and assist with daily ooeration of Ige Syd motel witn rest ana cont. rooms fcxo beneficial Live in no accom chi 638 6801 638 3774 015 154 780 MOTEL MANAGEMENT A couDle reauired for sma suburban 20 unit motel This is a hands-on position for 2 persons with at least 2 yrs exoenence in motels Accommodation for cou Dle only. Honesty and integrity essential Reply Manager. Box 31.
PO Blakehurst 2221 NIGHT MANAGER read 2 shifts pw Would suit someone seeking 2nd iob Newtown area Must be exD Above award Knowledge of music an advan tage Fax 540 2081 PASTRY CHEF Qualified rea tor Frencn partis sene Good conditions Interest ing work. Ph Jean-Paul 418 9364 PASTRY CHEF rea bv Schubert's Patisserie Night shift Cal 516 1800 or fax 517 1225 PASTRYCOOK. exD'd dough- break, fcariy start Marnckviiie Ph 519 7465 PASTRYCOOK Qualified, oermanant position Sylania 522 9648. a 524 9270 PASTRY Cook Good cond Perma nent 4-4 30 a start 797 0001 PASTRYCOOKS Experienced Pastrycooks reauired by benuberts continen tal Patisserie for aualitv work Morning and afternoon shifts Excel conds Phone Peter 516 1800 Fax 517 1225 PASTRYCOOKBAKER or Assis tant Mainly dough work for wholesaler Est 30-vrs 5-hr week M-F Top secure iob. 8999920 PASTRY CHEF Competent 3rd4th vear aoorerKice or recently aualified Pastry Chef reauired for aualitv upper Norm snore oakenouse.
Phone 488 712S PASTRY Cookbenchwork. 6 davs Hornsby area, contact Oliver 482 7289 PASTRYCOOK. Part time, experience necessary or 3rd or 4th Yr Apprentice Bankstown area 79b B32B PIZZA MAKER PASTA COOK Thurs -Sun Exo Phone att 5 30 pm 552 4656 or 0419 247 564 POKER MACHINE CASHIER Reauired by mid city club Permanent position Evening shift Weekend work included. Neat presentation and written references essential Please Dhone Rod Murohy on 267 9421 weekdays after 3 m. sat after 10 am RECEPTIONISTSEC Salary S25K see our aa unaer pv General Metro Inns.
Fax 362 3117 RECEPTIONIST Casual Citv motel Experience essential. 638 6801 638 3774 015 154780 RECEPTIONIST A KA I CAnCD Motivated person required for -5iar escort agency. Will receive Too commission. High earnings. Will train.
Shift work Phone 363 2216 RECEPTIONISTDUTY MGR. 5 star gentlemen clubescort agency has a position for a responsible, intelligent person with excellent phone manner and communication skins who is flexi ble to work in a 24 hour operation if you have the ability to manage staff and a busv receDtion, and are looking for a challenge with excellent returns, please phone Michael after 3 on 264 66 1 0 RESTAURANT Shift manager wanted for nights at busv lower North snore bar and restaurant Relevant exD essential, enthusias tic honest people with creativity and flair need only aDDly. Very good salary pn. Kan gab4 3oii Restaurant Staff Encore At Riverside reouire restaurant personnel who eniov working in pleasant surroundings Encore At Riverside offers full license facilities with modern cuisine Exoenence is reouired and a current curriculum vitae is reauested upon interview For appointment and interview piease contact bajaii a-apm SANDWICH HAND For Silverwater Takeaway Exp pref Ring weekdays 648 5747 SANDWICH Gourmet Food MaKer exp self motivated Apply 5 Montgomery St Kogarah SANDWICH HAND New and Exciting GOURMET CAFE in Crows Nest FULL TIME POSITION New and Exciting Cafef Bright and HaDOV surrounds1 Brilliant location! Fabulous Peoole1 A Great new Start witti a New Business1 You need a minimum of 3 vrs experience, be flexible and willing to work in an areas ot a cate START NOW1 Ring after 5 pm on 9929 8046 SANDWICH AND. Experienced well groomed Mon-Fri.
Ring George 251 4540 SANDWICH HAND CAFE Surry Hills 35 hrs M-F Exo eager, well sooken person for bright clean cafe 319 4667 SANDWICH HAND. Experienced mm 20 hrs pw pn jii SANDWICHES AND SALADS We reauire extremely outgoing people who love dealing with customers Day or night work available Apply in person 2-6 21 Oxford Street. City Accord ASIA PACIFIC Saucier -Chef CAREER MOVE If vou re inno vative, creative and enthusiastic please apply to the Summit Restaurant S450-S480 nett ow Phone Executive Chef on 019 916063 or 247 1914 SHOP ASSISTANT Casual, for wanroonga chicken and saiaa shoo. Fluent English essential Ring 489 0982 SHOP ASSISTANTS, read, full time weekend work available North Shore Ph 9958 0747 Work with the finest produce at leading waterfront restaurant Excellent conditions Phone Peter 9969 3391. SHORES The Spit Mosman CHEF Thai reauired for Thai restaurant opening soon in St Leonards Tod wage for right person 439 6533 or 418 8444 CHEF wanted for Leichhardt res taurant Ph.
Danny for interview SbB 20s co*ckTAIL BARPERSON and CASHIER Fully exD. for Derm Dos citv restaurant Phone Ednas Table 231 1400 co*ckTAIL tray wait. Attractive well groomed, suit modelsactors No experience necess 358 1 122 COFFEE MACHINE OPERATOR Must be exped 6 30 am 3 Dm oays Apply lb Macauane St City Ph 221 2624 COFFEE Machine ODerator rea Mon to Fri 10-5 Dm. on a permanent casual basis. Liners care, Birkin Head point Ph 81 2527.
COMMIS CHEF Commis Chef reauired for lead ing Blue Mountains Hotel The successful applicant will be able to gain the benefits of working with our professional team ot Chefs in all areas of our catering outlets For interview phone Executive Chef (047) 88 1002 COOK. An experienced aualified cook is reauired to work with Australian concessions Manage ment. We operate several busy tooo ana oeverage tooo outlets located within the Ansett Domes tic Terminal Mascot, as well as the Ansett staff Canteen Salary $26 300 oa Please phone bba 53 55 Australian concessions Management is a division of Ansett Australia Ltd COOKCHEF With fresh approach to food rea for unidue Surry Hills delicafe Good presentation essential as some customer service rea Full time Mon-Fri 3192976 COOKCHEF to assist the Chef at Mexican Restaurant in North Sydney Also Apprentice read. Call Paul on 0414 454 222 COOK CHILD CARE CENTRE S401 60 $431 69 (325 HRS PER WEEK) WAVERLEY COUNCIL Waverlev Council is an EEO Employer and has a smoke-free workplace. Gardiner Child Care Centre.
reauires a Cook for 32 5 hours per week. Skinsexperience in plan ning and preparing meals for large groups of children aged 4 months to 6 years, taking into account me inoiviauai needs or an children. Salary is $40160 $431 69. (32 5 hrs per week) Conditions in accordance with the Local Government (State) Award Applicants must obtain job description and selection criteria from Information Counter on (02) 369 8177 Further information from Rosemary Nettleshio on (02) 387 1252. Written aDDlica-tions bv Friday 17th November 1995 to the General Manager Waverlev Council.
O. Box 9 Bondi Junction. 2022 COOKCHEF Read 6-mghts from 4-10 om for busy cafe, at Turramurra Experience in auick short-order cooking necessary Attractive wages offered and own transport helpful. Phone -0411 170900 or 9988 3839 COOK For busy Paddington cafe For more info PM 331 5241. if there is no answer please lease name and phone No.
COOK, full time and part time. reauired for leading modern Italian restaurant in Palm Beach Must have minimum 3 years experience ,9974 4001 COOK International to be trained as a (ner. Must nave 3 vears exo Aoplv at 108 Campbell Pde Bondi with reference after 1pm COOKKITCHENHAND Thai reauired tor Thai restaurant ooenina soon in St Leonards 439 6533 or 418 8444 COOK, male or female for north- shore brasserie 419 7766 COOK Mon-Fri 10 30 am- 7 om Are you the person we are looking for7 1 Do vou have imagination' 2 Do you have knowledge or special diets' 3 Do vou have stvle and presentation skills? 4 Do you have a friendly personality Do you like working with eiaenv people' If vou can answer yes' to all these auestions aoDiy: The Manager. Belrose Country Club. PH 9975 1237 COOK or 4th Yr Chef Must be expd with rets for very busy coffee lounge Chatswood Day shift available.
5 days Tod salary for the right person 41S1T22 COOK, oart time for busy but relaxed Newtown care Breaktast exp essential 557 1513 COOK Perm part-time. exD in Italian restaurant preferred Mascot area 667 3728 or 0411 1 80 993 COOK reauired Expd in seafood cooking, hrs Wed-Sun The Red Herring. 739 Military Rd Mosman 9969 5882 COOK rea busv cafe. Brighton-Le- sanas immea start Looa conas Ph 567 2865 or 015 463 360 COOKS APPRENTICES WAITING STAFF ESPRESSO Makers Immediate start for a smart new cafe at Kensington, fast efficient and energetic peoole to work 6 days 9-5 om Call Ray for appointment on 2516177. COOKS casual davshifts avail Call Damian between 9-11 a m.
weekdays. 9997 8242. COOK Sundays Only Must nave experience Chatswood Ph 41 1 3007 COOK wanted to run own bistro Phone 649 6372 CRUISE DirectorMaitre See ad under PV General 206 1135 OOORPERSON. Permanent position. Progressive and modern club in the St George area reauires the Services ot a person tuny exDer-ined in all facets of bar.
Keno and change bar procedures Ph Chontelle 597 5094 after 12 noon for appt DRIVE IN Assistant Manager rea approx 44 nour week, maimy afternoon, evening shifts Refs liauor exo and drivers lie essent Ph. 638 5917. Ermington Hotel DRIVERGUIDE See our ad under PV General pn 3b0 ibbb GAZEBO Australian Owned and Operated Hotels Exec. SecPersonnel GAZEBO HOTEL PARRAMATTA is seeking to emDiov a self-motivated experienced Secretary, to not only assist the General Manager, but also to look after personnel. The successful applicant will be well presented willing to work in a team environment and possess excellent communication skills Exoenence in a similar position and knowledge of the MIMA award a definite advantage To arrange an interview, contact Sheree Faux on 02 630 4999 Porter GAZEBO PARRAMATTA is also looking for an enthusiastic, well spoken and Dresentabie Derson to 10m our concierge team A current drivers licence is essential A 1 licence andor exoenence is an advantage but not a necessity All aDDhcants.
phone julianne Ferrari or Chris Thomas on 6304999 ChefCook reauired Full Time position for busy Circular Quay Cafe After 2 pm. Contact Vanessa 363 9055 FoodBeverage Staff Parramatta RSL Club is seek ing the services of experienced casual Food Beverage staff The successful applicants must have excellent customer relation skills and have good availabilities The positions are paid in accordance with Level 2 of the Award. All applications in writing to -Mrs Rilev Parramatta Si Club Macauane St. Parramatta NSW. 2150.
FOOD RUNNERS, (juniors) No exo necessary, will train. Immed start Only enthusiastic, reliable people need apply Apply in person Wed (81 195) 3-4 Doyles Seafood Restaurant Overseas Terminal Circular Quay GRANVILLE Promotion Manager Lingerie waiteress Actors all kinds Working commune includ ing eaual profit share with owner pn: bjuaj. GRILL COOK Fast, clean, reliable reauired for busv UDoer Nth Shore Cafe uo to 6 days or nights oweek Own transport recommended. Please phone 041 1 171 871. it Slump J.mi yj ill GRILL COOK2ND CHEF Full and part time positions are available at a number or our 1 7 restaurants in the Sydney area If you are a keen and energetic person with the relevant exoeri ence andor ability why not ioin our growing chain we offer you a stable working environment with a competitive salary (an Yan or Allan 9983 9733 HEAD CHEF, well experienced in Italian cuisine, for a la carte restaurant.
Send to -PO Box 367. Sydney 2001 HOLROYD CITY COUNCIL Home Economist GUILDFORD WEST CHILDREN CENTRE PART-TIME POSITION NO: SF-6-34 Written applications containing aualifications and experience together with cppies of two refer ences will be received, bv the undersigned bv the close of business at 4 00 on 1 7th Novem ber 1 995 An advanced certificate in Home Economics andor relevant aualif 1 cations are reauired. Experience in the preparation of meals for a large group of children aged 0-5 years is desirable The position involves the planning and prepa ration of menus in accordance with nutritional guidelines, budget oreparation. weekly shooDing and general cleaning duties. Your own car is essential The position is for six hours a day.
two aavs per week (Thursday and Friday) from 8 30 a 2 5V witn an ooporru nitv to work for five days per week tor uo to 1 2 months during 1 99b Your salary and conditions ot employment will be in accordance with the Local Government (State) Award together with any Industrial Agreement in force from time to time. This position has been placed at Grade 7. with a commencing salary of SI 2 80 per nour. As part of Council's selection process suitable applicants will be reauired to undergo a comorenen sive medical examination by Council doctor Holrovd City Council is an Eaual Employment Opportunity employer and adopts a smoke free workD ace. Further information and a iob description may be obtained by contacting the Acting Centre Director.
Ms Patrice Seivwright on tBi 393. Tresize. GENERAL MANAGER Council Chambers. 16 Memorial Avenue. MERRYLANDS.
NSW. 2160 HOTEL MANAGERS Energetic Managers reauired for recently redeveloped inner citv hotel and 24 hour metroooii- tan hotel Must have experience in all facets of successful hotel ODeration and promotion, with a proven track record and refer ences essential Onlv highly-moti vated hands-on operators with an entrepreneurial flair may apply Salary negotiable Ph 015 954 571 or 522 8397 HOTEL MANAGER Enthusiastic professional man ager reauired for situation at Melton Hotel in Auburn. The successful applicant will Be able to work with autonomv but within a group structure Display stable employment his tory, be seeking long-term emolovment and have current references available Understand every aspect of a diverse hotel operation Display high level of self-disci Dime be able to promote all activities associated with a successful hotel Competitive remuneration offered, with performance-based incentives Live-in position. Apply in writing to: Box 84. CANLEY HEIGHTS.
NSW 2166 HOTEL MANAGER Excellent opportunity for dynamic oerson with current hotel experience and refs. Live-in. South Suburbs, salary commensurate with experience 5345271 bh 6422348ah HOUSEPERSON. Experienced Perm fulltime position. Mon-Fri KILLARA INN.
416 1344 HOUSEPERSON Weekends for city hotel Phone Lesley 212 1005 HOUSEPERSON City Hotel. MF temp Phone Lesley 212 1005 HI-M AI It AN I III I III IIIII KS 1UNIOR WAITSTAFF it you are a rast learner, looking for a friendly work environment and keen to be given an opportu nitv to enter the restaurant industry call our personnel office now on 247 laas Clean and tidy appearance a must JUNIOR WAITING STAFF (-time chows Ntii nc. nai rest Exp adv. but will train 436 4278 DA VALENTINO KITCHENHAND. casual, to work weekends Call 247 2979 KITCHENHAND Ftime to assist also in prep of food Mon-Fri 7 30-4 om City Locn Call Annette after 9 281 4455 KITCHENHANDf COOK.
CITY Exo cook needed for busv city coffee and sandwich bar Good working conditions 5 days only Call Georgia at CChinos 221 4032 KITCHENHAND Exo rea Ftime Potts Point area Please oh 368 0588 ask tor Tony or Joe KITCHENHAND. Enthusiastic hardworking oerson rea. Good conds Tue-Sat. evngs Grand National. Paddington 3634557 KITCHENHAND experienced Full time position Brighton-le-Sands For details.
597 6120 KITCHENHAND Reauired for casual work in Eastern Suburbs restaurant Con-tact James or Brett on 328 7614 KITCHENHAND casual, able to make sangwicnes 9955 3738 KITCHEN A busy and exDanding restaurant group has serveral full and part time positions available in Chatswood. Bondi. Neutral Bay and Miranda Would suit those interested in pursuing a hosoitality career as well as students and those with little to no experience Extensive training provided. No visas or travellers Call Tony on 9968 1254 between 9-11 am KITCHENHAND. 3-4 hours a day Mon-i-n wing George 251 4540 KITCHENHAND.
5 dinners wenas Mm 5 yrs exp 923 2336 KITCHEN HELP, general kitchen duties and food preparation for busv Thai take-away Phone 015 664912 or 332 1792 KITCHENHAND. Ftime days Ph Vicki after 2 30. 360 3355 KITCHENHAND Weekends Only Contact Matthew on 358 2194 Kitchen Hand Encore At Riverside offer the orofessional oooortunitv to work in Dteasant surroundings with modern eouiDment Experience is reauired and a current coov of curriculum vitae is reauested For aDOOintment and interview please contact 683 2511 9-Spm KITCHENHAND. Exod for even ing work Apply to Pergolato. 71 Renwick St Leichhardt Tues -Sun after 5 pm 560 7502 KITCHENHAND rea for eastern suos rest (jooo wages and cond Ph Jay 327 3660 10 In the Suorame Court of New South Wales, Probate Jurisdiction.
AFTER 1 4 days from oublication cf this notice an aoDlication for Probate of the Will dated 15th August. 1990 of ERNEST ERIC RINCWALO (also known as Ernst Erich Ringwald) late of 1 Garden Steet. Eastlakes in the State of New South Wales. Pensioner will be made by Hans Hellfeid the Executor named in the said Will. Creditors are reauired to send oarticu-lars of their claims uoon her Estate to GREG WALSH CO Solicitors.
84 Waldron Road. Chester Hill 2162 AFTER 1 4 davs from the oublication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 29th May. 1995. of RONALD SINCLAIR ROBINSON, late of 355 Lakedge Avenue. Berkeley Vale.
Retired Insurance Agent, will be made bv Dianne Melva Gow Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims uDon his Estate to ALAN JESSUP ASSOCIATES. Solicitors. Suite 6. 13 ThomDSon Street. Long Jetty.
NSW 2261 (DX. 20804. The Entrance). AFTER 1 4 davs from Dublication of this notice an application for Probate of the will dated May 2. 1994 of ANTONIO SAPORITO late of 301 Wentworth Road.
Orchard Hills. Builder, deceased. will be made by Patricia Anne Saoonto Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims upon his Estate to REIMER WINTER. The Lawyers. 6 Macauane Avenue.
Penrith 2750 AFTER 14 davs from Dublication ot this notice an application for Probate of the will, dated August 1 3. 1 993 and Codicil dated August 27. 1995. Of PAVEL JAM SECKAR. late of 15 Gladstone Street.
Burwood Design Engineer. deceased, will be made by Max harvey Ellis and Stewart Stanley Summers creditors are reauirea to send Darticulars of their claims uoon his Estate to MAX HARVEY ELLIS and 5 WAH STANLEY SUMMERS. PO Box 247. RIVER-WOOD. 2210 AFTER 14 davs from the Dublica tion of this notice an application for probate of the will dated 30tn Mav.
1995. of MAVIS MARY ANDERSON, late of Pagewood. Retired ShoD Assistant, deceased. will be made bv Janice Fay Holbert and Graeme John Anderson, the Executors named in the Will Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims uoon her i Estate to PHILLIP BUSHBY INTERNATIONAL. Lawyers.
Level 52 MLC Centre. 19 Martin Place. Sydney. NSW 2000 CD 995. syqney) Telephone 223 bob AFTER 14 days from Dublication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 5th April.
1994 of JACQUELINE ANNE BAKOSS late of 8 Waters Road Naremburn. who died on the 1st. November. 1995. will be made by Anna Marie Lynch and Matthew Steohen Bakoss Executors ot the Will Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims UDon her Estate to SORENSEN BROWN.
Solicitors 136 Willoughbv Road. Crows Nest NS W. 2065. Tel: 436 4329 AFTER 1 4 davs from the Dublication of this notice an aDDlication for Probate of the Will dated 9th July 1986 of MAVIS FLORABEL BAYFIELD, late of Maroubra. Widow, deceased will be made by Carole Mary Bolton-Wood and Norman David Dawson, the Executors named in the Will Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims upon her Estate to PHILLIP BUSHBY INTERNATIONAL.
Lawyers Level 52 MLC Centre. 19 Martin Place. Sydney. NSW 2000 99S. Sydney) Telephone 223 7888 AFTER 14 days from publication of this notice an apolication for Probate of the Will dated November 1 8 1 990 Of WILLIAM JAMES BECKETT late of Turramurra, NSW 2074 deceased.
Retired Journalist, will be made by Gemma Mary Allison, the Executor named in the said Will Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims uoon his Estate to SYLVIA LIDDLE ASSOCIATES. 4 AnziO Avenue. Allambie Heights. 2100 NSW Tel (02) 451 9851 AFTER 1 4 days from the Dublica tion of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 7 June. 1990 of GOH KAY BENG.
of Singapore. Investor, deceased, will be made bv Goh Bee Eng and Goh Bee Hua the Executors named in the said Will Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon the Estate to MICHAEL MAHER Solicitor. Level 12 82 Elizabeth Street. Sydney 2000 AFTER 14 days from Dublication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 17th August. 1984.
of EMMA ISABEL BENTLEY. late of Guildford will be hmade by Paul Graham Bentley Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon her Estate to WARREN BALL CO Solicitors. 271 Guildford Road. Guildford W. 2161.
DX 25412 Merryiands AFTER 1 4 days from the publica tion of this notice an apolication for probate of the will dated 4th June. 1993. Of NORMA CLARENCE BOW. late of 29 Macauane Terrace. Baimain.
Widow, will be made bv Bruce Ian Robertson and Jeremy Uohn Saxton Creditors are reauired to send particulars ot their claims UDon her Estate to ROBERTSON SAXTON PRIMROSE DUNN. Solicitors. Level 7. 40 Miller Street. North Sydney.
NSW 2060 (D 10583. Nortn 5onev) AFTER 1 4 days from the Dublica tion of this notice an aDDlication for Probate of the Will dated 10th August. 1963. of JOAN MARIE BUCKLEY, late of Culburra Retire- ment Village. Culburra.
Pensioner, deceased, will be made by Joan Patricia Regan and Yvonne Elsie Pickuo (in the Will called Yvonne Elsie Reibel). the other Executor named therein. John Aloysius Booth, having predeceased the deceased Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims uDon her Estate to GOULD SHAW HUME. Solicitors. 2c Auburn Road.
Auburn 2144 (DX 23807. Auburn) Telephone 629 0261 AFTER 1 4 days from the publica tion of this notice an aoDlication for Probate of the Will dated 2nd SeDtember. 1980. of CARMELA CARDINALE. late of 2a Annandale Street.
Marayong. deceased, will be made by Paolo Cardinale and Vittorio Cardinale. the Executors named in the said Will (Antonio Cardinale. the instituted Executor. having predeceased on 6th October.
1 984) Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims UDon her Estate to MCDONNELL SCHRODER. Solicitors. 121 Main Street. Blacktown. NSW 2148 (OX 8101.
Blacktown). TeleDhone 622 1 155 AFTER 1 4 days from the publication of this notice an aDDlication for Probate of the undated Will of JOHN WILLIAM FRANCIS COCHRAN, late of St Peters, deceased, will be made by Alfred Edward Duncan and Waide John Duncan, the Executors named in the said Will Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims upon his Estate to RITCHIE 4 ASSOCIATES. Solicitors. 12 Howard Road. Padstow 221 1 (D X.
1 125. Sydney). AFTER 14 days from publication of this notice an aDDlication for Probate of the Will dated October 24. 1978 Of BEAUPRE JOY COL-LEY late of Hornsby. Widow, will be made bv the Executors named in tjhe said Will Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims uoon her Estate to BOUL-TON.
REX JULIAN. Solicitors 416 George Street. Sydney NSW. 2000. (DX 212.
Sydney). Tel: 232 2766 AFTER 14 days from publication of this notice an aoplication for Probate of the Will dated 5th October. 1994 of RUTH GWENDOLINE COMPTON late of 3051-61 Parramatta Road. Haberfield. in the State of New South Wales, deceased, will be made by Raymond Joseph Coitid-ton and Beverley Amelia Bell, the Executor and Executrix named in the said Will Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims uoon her Estate to PAUL A.
BROWN CO Solicitors. O. Box 165. Glebe. NSW.
2037. (DX: 3911. Annandale). Tel: (02) 660 7900 AFTER 1 4 days from the Dublication of this Notice an ADDlication for Probate of the Will dated Sth November. 1995.
of CATHERINE CUNNINGHAM, late of Five Dock. Widow, deceased, will be made bv James Francis Cuningham. the txecutor namea in ine saia win. Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims upon her Estate to: Messrs Dtwii.K BESWICK Solicitors. 131 Clarence Street.
Sydney. 2000. DX 174 svanev. leieonone 2997121. AFTER 1 4 days from the Dublica tion of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated Sth February.
1995. of ANNA FEDKIW, late of Bass Hill in the State of New South Wales, whose occupation was Home Duties, deceased, will be made bv Anna Maria Troy and Irena Pasemko. Executrices named in the said Will. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon his Estate to MICHAEL PARASYN. Solicitor.
First Floor, 14 Smart Street. Fairfield 2165. AFTER 14 davs from publication this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 16th August. 1989. of ALICE RUBY ISABELLA FLETCHER, late Of Bethesda Nursing Home.
Marrick- ville. Pensioner, deceased, will be made bv Henry Harold George Fletcher and Daphne Violet Pearl Wise. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon her Estate to J. P. O'NEILL.
Solicitors. 366 Chapel Road. Bankstown. NSW. 2000.
DX 2 1 7 Bankstown. AFTER 14 days from oublication this notice an aoDlication for Probate or tne win dated Novem ber 27. 1 991 of ANTHONY JOHN GREGSON late of Tuggerawong. Driver, will be made by Kerne Lee Gregson Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims uoon his Estate to CRICHTON- BROWNts. solicitors.
32 tvans Street. Baimain W. 2041. IN The SuDreme Court of New South Wales Probate Division. After 14 davs from publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 28th April 1994.
Of BARRY WAYNE HAM- SLY. late of 642 Boronia St Dee Why NSW. Mail Officer, will be made by National Mutual Trustees umitea. aln uuiuyaai. creai-tors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims upon his Estate GALILEE ASSOCIATES.
Solicitors. PO. BOX Q147. QVB. Sydney 2000.
Housekeeper ror light duties only Ideal position tor right person. Asian ladies welcome Kindly pnone evenings. 334020 HOUSEKEEPERNANNY Mature minded Derson reauired for full time emDlovment 8 30 am-b30om Sdavspw com mence 22196 Contact Rhonda Highett on 9906 2155 or fax applications on 9906 8162 bh Closing Date 241195. HOUSEKEEPER Live in Eastern suburbs. With references 371 4881 or 018 226655 LIVE-IN middle aged lady, suit pensioner for companionship to elderly lady, light house duties free board and accom plus neg fee.
in Kensington Phone 043 43 4989 or 663 2024 NANNY Exd Wanted for fun loving family with 3 children aged 5. 1 1 and 1 2 to live in. must have international drivers licence. Bal timore USA Please can Ami 001 1 410484 9290 or fax 00154106685 147. NANNY USA American family seeks ener getic non-smoking female to nanny 2 girls.
4 and 2 Fax resumes to 803 686 5156 Flight Attendants! COURSE NEXT WEEK AIRLINES are recruiting NOW Ensure your SUCCESS with our 1 dav Flight Attendants seminars to oe neia in Sydney ana Newcastle CES assistance may be available Phone Now Brisbane (07) 5zf uzan n. jej am- pm Make-Up Artistry FILM TV THEATRE SPECIAL FX. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIDEO. FASHION Exciting career courses FULLPART-TIME Also oersona use. colour analysis and brida course For info and brochure Tel Make-Up Glamour 214 2877 NURSESONLY Learn to take blood and do an ECG Phone Lyn 387 5656 RESUMESUCCESS Writing Excellence 7 Davs EASTWOOD 874 8188 DRUMMOYNE.
8196868 CHATSWOOD 4196675 RESUMES CITY GET THE JOB YOU WANT. $10 PER PAGE 20 vrs exD to exDertlv write your individual winning resume tree cooies. tree binder JANBARTEL 235 2600 Resumes That Work Professional Service 6 days Chatswood- Parramatta Drummovne 1300. 36 3534. RESUMES.
S30 Professionally prepared and bound Phone the Pvrmont Office 552 4322 TIMBER Fencing Training 4 week course 4uuu tei 4o ubu Promise of Work at conclusion Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism Consultants course 1 2-weeks by correspondence ATTRP Accredited Course Study from home to start a travel career now Free prospectus call Toll free: 1-800-252 775. St Start Now! COMPUTER POWER TRAINING INSTITUTE CPTI 2409SVD I I IT II II As 1 i ruwraragi NEED CASH FOR CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAYS7 Who wouldn We need enthu siastic peoole to blitz Sydney with our fantastic books iust in time for Christmas What in it for you' commission on EVERY book that is sold: FULL TRAINING out in the field: an opportunity to build your own SUCCESSFUL business. There are no gimmicks, all vou need is a reliable vehicle and lots of enthusi asm Forget the Ra-ra-ra'. it's this simple to make money Call Rebecca on 1800 025 631 to find out more NETWORK marketers dream Timemoney freedom 9955 9023 ROOF RESTORERS We reauire sub-contractors for roof restoration Work constantly available in Sydney Metro Experience pre ferred Own vehicle a must Further details ph. 771 3777 SALESPEOPLE who want money.
puters. skin care 627 2193 SUB-CONTRACTORS reauired for cladding work constantly available in Sydney Metro Exoerience preferred Further details ring 771 3777 Sub Contractors Truck Owners 42 ton and ud Pans or TL. Call Peter 667 0700 SUB-CONTRACTORS reauired for Datio fixing Work constantly available in Sydney Metro Experience preferred Further details Ph: 771 3777. CASUAL WORK AVAILABLE Need Cash for Xmas? CASH PAID DAILY Raising funds for Charity Transoort Drov immediate Start Ph 212 1811 TRAVELLERS MOST WELCOME PART-TIME Comouter ODerator must be exbenenced in Attache 5 for floral wholesaler at westmead 4-5 hours per day. 687 2512 8-3 PET OWNERS WANTED We are a recruiting company looking for dog owners to take oart in some market research at Baimain.
Dee Why. LiverDOOlCamDbelltown Hurstville. Parramatta and North Sydney we will Day vou S30 to take part piease can 893 9432 PIANIST (student) reauired or singing teacher 360 4305 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVER 3-4 nights, must have own car and be familiar with Eastwood. Marsf teid and North Ryde Enauiries Buaz33 arter 5 pm PRODIGY Marketing and Person nel seeks casual Starr ano Dromo- tion consultants for immediate start Must be self motivated and willing to work. Training Drovided Own transoort preferable Con-tact Sharon 411 3099 Promotion Staff We reauire heaps of dynamic energetic enthusiastic Deoole for oremier promotions agency Loads of positions currently available for Xmas work, casual and full-time, to the right applicants If vou are reliable and committed then please call us Great hourly rates Heaps of work available within fragrancecosmetics in major deot stores Call Mon-Fn 10 am -4 om.
Add On Promotions (02) 299 4475 PROMOTIONS Articulate, intelligent, reliable sales promotion staff for retail and corporate environment reauired for r'omotions throughout the Sydney metrooolitan area Phone 744 7480 SALES PTIME OR FTIME CASUALS Junior salespeople reauired to ioin teiecomnpunicatton co Must be motivated and committed to succeed Earning potential S40K-S50K a Ph Anthony. 328 271 1 STOREPERSONfPACKER for busy natural fooddrink distribution warehouse in Pyrmont We seek a keen. exod. person who works witn attention to detail and excellence. 4-6 hrsday.
4 daysweek Phone 552 1595 TUTORS read bv tuition agency All school subiects olus languages computers and music. 386 0877 CASUAL WORK WANTED ACCOUNTANT ACA. wants part-time or short contract work. lain. 439 2365 or 9955 7333 CLEANER.
Reliable, efficient, rea casual cleaning work nights only for domestic, comm ind orem Peter 014 613 369 SALES Retail See our ad under pos vacant general Ph 744 7480 THINKER WRITER RESEARCHER. (Fern. 31) for hire. Ph. 310 4150 LEGAL NOTICES In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Probate Jurisdiction.
AFTER 14 davs from Dublication of this Notice, an Application for Probate of the Will dated 16th May 1991. of NOREEN NITA MULLINS. late of Elizabeth Bay in tne state or New south waies. Widow, will be made by Peter eremv Muinns and Roqer tames Gilchrist. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon the Estate to: ALLEN ALLEN HEMSLEY.
solicitors. Level 17 Chifley Tower. 2 Chiflev Square. syaney tux iuaj. AFTER 14 days from publication of this Notice, an Application for Probate of the Will dated 8th SeDtember 1980.
or Thomas DICK NESS, late of 1 1 Wolselev Roaa. coogee 2U3b. Meaicai prac tioner, deceased, will be made by Patricia joan Angus Ness, creai tors are reauired to send oarticu lars pf their claims upon the Estate to: ROPER solicitors. 824 Anzac Parade. Maroubra 2035 (DX 4111 Maroubra).
tei 344 941 1. AFTER 14 davs from Dublication of this Notice, an ADDlication for Probate of the Will dated 6th SeDtember 1995. of MAXWELL GORDON NEVILLE, ate Of 5 Quirk Road. Manly Vale. Insurance Broker, deceased, will be made bv Patrick Walsh, the Executor named in the said Will.
Creditors are reauired to send Darticulars of their claims upon tne Estate to: ian CAMPBELL ASSOCIATES Solicitors 96 Peninsular Road Grays Point 2232 (DX 11030 Miranda). AFTER 14 davs from publication of this notice an aDDlication ror Prnhate of the Will dated February 2. 1983. Of PENELOPE O'BRIEN. late of 184 Hampaen Hoao.
Abbotsford. School Teacher. deceased, will be made bv Bruce John Buchanan and Prudence Jane Skenon. are reauirea to send particulars of their claims upon her Estate to: NEWMAN. PSALTIS Solicitors.
2nd Floor. 229-231 Macauane Street. SYDNEY. NSW 2000. AFTER 1 4 days from the Dublica tion of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 7th September.
1975. of HENRY NEAL pucot (in rne win canea Henry Neil Pascoe and also known as Harry Neil pascoe). late or Newtown. Van Salesman, will be made bv Evelyn Pascoe (sometimes known as Emily Doris Pascoe) Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon his Estate to DICKSON FISHER MACANSH. Solicitors.
Level 17. 1 Castlereagh Street. Sydney 2000 (D X. 111. Sydney).
AFTER 14 davs from oublication of this Notice, an Application for prooate or ine win aateo isx May 1 990. Ot ALLAN JAMES PENNEY. late of Naremburn. Professional Actor, deceased, will be made bv the Permanent Trustee Company Limited, one of the Executors named in the said Will (the other Executor therein named. Ivy Adell Penney, having renounced Pro bate).
Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon the Estate to: DICKSON FISHER MACANSH. Solicitors. Level 17. 1 Castlereagh Street. Sydney NS W.
2000 (DX 1 1 1 Sydney), tei: 221 8600. AFTER 14 davs from publication of this Notice, an Application for Probate of the will dated 3rd une 1995. Of CLAUDE ERNEST WILLIAM PICKERING, late of Concord. Retired Fitter and Turner. will be made by Cecile Mary Hutcnings and Bruce James Pickering.
Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon the Estate to: geraro a. KODOMI-CHALOS. Solicitor. Level 1. Build- ng 5.
HvmDie corporate centre. 20 Bridge Street. Pvmble W. 2073 (DX 8706 Gordon). of 1 of to CHEFCOOK.
Derm Sat dinner, on call week mtes. Mm 7 yrs exp 923 2336. after 12 noon. CHEFICOOK wanted for busv cafe. Chatswood Immediate start 6 days.
1 night Ph 41 1 3007 CHEFCOOK for busv Mosman cafe. Ftime. dav shifts onlv. must be creative with current food styles 9968 3054 CHEFCOOK, full or oart time, for busv beachside brasserie hotel Ring after 11 am. Anthony or John.
665 0000 CHEFCOOK Lamrock Cafe Bondi Beach reauires an experienced Derson to loin a Dusv Dut organised kitchen Good conditions, great atmosphere Call Brett on 389 5068 No Visas CHEFCOOK full or Dart-time and APPRENTICE CHEF wanted for newly renovated Rowers Restaurant on Mosman Bav. Australian contemporary cuisine Contact Paul Cohen 9-12 noon or 3-6 pm 9953 7966 CHEFCOOK Exc condswages Flexible hours Busy lower north shore eatery 018 601 207 CHEFCOOK red for busv gourmet pizza restaurant. Surry Hills Ftime. ptime positions available Phone 319 0757 after midday CHEF, competent and experience for short, well paid week incl. wends Wanted by Craven Cafe in Glebe can 552 zbbb io-i CHEF OE PARTIE read to loin new young team, in eastern suburbs restaurant Interested' Contact Leanne or Brett, on ibtatnz CHEF.
Dedicated and reliable for estab seafood rest Bonai Beacn 5-6 nights Pan exp essent Call Anezaeon. iuu uaq atr i CHEF Encore at Riverside We reauire an energetic Chef with a creative flair Our Restaurant is attached to the Parramatta iverside Theatres on the banks of the Parramatta River and boasts some distinguished visitors amongst its clientele Salary package will be bv negotiation for the successful applicant Current curriculum vitae and trade certificate a ore-reauistte For appointment and interview please contact 2511 9-5pm CHEF exp. enthusiastic, reliable self-starter with Dermanent outlook for upper Murray hotelmo tel adi snowy Mtns House avail Khancoban 060 76 9471 CHEFexD in a la carte for Shore rest lunch or dinner 439 7155 CHEF EXPERIENCED FOR PACIFIC HOTEL. YAMBA Applications are invited for the above position Attractive package available with great potential for motivated cnet Excellent turnover and figures available for genuine applicants (prom snare position). Yamba is located on the north coast ot 5 with the hotel overlooking the Clarence River entrance and Yamba main beach Fax 066 462 662 for specification or telephone between 10am.
and midday 066 46 2466 CHEF. Experienced Breakfast Cook for weekends to start immediately ALSO Coffeemaker. expert neced for busy cafe Ring Megan on 360 9911 or 357 1636 CAFE DIVINO CHEF experienced and motivated to join young kitchen team Good prospects and conditions Full time secure position 660 5666 CHEF FT exD committed sea food head chef for busv CBD rest Take resDonsibiiitv for aualityef-fictencv be well rewarded Ph 362 0893 or 0414 723 323 CHEF. Full time Busv Balmain restaurant OMNIVORE 810 1393 CHEF (KOREAN) Demonstrated exD (3-5 vrs) Capacity to trainsuoervise. plan implement menu, ensure aualitv control To work unsupervised 35K pa.
40 hrs ow Forward resume to Seiong Restaurant 68-72 Evaline St Campsie 2194 CHEF 2ND reauired must be aualified Shifts from Thurs to Mon Fast worker to work with young team Good position for someone recently finished apprenticeship City area Phone 281 3922 before 12 noon CHEF (2nd) casual Reauired for Bistro type Restaurant. Hornsby area Foraetans 4H7 33S5 CHEF 2nd nights only, for the Greenwood Hotel. North Sydney Call 964 9477 CHEF 2nd or 3rd vr apprentice To work with a young creative team in an inner citv bistro Must be auick. reliable, hardworking and show initiative, must love food Ph Nick or Chris. 5164165 or 018 441 688 CHEF2nd Rae's on Watego Beach Byron Bay Professional, hard working enthusiastic person reauired for this career position Ph Murray 066 85 8246.
CHEF 2ND for busy restaurant for 5 or 6 nights a week from 4 m. to 12 om inciuoinq weekends Apply 21 Espresso 21 Knox St Double Bay Ph 3Z7Z615 CHEF needed for caferestaurant with good innovative ideas. Rusn-cutters Bay 332 1 81 2. aft 10 am CHEF. Noosa.
Queensland Full time Dositton available for experienced wok ch in uninue. visual noodle bar. located Noosa Heads, to ooen late November Here's a great ODDOr-tumtv to enjov the lifestyle of Australia's gourmet resort, cou-Dted witi secure re-axed working conds with a back ud management team that incl successful noodle bars in SvdnevBnsbane Please oh Mr Tan 0418 449 123 or fax your details 074 4b4b3 CHEF or- Cook, hotel bistro. Blue Mountains. 6 days, live in.
Phone 018 75 9B91 CHEF oart time and 2 AbDren- tices tor new mod. uz rest hurst Only those with passion and innovation need aDDty Good money and conds Call Mark on 331 4745 or 019 990 744 CHEF Qualified K.rriDilh Ex Services CiuD Ph cec Bartho 9955 ZZ45 CHEF Qualified for stove position in uD-market restaurant in East Sydney Ring after 1 0 a ask for Antnony or rvricnaei. ibuoo CHEF. 3RD read for new restau rant in Nth. Svd Ph Greg Doyle or Richard Latham 9956 8583 CHEF reauired to join our young and innovative brigade 2 years post trade with exo a la carte and functions Attractive salary commensurate with experience Ph 9988 3695 CHEF, relief, from Nov.
20th to Dec 1st weekdays only Must be Quick, clean, able cooe with busy service Phone 221 4984 CHEF reauired part-time in busv modern Italian restaurant Leichhardt Approx 3-4 nights per week For appointment call 5500163 or 018 417481. CHEF read for Beach Road Res taurant. Palm Beach Must be exp in mod Aust Asian food and understand duality produce Can Richard on 9974 1159 CHEF rea for Italian restaurant Reauest of ability exo in pastry, sorbet seafood and food control costs $40Koa if you possess the above please can 5B0 35uo CHEF second reauired for our seafood restaurant function centre in Cronulla Please phone Exec Chef. Wayne Sawyer for an imme-diate start on 527 4477 CHEFS. Full time and casual work available Excellent wages and conditions for busv French restau-rant Ring George 212 7512 ABSOLUTELY fabulousA- KSfrl Al 'I 'v Ml CI II III Ml Nl Chefs Go TroDDo! Tropical resorts.
Id. rea Jnr Sous Chef De Partie Demi Commis. Also Syd 5 star hotel City rea Sous Chefs. Chef De Partie. Commis.
Demi 233 7333 CHEFS. 2NDand3RD Pier Restaurant IN ROSE BAY Ph 327 6561 CHEF (Soux) and PROVISION MASTER for brand new cruise line company Applicants should have oreferrably worked on passenger liners The criteria is Eurooean management as well as international crew Capacity of ship 700 passengers Enquiries 043 23 6969 CHEF 1st or 2nd for busv upmarket seafood restaurant Too money, very good conditions Future Ring 868 1611 CHEF 1st Glebe hotelbistro Brasserie style kitchen Modern Australian food Must have a flair for cooking and presentation Ph 692 0822 ENROLLING NOW FOR 1996 TRAVEL CAREERS TRAVEL TOURISM ATTRP ACCREDITED COURSES Austudy available to those who qualify Certificate in Travel and Tourism (Office Studies) -16 weeks', 24 weeks. Advanced Certificate in Travel Tourism (Office Studies) 40 weeks. FLIGHT ATTENDANT Certificate in Hospitality (In-Flkjht Service) 24 weeks FT, 46 weeks PT. Graduates will qualify for a career in hospitality and will receive comprehensive training specifically designed to equip graduates with 1 the greatest merit for the airline intake process.
"Prepare for your TODAY" 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MANAGERS cole experienced motei cvan dk mgrs see dos any area consid 019 63 9722 NANNIES. 2 very experienced tngiisn nannies seek work. 4 mtns from February 96. Friendly, reliable and caring Miss C. Goldring.
62 Thornton Ave cniswick, W41QQ. England CASUAL WORK AVAILABLE ABLE TO START. IMMEDIATELY 20 ODenmgs for guvsgirts, stu dentstravellers for oromotional work, no exoerience necessary Call Coiiette 316 0366 About Casual Work IN FILM IV. Tots, teens, adults Beginners welcome All ages all looks. Lots work 261344 L.N.
3020286 ACTIVE oeoole make $4001700 w. as a Doster-marketer. Travei-lers welcome. Ph 018 111691 ACTORS. EXTRAS MODELS rea Dv est.
reo agency for film. TV comms mags brochures, ooera All ages Character looks also urg read All shapes and sizes Beginners welcome LN3022822 MODEL Q. 9955 7676 (nr stn) ALL Smart Guvs and Girls looking tor gooa monev Dn 252 2b22 for domestic survey around Sydney ARTICULATE Travellers oromote cnocoiate Ji2 Dn no exD nec U.K. welcome. Ph.
360 1705. ATTENTION. Summer Adventure SUN. FUN. OLD.
WA. SA. VIC are iust some of the olaces we travel to. OoDortunitv to work with our young lead generation teams doing int. work.
Short term, long term work available All accomm travel and food Daid. Suit indeDendent. enthusiastic oeoole ready to start immediately Guaranteed weekly income olus incentives IndeDendent agency. Pn. Miss Stanger 2taii arter am FIRST IN FIRST SERVED.
PRO 2000 AVAILABLE NOW Leading charity seeks collectors ror r-unaraising ADDeai. loo com mission Cash paid daily For interview ph: 281 8214 BABIES TO TEENS reod for TV turns, soaps. Drocnures mags Est reo. agency LN. 3022822 MODEL 9955 7676 (nr.
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Ring 546 1663. leave message Legend Leathers 9 Stuart St Blakehurst MACHINIST outdoor or makers we are looking for expd machinists in eveningwear jobs available all year round Ph Vicki 690 1 959 am. 369 2975 AH. or Saturday 018 656 100. ft uses Fast-track your career by getting a qualification which will allow you to be working in less than a year.
Demand has never been greater for people with computer skills -last year we placed over 90 of our graduates with jobs Training specifically designed for adults Free job placement assistance Classes start weekly Range of full and pan rime accredited courses (You may he eligible for Austudy) Call today and reserve your seat at our free weekly careers seminar where courses and career opportuniues will be explained. Sessional Lecturer in Management Communication MBA Program Australian Graduate School of Management The Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) is seeking a person to develop, coordinate and deliver a course in effective oral and written communication in business settings for students in the full time Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program. We expect applicants to be experienced in developing and delivering business communications programs for senior managers andor postgraduates. The AGSM is a national postgraduate management school established by the Australian Government in the University of New South Wales. The School offers programs at Masters and Doctoral levels and intensive short courses for experienced managers.
The MBA is an intensive full time program for people who wish to make a major career move. Essential Criteria. Demonstrated ability to teach effective business communication skills for senior managers. This would include experience in: coordinating and delivering equivalent courses curriculum design teaching people with varj iiig skill levels. Demonstrated skills in business writing Strong communication and interpersonal skills High levels of written and oral presentation skills Understanding of business environments Relevant tertiary qualifications Enquiries about the AGSM and this position may be directed to Ms Jane Treloar, AGSM, phone: (02) 9931 9222; fax: (02) 9931 9231; email: Applications should include a curriculum vitae, examples of courses taught and references.
mwm Herald Classifieds make it easy for you. fWj J7S4 WAITERWAITRESS DRINK Point Piper, reauires permanent casual staff Friday Saturday Sunday Must have minimum three vears exoenence including knowledge of wines, to service a la carte restaurant References essential. Ph. during business hours. Mon-Fri.
327 6828 You can place and pay for your ad with one phone call. Simply have your Bankcard, Mastercard or Visa card handy when you place your ad. THINK BIG. Herald Classifieds Applications close: Monday 20 November, 1995. People from EEO groups are encouraged to apply.
The University is a smoke-free work environment. PASTRY CHEF A skilled pastry chef is reauired to become a part of our busy team. Experience in the French stvle of pastry making and chocolate is essential A salary (range S35.000) and hours will be negotiated Phone The Fig Cafe on 06 295 6915 THE UNIVERSITY OF NJAO 11876.