The Morning Press from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

OCTOBER 19, 1961 THE MORNING PRESS, BLOOMSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA PAGE THREE work day next spring the banks of the stream be thoroughly cleaned' to eliminate this area as a breeding spot for mosquitoes and other bugs. The Soil Conservation Service has worked up a program with regard to care of the park area and will get 200 shrubs for planting there. Recreation Center Plans are' developing to make old Fifth Street School, now the Youth Center, recreation center for all in community the and it is probable that Jack Giles, recreation director, will soon have his office in that building In the field of recreation there are three adult classes in oil painting, all to be held at the center, and one in ceramics, to be held in the ceramics room at the high school. These will start in November. Giles reported there is a chess club of eighteen members, with six more likely to join, that meets at the recreation center Thursday.

There will be a model airplane building class at the center and Model Airplane Club will also hold its meeting there. The program of adult recreation includes the Golden Age Club which was started sometime ago through the initiative of the Bloomsburg Business and Professional Women's Club. Middle Atlantic. director for National Recreation Association will be in town on Wednesday, November 1, and will meet with the board at a. noon luncheon WHAT DID MR.

SAY ABOUT TEST? (Continued from Page One) Tass gave a slightly different version. Its summary included this paragraph: "Khrushchev said the tests would probably end with the explosion of a hydrogen bomb with a yield equivalent -to 50 million tons of By touching off a 50-megaton bomb' we shall That evening he will appear at a public, meeting at the court house as which the recreational program of the community will be discussed. The board hopes a large number of the residents will be in attendance at that session. SEARS DAYS BEST HOME FURNISHING SEARS SALE THROUGH MONDAY 9 P.M. VALUES CONTINUED ROEBUCK AND CO.

DE BROADLOOM PRICES CUT! REGULAR $5.95 Regular $8.95 REGULAR $8.95 Regular $10.95 REGULAR $12.95 ALL WOOL PILE Du Pont 501 Nylon ALL WOOL PILF Wool and Nylon ALL WOOL PILE TWEED Nubby Pile TWIST Pile WILTON The rich tweed texture Most spots and stains Closely woven wool Thick, 3-ply are A rich blend of yarns goes with modern and wipe right off! Absorbs yarns. Permanently woven of the finest virtraditional. Thick, tight- less dirt, soil: Crush- mothproofed, too, resist wool for wear and gin wool. Graceful leaf ly twisted yarns clean resistant, mothproof. crushing, soiling, 5 col- 1 on.

Mothproofed. design. Mothproofed. easily. Mothproofed.

Choice of popular colors. ors. Nine exciting colors. colors. FOAM-BACK 9x12-FT.

COTTON RUGS NOW NO MONEY DOWN ONLY 1999 on any purchase on Sears Easy Payment Plan. Plush cotton pile has smart Take as long as three years to pay. fringed edges and is perfect for the rough wear it could get in any living area. Lovely colors. one call does it all Save Oval Rugs Reg.

42.95 Now Only Just call ST 4-6400 for FREE estimates, samoval rug. obligation for this service. 8-in. 8-in. braided 3899 ples right in your own home.

No charge or 1 on OPEN MON. and FRI. NIGHTS TIL 9 P.M. ODD LOT I LIGHTS AT PARK NEXT 'BIG PROJECT (Continued from Page One) added to the picnic site. In preparing the ground eight loads of gravel were removed and twentytwo loads of top soil placed.

The area has been seed to grass. The dry weather has been adverse to growing lawn and this area will be given further attention as early in the spring as possible. The road which will go to Reg. Robison field will enter from Fort McClure Boulevard and will be west of the picnic area. The state has: made survey of the park with regard to spraying for pest control and will do this work.

early in the spring. State officials suggested that in Jubilee Priced 99 sq. yd. 12-foot width Jubilee Priced 99 6 12 and sq. 15 yd.

foot widths BEDDING SALE Save Choice $20 of Foam or Now! Innerspring Full or Twin Size Limited Quantities Mattress or Box Springs a Regularly 24.95 to 69.95 Sale Priced 1788 to 4988 guaranteed or your money back" Danville News FRANK W. LOVETT. Correspondent Dial BB5-2614 For Daily Home Delivery in Danville, Dial Angle's Store BR5-1261 4 At Geisinger To Give Papers On Program Pennsylvania Medical Society This Week Four members of the medical staff of The Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, are to present papers to the current meetings of the Pennsylvania Medical Society in Pittsburgh this week. The papers will be given by members of the Departments of Pathology, Dermatology, Orthopedics and Urology. Dr.

David C. Kellsey, Departments of Orthopedics, will present "Bowing of Long Bones Infancy and Childhood. in which will be pointed out the effect of abnormal stresses and strains put on the growing ends of the bones at the knee and hip, and the "pigeontoeing" resulting from overly prolonged habitual positions that children assume while sleeping or sitting. Severely "pigeon-toed" children may appear to be bowlegged. Dr.

Walter I. Buchert, medical director and head of the Department of Urology, will speak on "Gastrointestinal Symptoms as a Disease," dealing with stomach and bowel symptoms as a result of disease Allergic in the Eczematous tract. Contact Dermatitis" is the topic of Dr. E. N.

Hesbacher, Dermatology Department. The presentation will review the many and varied agents that cause inflammation of the skin (dermatitis). these sub stances include plants, weeds, cosmetics, rubber, detergents and numerous other common, every day items that come in contact with the skin and cause either primary irritant. or true allergic skin disease. An example of a substance commonly causing this type of distress every summer is "poison Dr.

Joseph C. Sieracki; head of the Department of Pathology, will present "'The Use of Imprints in the Study of Lymphoid This is the touching of the cut surface of lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen etc.) to a glass slide, a technique used along with the aid of the permanent section to render a more accurate diagnosis in diseases affecting this type of tissue. ASSEMELY LINES AT FORD THREATENED (Continued from Page One) tees to go on on such items as seniority, production standards, work week and wage inequities. Subcommittees had been meeting five hours when the UAW announced they would continue until Wednesday night, when UAW President Walter P. Reuther his aides would review progress and determine when full negotiating committees would meet again.

The union began intensive bargaining this week with Chrysler after having previously wrapped up new contracts at American Motors Ford Motor and General Motors Corp. Labels 50M Test 'Crime' OTTAWA (AP)-Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker said Wednesday the Soviet Union's explosion of a 50-megaton nuclear bomb "would be a crime against humanity." He indicated Canada may protest to Moscow. Geisinger Admissions Among those admitted to Gelsinger Hospital on Monday were Hernert McFarland, Danville; Otis Adams, Berwick; Mrs. Molly Haas, Riverside; Mrs.

Janice Erb, Danville. Among those admitted. Tuesday were Jane Montague, Mrs. Pears Pursel, Danville; Mrs. Guy Hawk, Catawissa; Mrs.

Mable Auman, Paxinos; Mrs. Marjorie Bassett, Danville; Rev. Clyde F. Whary, Elysburg; Mrs. Mary Holuba, Berwick; Mrs.

Donna Kyttle. Danville. Gives Progress Report On Jr. High Building A progress report on the construction of the additions to the Danville Junior High School was given by Lloyd Myers, resident inspector, to the Danville Area School Authority this week, Myers reported that the plastering and glazing in the west wing should be completed soon and that most. heating units have been connected.

Bids for equipment will be opened November 2 and action taken at the next Authority meeting. Payment of $9,342.50 to the Area Jointure was approved as reimbursem*nt for the nw recreation fiela and track near the high school. Requisitions in the amount of $64,647 for contractors were approved for payment. Elect President Of Blind Association Guy Casner, Mill street, Danville, was elected president of the Board of Directors of the Lower Susquehanna Branch of the Pennsylvania Association of the Blind at the annual reorganization of that group this week. Casner is secretary of the Danville Lions Club and active in Boy Scout work and young peoples programs.

Rev. George Kehl Will Occupy Area Pulpits Rev. George Kehl, Jeanette, will occupy the pulpits of the Mausdale and Ridgeville United Churches of Christ Sunday morning. Mrs. Kehl is the former Helen Hartline, Danville.

WCTU Meets The Danville terday afternoon Mrs. Albert Deily, WCTU at the Walnut met yeshome of street. End Of Sewer Treatment Battle May Be Near South Williamsport Council has called for a contract negotiation meeting with the Williamsport Sanitary Authority in the borough's latest move toward settling its long standing sewage treatment controversy. Council has directed its secretary to ask the WSA to meet "to negotiate a contract in good faith" for treatment of the borough's sewage disposal in city plants. Bucknell To Share In Mathematics Grant Bucknell University is among ten liberal arts colleges selected to share in the $15,000 in grants awarded by the General Electric Foundation, it was announced.

The grants, totaling $1,500 each, will be used toward support of the mathematics department of each college during the 1961-62 academic year. ALAS PAT SHOD Crossword Puzzle TACT NO PADR EXCEPTIONALLY ACROSS 33. Name ALL 1. Article 34. One who ir MADE LOsS of apparel continually SENNA WOT 4.

Sinbad's taking OR LEANEST RO bird medicine HUMUS 7. Disgrace 35. Lyric SLAG DOG NAPS 12. Commotior 36. Exigency 13.

Constella- 38. American tion caricaturist AT RON OUR ME 14. Strength 41. Jewish. 15.

Decompose TALONS 16. Air 42. Absolute 18. Corpulent 43. Agreeable Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 20.

Take the social chief meal conduct 2. Sun dried 8. Predica. 21. Gave 47.

Anger temporarily brick ment: colloq. 48. Reception 22. Ran away room 3. Powerful 9.

The hastily 49. Expire ruler milkAsh 23. Rent 50. Contend 4. Talk 10.

Convened 26. Article of 51. Bite of enthusiasti- 11. Before furniture an insect cally 17. Cravat 28.

Feminine 52. Be mistaken 5. Seaweed 19. name 53. Remnant 6.

Source ment in a 30. Verbally of light DOWN 7. Slender stable 32. Writing 22. Insect implement 1.

Sing rods 23. Profitable 24. Bib. character 25. Palm Aber 37.

Harmonizing 30. About 30. Amer. Indian 31. Free 32.

Legume 34. Ridicule 37. Corrode 50 39. European Anch 40. Cornered: colloq.

35 41. Presently 42. Employer 43. Donkey 44. Small rug 45.

Samuel's teacher I. Teutonie goddess of healing Neweleatures CAR TIME 50 MIN, Riot Police In Paris Built Up French Government Orders Stern Action Against Algerian Mobs By JOSEPH E. DYNAN PARIS (AP) The government rushed heavy reinforcements of riot police to Paris Wednesday and ordered stern measures against ringleaders of Algerian mobs who battled police for hours in an anticurfew demonstration Tuesday night. About 1,500 Algerian nationalists were ordered expelled to their North African homes within 48 3 hours and an official said this WAS only the beginning of a giant deportation process. Nearly 12,000 Algerians, rounded up during the rioting in what was described by one official as the biggest police dragnet in history, jammed bullpens.

1,000 Men Added To Force The Cabinet decided to add six companies of riot police and four of mobile gendarmes- about 1,000 men in all--to the already heavy security forces of the capital, An emotional wave of solidarity with FLN, the Nationalist Liberation Front that has waged a war for independence for nearly seven years, swept among the 150,000 Algerians living in the Paris area when a call was issued for a demonstration against a curfew. The curfew, applying only to Algerians, was ordered in an effort to cut down on gangland-type wars between rival Algerian factions, and reduce attacks on policemen. Three persons were killed and 77 injured as 20,000 to 30,000 Algerians swarmed from the Algerdan quarter on the slopes of "Montmarte and other areas and attempted to march on the center of Paris. Police carted thousands off to jail in huge vans and borrowed buses. Interior Minister Roger Frey told the Cabinet written orders from nationalist agents found on some of the prisoners called for the anticurfew demonstration, A merchants' strike and a demonstration next Friday by Algerian women and children.

Many Moslem merchants in the Algerian quarter boarded up their shops Wednesday, and many Algerian workers stayed away from their jobs. A 24-hour curfew was clamped on the business area of Oran, Algerian scene of turbulent clashes between Algerians and Europeans over the weekend. The order closed all public buildings, cafes and theaters. The order was issued after new violence in and which three at least Algerians two Euwere killed in Oran. The trouble was touched off with the assassination of a European by a Moslem who escaped after firing bullets into his victim's neck.

Trucker Tests Radar Arrest Attorney Declines To Say On What Grounds He Will Base Case PITTSBURGH (AP) A state policeman testified Wednesday that tests showed his radar speedchecking set was in proper working condition both before and after a truck driver was stopped on speeding charges. Corp. Paul Schylack testified in Allegheny County Court in a case designed to test the legality of Pennsylvania's new radar speed law. The truck driver, W. L.

Bartley of Irwin, R.D. 1, was given a ticket Sept. 17 on charges of speeding in his tractor-trailer on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in nearby Indiana Twp. Schylack told the court his radar set was tested three times at 5 p.m. on that date and was in proper working order.

He said Irwin was stopped at 10:25 p.m. The corporal added that the radar set was tested again shortly after and was working all right. Defense Atty. A. A.

Bluestone declined to say on what grounds his case will be based. "Walt until I present my case," he told newsmen. Marshal, Local Officials Differ On Jail Status After a U.S. Marshal made report to the federal court in. Williamsport about conditions in the Lycoming County Prison, local prison officials issued statements that denied half a dozen points of criticism cited by the marshal.

Picks Raspberries Mrs. Merton Benton R. D. 3, reports that she picked black raspberries from her garden yesterday. Padre Island is a thin stretch of land 113 miles long in the Gulf of Mexico, reaching from Corpus Christi, to the mouth of the Rio Grande River.

FREE 1962 Corvair SABO'S SUNOCO Numidia, Pa. test the device for triggering 100-megaton bomb? The "probably" in the Tass count could apply to the end of testing in October. or to the ting off of the 50-megaton blast. Neither Tass nor Pravda mentioned a specific date for ending the tests or a 50-megaton explosion. Both said by the "end of Western correspondent heard him give Oct.

30 or 31 the date. This difference suggested there may have been some editing of Khrushchev' statement. When you bake muffins from recipe that's rich in shortening and sugar, you can skip offering with them. A A TO Jubilee Priced 99 sq. yd.

9, 12, 15 foot widths Jubilee Priced 099 sq. yd. 9, 12, 15 foot widths Jubilee Priced 099 sq. yd. 12 and 15 Foot Widths FALL CLEAN-UP REG.

SALE 309.95 DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut 7-pc. Now Only $277.00 64.95 RECLINING CHAIR, charcoal nylon and plastic. Only 1 54.88 129.95 RECLINING CHAIR, oxblood. Only 1 and it's a real buy at 99.00 129.95 BEDROOM SUITE, 3-pc. walnut Only 2 at this price 99.00 122.95 BEDROOM SUITE, 3-pc.

knotty pine Only 1 at this price 99.00 229.95 BEDROOM SUITE, 3-pc. grey mahogany. Sorry, only 1 197.00 69.95 KNEEHOLE DESK, Danish Walnut Only 2 at this price 54.00 249.95. LIVINGROOM SUITE, modern design beige nylon with foam cushions Only 1 219.00 189.95 SECTIONAL LIVINGROOM SUITE, 3-pc. Shell Beige foam cushions.

Slightly damaged 144.00 109.95 LIVING ROOM GROUP, 5-pc. Plastic. Tan or Ivory. Sofa Arm Chair 2 End Tables co*cktail Table 87.00 129.95 SET, 7-pc. Bronze with walnut wood grain table top and Beige chairs 94.88 99.95 DINETTE SET, 5-pc.

Black. Only 1 67.00 29.95 SALEM MAPLE CHEST. Only 1 21.88 36.95 SALEM MAPLE FULL SIZE BOOKCASE BED. Sorry Only 2 24.88 22-24 W. Main Bloomsburg SEARS Free Parking Dial ST In Rear 4-6406 of Store.

The Morning Press from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.