C. Society in this state will be Interested in the following account of the marriage of Dr. C. B. King, of this city and Miss Kathryn Maule, of Miami, taken from The Miami Herald: "The marriage of Kathryn Maule, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Evert P. Maule, to Dr. Charles Banks King, of Charlotte, N. was a brillant event of last night.
The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents in Miramar. The bride was very stately in her wedding gown of white embroidered chiffon velvet fashioned with pleatings and panels of chiffon caught with pearl ornaments. Her veil was embroidered with rare old rose point lace that has been in her family several generations, and was held with A band of pearls and was festooned with satin ribbons and valley lilies. She carried a shower of Killarney roses and valley lilies. The wedding vows were spoken before an altar banked with white flowers and lighted with rows of candles.
Miss Maule was given in marriage by her father. The Rev. Robert T. Phillips, of Trinity Episcopal church, officiated. "The bride's sister, Miss Ruth Maule, Dr.
King's sister, Miss Clara, King, of honor Charlotte, and her N. brides- were maids were Miss Olive Dungan and Raleigh Cafe Special Lunch 50c 11:30 to 2:30 P. M. Today's Menu Beef Boullion Breaded Veal Chop--Spanish Sauce Creamed Potatoes Sugar Peas Fruit Salad Peach Shortcake Whipped Cream Hot Corn Muffins Tea Milk LEONARD C. COOKE Art Photography.
834 N. Tryon. Phone 1511 IN WOMAN'S REALM MARGARET KELLY ABERNETHY, Editor Miss Elizabeth Rinaman. The maids) and bridesmaids wore gowns in pastel shades and carried Russell roses. Dr.
King's brother, George B. King, was his best man. The groomsmen were Irwin Henderson and Dr. William Branson, of Charlotte. The Kaufman orchestra played the nuptial music.
Just before the ceremony Miss Adelaide Sterling Clark sang "By the Waters of Minnetonka," with violin obligato, and "The Birthday." by Cowen. Her sister, Miss Eleanor Clark, was her accompanist. "A reception and wedding supper followed the ceremony. Roses, ferns, smilax and white peonies were used in the decorations in the home. "Dr.
and 1 Mrs. King left last night for an extended wedding tour. They will visit New York, City and Buffalo, N. and go to Charlotte, N. where they will reside.
"The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evert P. Maule, prominent residents of Miami. She has been popular, in Miami society since she made her debut several years ago and is a young woman of charming personality.
"Dr. King is a prominent physician and belongs to a well known southern family. His mother, Mrs. Charles Banks King, was among the out-of-town guests at the wedding." Mrs. King and daughter, Miss Clara King, were expected to arrive home last night.
Miss King went to Florida immediately after her graduation from Sweet Briar college, to be present at a number of elaborate prenuptial parties given for Miss Maule. Miss Abernethy's House Party. Miss Emily Tuttle, of Greensboro, arrived in the city yesterday to 1 be the house guest of Miss Enola Abernathy at her home on Elizabeth avenue. Misses Frances John, of Mineral Springs, will arrive MonLaurinburg and Estelle en Cherry, of day to be the guests of Miss Abernathy. All of the young ladies were classmates at the Greensboro Col- for Women.
Sistare-Whitt. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Whitt announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Katherine, to Mr. Howard Wilson Sistare, May 28, 1924. The young couple motored to York, S. and were married at the Presbyterian manse, Rev. E.
E. Gillespie officiated. Mrs. Sistare is a pretty brunette and is admired by a wide circle of friends. Mr.
Sistare is a son of Mr. J. R. Sistare, of Riverside, S. C.
He is connected with the C. K. Messick Grocery company and is a brother of Mrs. Marshall Bates and Mrs. J.
W. Craig, of Charlotte. AUDITORIUM 4 a June Nights 18-19-20-21 FIRST TIME TO BE SHOWN IN CHARLOTTE Payder River OFFICIAL U. S. War Department Pictures made by the U.
S. Army Signal Corps. Covering, the activities of every division that saw action in France. Camera men defy death to make them---nine reels -preceded by 1,500 feet of German confiscated submarine pictures. Auspices of Stonewall Jackson Post Veterans of Foreign Wars.
See Your Own Division in Action Tickets Now On Sale- 50c; Children, 25c Lynch's Pharmacy -Efird's Department Store A Spoonful of Frozen Delight If you demand La Belle Ice Cream you'll get many spoonfuls of frozen delight. The kind you can't imitate. Insist on La Belle -then you'll be assured of a real tasty dish. CANDY COMPANY La 406 S. Tryon St.
PHONE 6000. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS HONOR PRETTY VISITOR Lovely Dinner Party for Miss Mary Brookes at Myers Park Club; Dance Afterwards. Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Thomas were hosts: at a lovely dinner party at the Myers Park club last evening honoring Miss Mary Brookes, of South Boston, who is the attractive guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Samuel 0. Brookes, the former her uncle, at their home on South Tryon street. Miss Brookes is remembered here as one of the most popular visitors of the young society set last suminer. Mrs. Thomas wore a becoming gown of yellow georgette and tulle combined.
Miss Brookes wore a dress of light blue taffeta full skirt and tight fitting bodice. Beautiful bowls of pink and lavender sweet and larkspur and silver candlesticks holding lavendercolored candles formed the table decorations. Handsome silver compotes at either end of the table held salted nuts and confections. Placehowere Miss laid for: Mary Brookes, Miss Margaret Mather, Miss Rosalie Hook, Miss Martha Crowell, Miss Margaret Taliaferro, Miss Mary Lee Shepherd, Parks Hutchison Dalton and guest, Mr. Jack Powell, of Greensboro, Mr.
John Q. Myers, Mr. John B. Ross, Mr. Lewis C.
Eurwell, Mr. Harold Buck, Mr. Albert M. Whisnant, Jr. Mr.
and Mrs. Josephs Honor aughter. Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. Josephs gave a very pretty dinner party and dance Wednesday evening at their home on East Morehead street in honor of their daughter Evelyn on her sixteenth birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for 10: Miss Mae Williamson and Johnnie Jones, Miss oDris Thomason and J. Ernest Josephs, Miss Minnie B. Jones and George Dudley, Miss Vivian Goley and Charlie Adams, Miss Evelyn Josephs and Roger Duval.
The following stags were invited to the cutting of the birthday cake and the dinner dance which followed: Robert Mitchell. Duncan Morton, Robert McMillan and Gary Haseman. Miss Evelyn received some very beautiful gifts and pretty favors were distributed to all the guests. Mrs. Maybille Honored.
Mrs. W. C. Maybille, of Atlanta, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. M.
K. Word, at her home on Worthington avenue, Dilworth, is being accorded a number of delightful hospitalities. Mrs. Word entertained her, bridge club Wednesday sister and Mrs. J.
A. Baker won the prize for the top score, a French novelty, Mrs. C. W. McKnight cut the consolation prize, a Japanese basket and Mrs.
Maybille received a piece of lingerie. Guests playing were: Mrs. Maybille, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. McKnight, Mrs.
N. F. Carter, Mrs. M. O.
ory, Mrs. C. D. Taylor, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs.
Wiley Burwell, Mrs. Ward Orr, Mrs. C. E. Wakefield, of Hartsville, S.
Mrs. Luke Castile, Mrs. Hawthorne Ware, of Gastonia. Mrs. Burwell gave a bridge party at the Hotel Charlotte Thursday in honor of Mrs.
Maybille. Mrs. Ware entertained at her home in Gastonia Friday afternoon in compliment to Mra. Maybille. John Edwin Smitr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, of 703 East Fifth street, announce the birth of a son, John Edwin.
West Side Kinney Bible Class. The West Side Kinney Bible class will meet tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. S. Davis at her home 1010 West Fourth street. The eighteenth chapter of will be studied.
St. Peter's Hospital Guild. St. Peter's hospital guild will meet the hospital Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs.
Hugh Montgomery, the president, will preside. All members are requested to be present. Mr. Kirby Improving. Mr.
Robin Kirby is getting along nicely appendicitis following at an the operationerfor hospital a week ago today. Bible Class Meets With Miss Wilson. The Young Matrons and Girls Bible class will meet with Miss Annie Wilson, the leader, at her home 808 QQueens road, Myers Park, Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. The class will meet with Miss Wilson during the summer. Chicken Supper at St.
Paul's. The ladies of St. Paul's Presbyterian church will serve a fried chicken supper in the basem*nt of the church Tuesday evening from 6 to 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Mr.
Watt in Hospital. The many friends of Mr. Gordan Watt will be glad to know that he is improving following the removal of his tonsils at the Charlotte Eye, Ear and Throat hospital Friday. He expects to leave the hospital today. Virginia Asher Council.
The Virginia Asher Business Women's Council and Bible Study class will meet at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow evening at 6:15 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. PERSONALS. Miss Susan Craig, of Chester, S. is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Craig, the former her brother, at their home in Myers Park. Mrs.
Charles W. Tillett, state regent of the D. A. left Friday for Wilmington to attend the meetof the sixth district D. A.
R. today. Mrs. Tillett will be a special guest at the celebration of "Flag day" yesterday afternoon by the North. and Carolina the society American of Legion.
Colonial Mrs. Harold Dwelle and children, Myers and Elephare, of Mountain, spent Thursday in the city with Mrs. Dwelle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Myers, at their home on East avenue. Mrs. Dwelle's father, who was very ill recently, is much improved. Mrs.
F. A. Fanning has gone to Asheville and Black Mountain to spend some time after spending the past six months here with her daughter, Miss Grace Fanning, at the Jefferson apartments, on North Church street. Miss Deane Van Landingham has returned home after a two weeks' visit to Miss Marion Atkin in Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Atkin will visit Miss Van Landingham at her summer home at Linville within the next few weeks.
Mr. Thomas D. Carson is spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L.
C. Boyer, the latter his sister, at their home on East Seventh street, Elizabeth. Mr. Carson and Mrs. Boyer expect to leave in day or so for Sparta to visit their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Carson. Mr.
Carson is a national bank examiner, recently transferred from Columbia to Richmond. Mrs. H. G. Goode and little daughter.
Natalie, have returned from Washington, D. and Wildwood, where they visited relatives. Mrs. Flora Johnston Braswell and children, Miss Nancy Jean and "Sonny," left yesterday for the mountains near Hendersonville to spend the summer. They were accompanied by Miss Sarah Lee Murr, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. Lester Murr, who will be the guest for a month of little Miss Nancy Jean Braswell. Miss Louise Springer, of Greenville, S. will arrive the city either tomorrow or Tuesday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. William Gresham Thomas at their home, 726 Clement avenue. Miss Springer formerly lived in Charlotte and has a wide circle of friends here. Msis Fannie J. Hunter left yes terday for Chapel Hill attend the University of North Carolina sun mer school.
Miss Margaret Greene left Friday for Alexandria, to attend the reunion of St. Mary's alumnae. Miss Adele Cross, of Clarksville, will arrive in the city this morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Al Thomas at their home, 4 Westfield road, Myers Park.
Mrs. B. D. Williams, who 1 16 spending the summer in Hickory with her mother, Mrs. W.
R. Gwaltney, came down yesterday to spend few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rowell Holt at their home, 411 Kingston avenue, Dilworth. Mr.
and Mrs, George P. Fort have returned home after a three-weeks' visit to New York. While Mr. Fort went to Providence, R. on business Mrs.
visited in Trenton, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. O'Bannon left yesterday for Asheville to spend 10 days with Mr. C. B. Beadle at his home at Biltmore.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Bannon will. go from Biltmore to Wrightsville Beach where Mr. O'Bannon will attend the Pharmacists' convention which convenes there on the 24th.
Mrs. G. H. Brown and daughters, Misses Annie Belle and Laura May, of Sanford, spent last week visiting Mr. and Mre.
G. D. Winecoff at their home on the York road. Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Akin and family and Mrs. Akin's guest, Mrs. T.
A. Burns, of New York, have returned home after a few motor trip to Asheville. Mrs. Ernest C. Gardner and small son, Clifford, left last night for their home in Carver, after spending, Gardner's several parents, months here Mr.
with and Mrs. N. T. Holder. Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Oakman, of Augusta, will arrive in the city today to spend 10 days visiting Mr. and Mrs.
G. B. Phillips, the latter their daughter, at their home on Lillington avenue. After their visit here Mr. and Mrs.
Oakman will leave for trip to Hendersonville. Master L. L. Hutchinson left last week for Wilmington to spend geveral months with his uncles, Messrs. J.
W. and Fred Little. Miss Elizabeth Fowler is spending the week with Miss Jennie Brown Concord. Miss Fowler is a frequent visitor to Concord and is quite a favorite with Concord 80- ciety. Mrs.
Mae Carter and daughter, Miss Ruby Carter, and Miss Elvira Aiken, of Greenville, S. are spending the week-end here with Mrs. W. W. Blount at her home on the Plaza.
Miss Pauline Garris and Miss Clara Davis Porter left yesterday afternoon for Gaffney, S. to spend a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Bird. Master Dowd Bangle left yesterday morning for Rockingham to spend several weeks with his aunt, Mrs. J. W. McKenzie.
Miss Elizabeth Conrad, Miss Sara Kelly, Miss Virginia Ryder and Mrs. W. Myers Hunter left yesterday afternoon for Blowing Rock. They will return home Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Meyer arrived MECKLENBURG HOTEL CAFE Featuring Special Luncheon from 12 to 2:30 P.
Steak Dinner, 6 to 9 P. $1.25 Club Breakfast, 35c, 50c, 65c and 75c A la Carte Service. We Your Patronage. A Good Watch is Your Standby Yet, many men carry poor timekeepers or none at all. Know the satisfaction of a dependable watch; we have one to suit your taste and purse.
Monday, 3:30 p. -Circle No. 1 of the woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. C.
Y. Logan at 615 North Caldwell street. Monday, 3:30 p. No. 5, St.
Paul's Presbyterian church, will meet with Mrs. D. A. Garris, 505 East Ninth street. Monday, 8 p.
West Side Kinney Bible class will meet with Mrs. S. Davis at her home, 1010 West Fourth street. Monday, 4 p. The following circles of Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian church will meet Circle No.
1 with Mrs. Hunter, 1302 Elizabeth avenue. Circle No. with Mrs. Query, Park Road community house, Circle No.
3. with Mrs. Smith, 401 Vail avenue. Circle No. 4 with Mrs.
Bell, 1706 Park drive. Circle No. 5 with Mrs. Marlin, 208 Vail avenue. Circle No.
6 with Mrs. Petteway, 302 Central avenue. Circle No. 7 with Mrs. Barkley, North Fox street.
Circle No. 8 with Mrs. Chapman, 533 Lamar avenue. Monday, 6:15 p. Virginia Asher.
Business Women's Council and Bible Study class will meet at the First Presbyterian church. Tuesday, 10 a. The Myers Park Bible class will meet with Mrs. Thomas S. McPheeters, 1007 -Queen road.
Tuesday, 10:30 a. m. -Members of the literature department of the Woman's club, presidents of all book clubs, heads of literary organizations, and presidents of parentteacher associations requested to meet Tuesday, at Woman's 11 club. 8. -The Young Matrons' and Girls' Bible class will meet with Miss Annie Wilson at her home, 808 Queens road, Myers Park.
Tuesday, 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. -The ladies of St.
Paul's Presbyterian church will serve chicken supper in the basem*nt. of the church. The public invited. Also sale of fancy work. Wednesday, 10:30 a.
m. St. Peter's Hospital guild will meet at the hospital. Wednesday, 4 p. m.
to 6 p. The ladis of the Christian church will give a silver tea. at the home of Mrs. G. Doggett, 308 Kingston avenue.
Public cordially invited. WEEKS MEETINGS AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Monday. 1 p. association.
1 p. mfl-Lions club. Tuesday. 1 p. m.
club. 12 of the South6rn Yarn Spinners association. 8 p. 8 p. -Miss Anges Manning's music pupils' recital.
Wednesday. 1 p. Gas and oil dealers. 8 p. Manning's recital.
Thursday. 1 p. club. Friday, 1 p. Civitan club.
8 p. -Goodfellows orchestra practice. home yesterday from Emittsburg, to spend the summer vacation. Mrs. Tallaferro Simpson and guest, Mrs.
R. W. Simpson, of Norfolk, have returned to they city after attending the finals at Clemson college. Mr. Joe Meyer left yesterday for trip to Chicago and Canada.
Mr. Carlisle G. Williams has arrived home from the University of Virginia to spend several weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Williams, at their home in the Guthery apartments. He was accompanied home by Mr. Justin Rice, of St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Landingham will leave Wednesday for Linville to open their summer home. Miss Deane Van Landingham will spend a week with Miss Calvine Scott joining her mother in the mountains. Mrs.
Miles W. Kelly and children, Margaret and Miles, of Brooklyn, N. will arrive in the city tomorrow morning to visit Mrs. S. A.
Kelly, at her home on East boule- vard, Dilworth. This is Mrs. Kelly's first visit here in 18 months. Messrs. James and Robert Hall, of Covington, will arrive in the city the first of the week to visit Rev.
and Mrs. M. E. Peabody at Sugaw Creek manse. The Messrs.
Stewart are nephews of Mr. Peabody. Mr. John Paul Trotter, of Rochester, N. is here on a visit to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. F. Trotter, at their home on Elizabeth avenue. Mr.
Trotter is a member of the editorial staff of the Lawyers Co-operative Publishing company at chester. He has just attended a reunion of his class at the North Carolina university. Mrs. Miss. Wynne at Baker Honoradostess 8 a lovely luncheon at the Myers Park club yesterday honoring Miss Leslye Baker, of Brunswick, who is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Don Richardson, the latter her sister. Mrs. Wynne wore a white sport suit and Miss Baker, who is one of the prettiest attractive visitors of the season, worth handsome doe skin sport suit and smart hat. A bowl of sweet peas and ferns above which was a small Japanese parasol formed the centerpiece of the table.
Little Japanese parasols were attached to the nut baskets and Japanese place cards were used. Covers were Richardson, laid for Mrs. Mrs. Al Thomas, Wynne, Miss Elizabeth Bruns, Miss Harriet Roark, Miss Alethia Bland, Miss Lillian Floyd, Mrs. Fred White, Mrs.
Channing Brown, Miss Rose Hawkins, Miss Ethel DeLaney. Mrs. Dwelle Honors Mrs. Hunter. Mrs.
Edward C. Dwelle was hostess at a charming bridge party at her home on North College street David Wills moraliter, formerly Miss yesterday honoring Mrs. Elizabeth and lovely bride of the late spring. prize for the top score was Mrs. James W.
Gibbon and Mrs. Hunter received the honor prize. The home was decorated with quantities of lovely garden flowers. Mrs. Dwelle was assisted in entertaining by her pretty daughter, Miss Faye Ross Dwelle.
The guests included: Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Joseph Graham Fitzsimons, Mrs. John Tillett, Mrs. Gray Richardson, Mrs.
Rhyne Cannon, Mrs. Stuart' Gilchrist, Miss Mary Stuart Miss Alexander, Mrs. Byron Scott, Dorothy Knox, Miss Katherine Hargrave, Miss Deane Van Landingham and Miss Erskine Jarnigan, of Atlanta. Browder -English. Browder -English.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Browder, of Barnesville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Mr.
Dewey L. English, of Monroe, N. the marriage to be solemnized in August. Little Girl Has Party. Margaret Gray Albea, the beautiful little, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Albea a number 'of her little friends at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Julia S. Gray, on North Myers street, Wednesday afternoon in celebration of her third birthday anniversary, The little hostess wore a dress of light blue crepe de chine.
A color of pink and white was observed in the decorations and refreshments. The birthday cake held three tiny pink candles. Mrs. Albea throw a shower of balloons from balcony which the litle tots enjoyed catching. Others favors were pink baskets filled with confections.
The children present inlluded: Margaret Gray Albea, Martha Jean Brookes, Margaret Erwin, Mary McLaughlin Eshelman, of North Wilkesboro, Doris Fogus. Cornelia Gray, Annie Hines, Martha Ella Hanco*ck, Cherry Klutz, Ann Kinzle, Zada Rose Moose, Nancy Reid, Rachel Shelton, Cornelia Tuberville, Mary Aileen Thomason, Betsy Tingley, Lola Whisnant, Ann, Jean and Helen Wily, "Sonny" Buesel, Banks R. Cates, J. C. Morris, Jerry Phifer, Frank Sherrill, J.r., Rudolph Thomason, William Tucker, Samuel Aiken Smucker, Ralph Smucker, Jack Newton, W.
C. Polk, and William Mar- Many Women Have Solved This Problem It has always been a problem for women to hold up under the strain of their household and other duties. From morning 'till night so much is to be done and so much is left undone. There are housekeeping burdensshopping tours--caring children-social visits to make--and a thousand and one things to do. The average woman a finds herself -tired out before evening comes, unable to enjoy recreation.
Many women have solved the problem of "keeping up" by eliminating one big cause of fatigue. They have found new energy in their efforts by wearing a shoe which helps them get around easily by its harmonizing action with every foot movement. They have found, this in the encouraging and stimulating eflect of the flexible arch of the (antilever for Women Men When your feet are free to function, comfortably, easily---you And yourself less tired, and even refreshed from the natural exercise. You can enjoy your duties when you are moving about with the springy, natural action of every foot muscle that is permitted in the Cantilever Shoe. Hoslery usually lasts twice as long if you wear Cantilevers.
There is no slipping or rubbing at the heel because the flexible arch allows the a shoe to hug the heel snugly as you walk, whereas a stiff arch in a shoe acts as a lever to work the heel of the shoe against the stocking. So Cantilevers are economical shoes to wear, besides being good looking and helpful. Sold in Charlotte only at CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 226 N. Tryon St. Miss Mayme Brumfeld, of Detroit, 18 expected in the city In a few days to visit her sister, Mrs.
J. J. Austin, on East Fourth street. Miss Brunfield formerly made her home in Charlote, and has many friends in this section! Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Chapman and Miss Grace Chapman, of Hartsville, 9. are spending Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Grant, at their home on Rensellaer a avenue. The Carolinas' Fur Headquarters Established 1898 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Kirschbaum's Fur Shop 26-28 W. Trade Charlotte, N. C. "THE SCHOOL MARM" Invites You to Her TEA ROOM Located at Entrance to Mt.
Island Dam OPEN DAILY AFTER 2 P. M. Chicken Suppers and Good Things to Eat Special Menus Arranged for Parties Upon Reservation PHONE 69-MT. HOLLY "A Service for Women" Come to Washington for an inspiring week's vacation! I act as hostess and guide on weekly sight-seeing tours; engage rooms, supply automobiles for shopping trips or convention purposes; buy theater tickets; render every service to make your Washington visit enjoyable. Write for my illustrated booklet.
Miss Tucker's HOSTESS TOURS OF WASHINGTON, D. C. The Cairo Hotel Special Dinner at Raleigh Cafe Served from 12-3 P. MENU Chicken Consomme with Rice Stuffed Egg Cold Slaw Queen Olives Baked Spanish Mackerel, Julienne Potatoes Choice Chicken a la King Tenderloin of Beef, Mushroom Sauce Stringless Beans Macaroni au Gratin Sugar Corn Hot Rolls Waldorf Salad Homemade Angel Cake or Homemade Sunshine Cake Peach Melba Tea Coffee Milk When She Answers 'Yes!" It's a momentous occasion in the lives of every prospective married couple--and demands an engagement ring befitting that memorable event. Here are those Rings, as well as other Jewels, which bespeak utmost quality at moderate cost.
Garibaldi and Bruns 6-8 South Tryon St..