August 2010 - Sunnybrook Hospital - [PDF Document] (2024)

August 2010 1

2 100 Years of the Navy

4 Memorial Plaque

5 Liberation of Holland

6 The Art Cottage

7 Giving Back to Sunnybrook

8 Summer Camp 2010

9 Make a Wish

12 Academic Excellence

14 Sing-a-Long Group

15 Passings

ABLE Care Planning in the Veterans Centre

In the Veterans Centre at Sunnybrook, our mission is to assist each resident/patient to achieve their best possible life experience and to live in accordance with his/her current or previously expressed preferences whenever possible. Achieving this mission requires a collaborative approach to care planning by the interprofessional team. The goal of this collaboration is to identify individualized, creative strategies to achieve the resident’s desired outcomes whenever possible.

To achieve this goal we are developing “ABLE” or Achieving Best Life Experience Care Planning Guides. These ABLE Guides will focus on residents with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias, stroke and end-of-life care.

Each guide starts with an assessment of the resident’s current abilities and potential for improvement in function and quality of life by the care team. The team then shares the results of their assessment with the resident (and family if appropriate) and listens to the resident’s perspective. Together the resident (and family) and the team establish realistic desired life experience goals and agree on strategies to achieve these goals. The team then implements these strategies and monitors the resident’s outcome.

We also have ABLE Care Protocols for other common areas of care for all residents. These include pain management, nutrition, prevention of skin breakdown, incontinence, mobility and falls.

While we may not be able to help a resident walk independently again, we can often improve his or her mobility. Understanding what activities a resident would like to be able to do can help the staff understand what functions the resident will need in order to enjoy that activity. If the resident’s desired activity is realistic given their current functioning and

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their potential for improvement, often the team can find ways to help the resident achieve his or her goal. Helping each resident achieve what they consider to be their best life experience given their current health status is our goal and our mission.

At Home is the official newsletterof the Sunnybrook Veterans Centre. The newsletter is published four times a year and is made available to all Veterans, staff and family members. At Home is also available online at under Programs & Services and the Veterans & Commuity site.

Editor: Sally FurLayout: Tereza RadmanPhotography: Dale Roddick, Doug Nicholson, Nicole Pittman Circulation: 1,800

For more information, or to make a submission, please contact Sally Fur at 416.480.6100 ext. 5057 or by e-mail to [emailprotected]

Contributors:Sharona Bookbinder Dr. Jocelyn CharlesLorrie Clarke Dorothy FergusonAmber Hall Leanne Hughes Myrene Lychek Nora Mark Nancy Smokler Ria Spee Bill Toyne

Material printed in At Home is protected by copyright and may not be reprinted without the permission of the editor.

Dorothy FergusonOperations DirectorVeterans Centre

Dr. Jocelyn CharlesMedical DirectorVeterans Centre

Commemorate, Celebrate, and CommitVeterans Celebrate One Hundred Years of the Canadian Navy

by Sally Fur

On May 18th, a large group gathered in Warrior’s Hall to share memories, recall their “Navy days” and commemorate one hundred years of history.

Veterans with family members alongside, Navy Officers from the Canadian Forces College, members of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (Wrens), members of the Sunnybrook Volunteer Association (SVA), students from Leaside High School and representatives from Veterans Affairs Canada bonded together to mark the Canadian Naval Centennial.

Created on May 4, 1910, and after third and final reading, the Naval Service Bill received royal assent and Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier realized his dream of creating the Canadian Navy. Across Canada, there have been many celebrations from east to west marking the anniversary and in Sunnybrook’s Warrior’s Hall it was a grand afternoon.

The program included Charlotte Bastien, Regional Director General, Veterans Affairs Canada who paid tribute to the Wrens for their willingness to serve their country and help the war effort.

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August 2010 3

She also congratulated the Wrens on their vision and dedication in developing the Navy Lady rose.

“Today by planting this beautiful rose, chosen by you and developed by Agricultural Canada, we celebrate and honour all of you. And we pay tribute to one hundred years of naval service,” said Bastien. “The Wrens were pioneers who never retreated and never surrendered. Not only did you do your duty but you blazed a trail for those who followed.”

The Navy Lady, with its dark red velvet blooms is a symbol of the Navy’s centennial and the sacrifices of the men and women who served at sea and ashore and continue to serve in the Navy today. Cultivated in St.Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec and grown in St.Catharines, Ontario, the Navy Lady is available through selected nurseries or J.C. Bakker on Sons Ltd.

Daphne Tully, a Wren and also a twenty-seven year Veteran of the SVA spearheaded the journey of the Navy Lady rose to Sunnybrook. It was last fall when the garden was winding down for the winter when Daphne first mentioned to Phil Spring, Creative Art Therapist, that the SVA would like to donate twenty Navy Lady shrub rose bushes for the Veterans Therapeutic garden behind K-wing.

Daphne is a talented artist who was instrumental in the hospital’s ceiling tile project. Her idea quickly grew and soon included not only the rose bushes but also the creation of three new ceiling tiles for the Royal Canadian Legion Physiotherapy and Stroke gym located in K-wing.

Anne Wood, Second World War Veteran and resident of L-wing, was asked to paint an artist’s interpretation of the Navy Lady which would then be used in the final designs of the ceiling tiles.

This very successful initiative began in 2000 spanning throughout patient and clinic areas.To-date several hundred ceiling tiles have been painted and installed in an effort to provide a warm and calming view for patients receiving care at Sunnybrook.

A grade ten history class from Leaside High School was also invited to the stage to present a banner

along with poems and pictures they had designed for the Veterans in honour of the Navy. Intergenerational programs, with local school children, are offered throughout the year and are an important aspect of many of the recreation and art therapy programming offered at the Veterans Centre.

In closing and in Navy tradition, everyone stood and sang an old favourite, the official song of the Navy called Heart of Oak. A commemorative plaque is located near the group of twenty Navy Lady rose bushes on the east side of the K-wing garden. Make sure you visit the garden and take time to smell the roses!

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L to R: Anne Wood, Second World War Veteran; Daphne Tully, Sunnybrook Volunteer Association and Barry McLellan, President & CEO, unveil the ceiling tile interpretation of the Navy Lady rose painted by Anne Wood.

L to R: Esther McKinnon, President Sunnybrook Volunteer Association; Margaret Haliburton, President Toronto Association of Wrens; Charlotte Bastien, Regional Director General Veterans Affairs Canada; Commander Don McDonald, Canadian Forces College; and Barry McLellan, President & CEO, unveil the Navy Lady rose bushes and commemorative plaque.

4 August 2010

Veterans Centre Clinches Interprofessional Care Showcase

In June, the Veterans Centre submitted nine poster abstracts and won first place for the submission entitled; Interprofessional Care Chronic Pain Management Project: Pharmacy Involvement in an Interprofessional Care Initiative to Improve Management of Chronic Pain. The poster included interventions from eleven disciplines in the Centre, highlighting the role of each profession in improving chronic pain.

Congratulations to all of the Veterans Centre staff who submitted a poster and to Larry Jackson, Clinicial Coordinator, Pharmacy and his group who participated in the winning submission. This was an excellent demonstration of interprofessional care.

In addition to the posters, Veterans Centre staff shared the work they led at two podium presentations. Specifically, Ria Spee, APN addressed Creation and Execution of an Interprofessional Core Competency Profile in the Veterans Centre and Dr. Shaheen Husain, Department of Dentistry presented Oral Care at the End of Life.

Friends of the Veterans Chapel Memorial Plaque

by Sally Fur

For more than sixty years, the Veterans Chapel has been a special place of reflection and prayer for Veterans, patients, family members and staff at Sunnybrook. Located in E-wing next to the Roman Catholic Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Synagogue, and Muslim Prayer Room, the Chapel is a charming place of worship and meditation with beautiful historic stained glass windows. Interdenominational worship services for Sunnybrook Veterans are held here every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

The Friends of the Veterans Chapel memorial plaque is located on the back wall of the Chapel and features small tributes to the sacrifice and service of loved ones, who are either living or have passed on. The cost of a citation for the Memorial Plaque is $500.00. All funds will be used for the comfort and welfare of Veterans and ongoing improvements to the Veterans Chapel. A tax deductible receipt will be issued.

For further information regarding the Friends of the Veterans Chapel Memorial Plaque program, please contact Colonel Hubel at [emailprotected] of the Royal Canadian Legion’s Fort York Branch #165 or speak with Laurie Kent at 416-480-4102.

August 2010 5

Dutch memories 65 years ago! by Sally Fur

In May, and in celebration of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Holland, Sunnybrook Veterans from LGSE, together created an art therapy project to capture this important time in history.

At a special event held in Warrior’s Hall marking the anniversary, Veterans from the ground street unit presented a beautiful hand-made silk banner featuring several scenes depicting the special relationship between Canada and Holland. The banner was inspired when the group began reminiscing about their experiences in Holland with Art Therapist, Lorrie Clarke and Recreation Therapist, Karen Megson-Dowling.

The liberation of the Netherlands from September 1944 to April 1945 played a key role in the culmination of the Second World War, as the Allied forces closed in on Germany from all sides. The first Canadian Army played a major role in the liberation of the Dutch people who had suffered terrible hunger and hardship.

The Dutch will never forget the Canadians… their liberators and heroes.

The silk banner will be soon be installed in K wing, on the ground floor in front of the east elevators for all to enjoy.

L to R: Karen Megson-Dowling, Stan Leonard, Margaret Ackroyd, Bill Jamieson, and Lorrie Clarke. (Absent: David Davies)

Our Professionals – Enhancing Resident Comfort & Care

by Myrene Lychek

There are many seating products on the market and knowing what will work for you is not an easy task. When sitting for extended periods of time in a wheelchair, you may present with redness or discomfort on your buttocks.

A ROHO is an air-filled cushion prescribed for optimal pressure relief. This cushion may be prescribed for you by an Occupational Therapist if you presently have skin breakdown or you are at significant risk of skin breakdown. The ROHO assists with relieving

pressure off the buttocks and thigh areas, while providing support and comfort.

Each of our residents has seating needs specific to him/her. An Occupational Therapist will conduct a seating and mobility assessment in order to make recommendations for a custom wheelchair prescription.

Please contact your unit Occupational Therapist for any seating concerns.

6 August 2010

New Families Welcome Orientation Sessions Off to a Great Start

by Nancy Smokler

Are you the family member of a new resident in the Veterans Centre? Do you still have some unanswered questions since your loved one has moved in? Do you know where things are and what some of our abbreviations mean? If you need answers to any of these questions and have a family member who has recently moved into the Veterans Centre, you are invited to attend one of our monthly New Families Welcome Orientation Sessions. Topics covered include:

• Programs and services offered in the Veterans Centre

• Staff members and their roles • Parking, laundry, banking

• Transfers between levels of care or rooms• The role of the Substitute Decision Maker or

Power of Attorney in treatment decisions• Overview of policies specific to the Veterans

Centre• Opportunities for involvement in the Veterans


The next two sessions are Tuesday, July 27th and Tuesday, August 24th from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in room L101A (1st Floor George Hees Wing). An evening session will also be held on Tuesday, September 28th from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in L101A. To RSVP to any of these sessions, please contact Judy MacNaughton at 416-480-4280.

The Art Cottage: To enrich, inspire, and challenge by Lorrie Clarke

There is a new addition to the K wing Veterans Therapeutic Garden this summer called, “The Art Cottage”. Tucked away neatly along the north fence and near the large rock garden on the east side, “The Art Cottage” is a home base and art supply hut for art therapy programs offered in the K wing garden during the warmer months. The initial idea for the art cottage came during a garden art session last summer from Veteran Jim Eddy and Veterans in the art therapy program were most enthusiastic about the idea. Thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion District A,B,C, the Veterans’ Art Cottage is now a reality. Drop by this summer to enjoy nature and express your creativity.

On June 24, the grade four class from Blythwood Public School was on hand to help plant flowers and prepare “The Art Cottage” for summer. Once again, the children raised money to donate to the ongoing art program between Blythwood and the Sunnybook Veterans Centre.

August 2010 7

Giving Back to Sunnybrook by Sally Fur

A new painting was recently accepted by the Art & Artifact committee of the Veterans Centre that is sure to catch your eye!

Entitled, “Military Hospital” by Canadian artist T.C. (Thomas Clarence) Cummings, the modernist painting features a group of Veterans together playing cards. With over 900 pieces of work, T.C. Cummings was one of Canada’s leading artists. He interacted with some of Canada’s finest artists: Jack Taylor, Anne Savage, A.Y. Jackson and A.J. Casson of the Group of Seven, and Emily Carr.

A Veteran himself, some of his greatest paintings were done while he was a Flying Officer in the RCAF, and following the war he spent time convalescing in Sunnybrook Hospital. His works may also be found in the Ontario Legislature Building and the National Gallery in Ottawa.

Originally from Manitoba, Cummings moved to the Kingston area during his school years, and then spent his middle years teaching, painting, writing and sculpting in the North Bay area and wherever his extensive travels took him.

Recently, Tom’s cousin Helen Acton presented the painting to Dr. Jocelyn Charles, Medical Director of the Sunnybrook Veterans Centre. “I am very pleased to donate this painting in memory of both my father, Robert Gordon Acton, and Tom, who were first cousins and both Veterans of the Second World War,” said Acton.

Ms. Acton is a retired nurse, also has a connection of her own to Sunnybrook that spans back many years. In the 1970’s, and working with Dr. Earl Dunn, Project Director (retired) and based out of Sioux Lookout, Helen was hired to be the research coordinator of Telemedicine, a research project at the time linking Sioux Lookout and six northern remote communities. Today, through two-way videoconferencing and advanced communication technologies, Telemedicine delivers examinations and treatments and care to more than 360 urban, rural and remote sites throughout Ontario.

Recently, a manuscript of a novel written by “T.C.” has been discovered. Entitled, “Fire on the Sea” it is about events concerning a German submarine that sailed up the St. Lawrence and plans are currently underway to publish this important work.

Cummings died of Parkinson’s disease in 1996 at the age of 92, A full collection of Cummings works and artifacts is currently being archived and housed at Nipissing University. For more information visit

Dr. Jocelyn Charles, Medical Director of the Veterans Centre meets with Helen Acton (far right) along with a close friend and colleague, Professor Emeritus, Brian Osborne of Queen’s University.

T.C. Cummings is pictured above when he was a Flying Officer in the Second World War and also in his later years at a Remembrance Day service.

Getting Back to Nature: Summer Camp 2010 by Sally Fur

This June marked the 15th year of the Veterans Summer Camp trip to the CNIB Lake Joseph Centre in beautiful Muskoka. Fishing, strolls by the lake, campfire sing songs, pontoon boat rides, fresh air and simply sitting by the water in a classic Muskoka chair are part of the experience.

A group of 32 (ten with dementia) residents or “happy campers” accompanied by 26 support staff from the Veterans Centre set off for the two hour ride to cottage country. Three buses packed full of bags, wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers, mixed together with a high level of anticipation and excitement headed for the summer camp situated on Lake Joseph just south of Parry Sound.

Partnering with Sunnybrook Veterans on the annual three-night and four-day get-a-way were 19 Veterans from Parkwood Hospital in London, Ontario along with11 staff members. Since 2005 the two Veterans care facilities have joined together to make this a truly memorable trip.

Don Stewart, a second year camp participant and president of the Veterans and Community Residents’ Council is passionate about the Muskoka retreat. For Don it’s about freedom of choice and the tranquility of being by the lake particularly in the evening. “The veterans are really indebted to the Legion,” says Stewart. “It’s like going to a five-star hotel.”

Highlights of this year’s camp included a Vegas style casino night, hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary of Royal Canadian Legion Gravenhurst Branch #302 and Bracebridge Branch #161, evening musical entertainment with a Dean Martin look-a-like, a pig roast dinner and Caribbean dance band, art therapy sessions on the patio, and a farewell brunch on the final morning before heading home.

Camp is calming, therapeutic, and rejuvenating all at the same time. Feeling like a kid again, experiencing nature and the great outdoors is probably the best medicine of all!

Special thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion’s Tri-District Hospital Committees A,B,C, & D,E,F, and the Legion’s Fort York Branch #165 for their generous support of this initiative.

August 2010 9

Laundry Updateby Nancy Smokler

The Personal Laundry Alternatives Committee interviewed three potential service providers in April and May and completed site tours of all three facilities in June. The Resident’s Council representatives who participated in the interviews and site visits were Don Stewart and George Metcalfe. Family Advisory Council was represented by Betty Rockley, Isabel Bellis and Ruth Kelly. At the time of publication, the decision around the new service provider was being finalized. More on the new Personal Laundry Service Provider will be featured in the next edition of “At Home”.

Veterans Grant a Wish ProgramMake a wish come true.Have you submitted your wish yet?

The Veterans Grant a Wish Program continues to grant the wishes of Veterans living at Sunnybrook. Developed in 2005, by the Veterans Centre along with the recreation therapy team, as a “Year of the Veteran” initiative, the Program uses a resident-centered approach and strives to grant the individual heartfelt wishes of the Veteran.

To date, over 500 wishes have been granted! Wishes granted include dinners with family, wheelchair capes, large print books, CD players and more. The list is endless!

Each month, submitted wishes are reviewed by the Wish Granting Committee. From the wishes submitted, 10 wishes are selected. The goal of the program is for EVERY Veteran to have at least 1 wish granted and each Veteran is eligible for 2 wishes.

The program is funded through the generosity of many donors and community sponsors who enable our Veterans to realize their hopes and dreams.

For more information or to make a donation, please contact Leanne Hughes at (416) 480-5490.

Family Advisory Council – Families Make the Difference

by Nancy Smokler

The Family Advisory Council (FAC) continues to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Blythwood Club (K Basem*nt Pub). The mandate of the FAC is to provide a forum to discuss shared concerns and issues across the Veterans Centre program. The FAC also exists to promote and facilitate an exchange of information and ideas and to provide a mechanism for the development of new initiatives.

The FAC has recently revised its Terms of Reference to have the Council function within a “co-chair” model. The Chair of the FAC is the Manager, Patient Relations and Safety (Nancy Smokler), and the new Co-Chair is Sheila Ryan whose family member is a resident in K Wing. Some recent accomplishments of the FAC include:

• Active participation in the interviewing and selection process for the new personal laundry service provider for the Veterans Centre

• Participation in the monthly New Families Orientation Sessions and providing information on the FAC to those in attendance

• Conducting a furniture assessment and developing recommendations for furniture improvements in the L Wing Fireplace Room

• Developing a list of potential topics for speakers/education sessions for the members of the FAC and other interested family members/friends of residents to begin in September.

Family members of residents throughout the Veterans Centre are invited to join the FAC. Our next open meeting will be August 17th at 10:30 a.m. in the Blythwood Club (K Basem*nt Pub). For more information on the FAC, please contact Judy MacNaughton at 416-480-4280.

10 August 2010

L Wing Elevator Replacement Update by Nancy Smokler

After a few delays beyond our control, the L Wing elevator replacement is now underway. The first elevator to be replaced is elevator #1. In order to safely begin the replacement work, contractors put hoarding up from the basem*nt to the 3rd floor in June.

To complete some of the work on top of the elevator cars, they will also need to disable elevator #2. This will only take place between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. for approximately 4 weeks at a date to be determined.

Two elevators will be in operation from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily. It is hoped that doing some of this work at night will minimize the disruption to our residents and staff during the day. Elevator #1 will be out of service for approximately 4 months. When completed, the next elevator replacement will begin. Signs have been posted in and around the elevators to keep residents and staff up to date. If you have any questions about the elevator replacement project, please contact Nancy Smokler at 416-480-6107.

News Update Music therapist among Canada’s best

In March, nominations for the JUNO Awards were announced and Sunnybrook’s own Aaron Lightstone, music therapist in the Veterans Centre, was among the nominees and Canada’s best in the music industry.

Lightstone and his band Jaffa Road, a World-Fusion music group were nominated for their debut album entitled Sunplace, in the World Music Album of the Year category.

Jaffa Road combines original and ancient poetry sung in Hebrew, Spanish and English with pulsating dub grooves, belly dance rhythms, ambient electronic textures, and exhilarating improvisations. Lightstone plays oud, guitars, saz and synthesizers on the record.

The JUNO Awards honouring the best in Canadian music aired live on CTV in April.

Congratulations Aaron! For more information visit

Walkway Makes Summer Strolling Easier

Now that the beautiful weather is here, you can now make a complete walking loop around L Wing without having to scramble up along the grass near the Dorothy Macham Home (DMH). Parking services has recently installed two walkways from the parking lot adjacent to DMH to allow easy access for residents and families with wheelchairs, scooters and walkers.

August 2010 11

New Nurse Peer Leader for eHealth

Congratulations to Advanced Practice Nurse Ria Spée, who was recently selected by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) as the new Nurse Peer Leader for the Toronto Central LHIN.

RNAO is leading the Nurse Peer Leader Strategy in Ontario with funding from Canada Health Infoway. The purpose of this strategy is to facilitate education and knowledge sharing about eHealth across the nursing community so nurses from all sectors gain a better understanding of eHealth and its relationship to quality care and client outcomes. There are 14 nurse peer leaders, each representing a LHIN in Ontario. The key role of a nurse peer leader is to leverage RNAO’s existing eHealth resources and to engage nurses in a dialogue about eHealth and nursing practice.

One of the key goals is to have 20 per cent of the nurses in each LHIN log on to RNAO’s eHealth course, found at: This means that in the Toronto Central LHIN at least 3,400 nurses are being targeted to complete the eHealth course.

Sunnybrook nurses are encouraged to log on to complete the course. This type of capacity building within the nursing community is a key to successful implementation of eHealth, including the electronic health record. There are several Nursing eHealth Champions at Sunnybrook who are highly influential in clinical settings in promoting and facilitating eHealth adoption that Ria will be connecting with to promote eHealth at Sunnybrook.

The Eddie Coffey Band

by Amber Hall

On Monday, May 31st Warriors’ Hall was full of joy and laughter as residents, staff and family listened to the humorous and lively songs from the talented “Eddie Coffey Band”. Many of the Veteran residents came down to watch the show that was described by more than one observer as “toe tapping music”. That was exactly what everyone was doing, tapping their toes and clapping their hands to the amazing beat.

The Eddie Coffey Band, who originated in Newfoundland, had been to Sunnybrook four years prior and first started their touring around North America in May 2003. The band dedicates their time to boost morale for Canadian and American Forces. To date, they have been successful in visiting 59 military bases, 29 veteran hospitals and 12 veteran retirement homes all at their own expense. The Eddie Coffey Band leads by great example, by showing respect, appreciation and never forgetting our veterans who once fought for our freedom not too long ago.

12 August 2010

2010 Awards Recognize Academic Excellence at Sunnybrook

Veterans Centre receives both Staff Development and Clinical Teaching/Supervision Awards

Each year, the Sunnybrook Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) and Nursing Education present awards to recognize excellence and outstanding work carried out at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.

This year the Veterans Centre Interprofessional Education Steering Committee received the Staff Development Award. Members of the committee are: Francine de Belchoir, Recreation Therapist; Dong Kang, Physiotherapist; Ria Spée, RN, Advanced Practice Nurse; Raina Minler, RN; Patient Care Manager; Chris Watson, Speech Language Pathologist; Winsome Shirley, Patient Administrative Assistant; Mei Tse, RN, and Helen Yeung, Clinical Dietician.

The Veterans Centre Interprofessional Education Steering Committee was successful in developing a core competency development record, which holds all staff in the Veterans Centre accountable for reporting on eleven core competencies on an annual basis. With the support of the PCMs and APNs, compliance reached close to 95% for 2009.

The core competencies required annually are: emergency code response, fire response plan, infection prevention updates, quality of life issues for residents, and understanding cognitive loss and responsive behaviors.

Competencies required every two years are: non-violent crisis prevention, violence prevention in the workplace, safe lifting & ceiling and portable lifts, infection prevention routine practices, hazardous materials information systems, and mask fit testing.

This is truly an interprofessional committee that is known for its synergy and enthusiasm for promoting interprofessional education in the Veterans Centre.

This team has creatively developed and facilitated educational opportunities to meet the learning needs of the staff. The Veterans Centre is a safer environment for staff, visitors, residents and families as a result of the work of this committee.

Congratulations to Sharona Bookbinder, Art Therapist in the Veterans Centre who was presented with the Clinical Teaching/Supervision Award. Sharona was recognized for her integrity, dedication and excellence to student teaching.

Sharona encourages all of her students to participate in formal and informal interprofessional learning opportunities and has had at least two students participate in the structured IPE placements at Sunnybrook. She co-presented with one of her interns at the 2009 Canadian Art Therapy Conference in Winnipeg. Sharona’s interns truly respect her and value the learning experience that she provides. She is the only art therapist at Sunnybrook to have completed supervision training through the Ontario Art Therapy Association.

Clinical Teaching / Supervision AwardL to R: Sharona Bookbinder, Art Therapist; Ruth Barker, Director of Health Professionals and IPE IPC (award presenter); and Leasa Knechtel, Director of Nursing Education (award presenter).

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August 2010 13

2010 Schulich Awards

In May, 10 of Sunnybrook’s nursing and clinical staff members and three graduating medical students came together for the eighth annual Schulich awards. Congratulations to Karen Johansen, RN, MN, Advanced Practice Nurse on K1E Palliative Care Unit and K1W. This award recognizes and honours the clinical work of individuals who demonstrate in their daily work the values of Sunnybrook, a commitment to learning, exemplary work with patients as well as talent and innovation.

Karen is a first rate clinician who is recognized for her clinical skills and ability to mentor nursing staff. Her “I will do whatever I can” attitude is a true commitment to the team and makes a difference to the patients we care for. Well done Karen!

Veterans Centre Interprofessional Education Steering CommitteeL to R: Leasa Knechtel, Director of Nursing Education (award presenter); Dong Kang, Physiotherapist;, Raina Milner, RN; PCM K3E; Ruth Barker, Director of Health Professionals and IPE IPC (award presenter); Francine de Belchoir, RecreationTherapist; Ria Spée, RN, APN; Chris Watson, SLP; Helen Yeung, Clinical Dietitian. Absent: Mei Tse, RN, LFSE and Winsome Shirley, PAA

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Winners of the eighth annual Schulich Awards for nursing and clinical excellence:• Anne Hayward, Social Worker, Burn Unit• Nisha Chopra Umraw, Occupational Therapist,

Burn Unit • Karen Johansen, Registered Nurse, K1E-K1W,

Palliative Care Unit • Caroline Johnson, Registered Practical Nurse,

Operating Room • Barbara Anne Maier, Registered Nurse, Odette

Cancer Centre • Ann Schaedlich, Registered Nurse, Musculoskeletal

Program, Holland Site • Juliet Hutchinson, Registered Nurse, Team Leader

D3, Schulich Heart Program• Emilie Exconde, Registered Nurse and Team

Leader, D2, Medicine • Nancy Boyd, Physiotherapy Assistant, C4, Medicine• Lori Holden, Advanced Practice Radiation Therapist,

Radiation Therapy, Odette Cancer Centre

Winners of the eighth annual Schulich Awards for academic excellence:• Robert Goldberg• James Kennedy• Joseph Wiley

Karen Johansen, pictured fifth from the left, at the Schulich awards ceremony.

14 August 2010

This Sing-a-Long Group Will Bring You Back!by Bill Toyne

I watched Albert Pick, a 94-year-old veteran tapping his fingers to the rhythm as he joined in the singing. He and more than 100 veterans and friends were enjoying a weekly sing-a-long concert developed and delivered by Sunnybrook volunteers. This program was started in 1944 by Carol Lamon and continues today under the direction of Joyce Tillotson. The singers are supported by Roy Tillotson on the piano and organ.

Walking through the audience, I was struck by their rapt attention and involvement, whether joining in the singing or enjoying memories evoked by songs from the past.

Joyce Tillotson has developed a song book for the group with words to over 300 songs. Each week Joyce selects a program for the Wednesday performance by Joyce, Michael Stevenson, Miriam Mifsud, Louise Steele, Sylvia Stokes, Gloria Wilson and Colin Campbell.

The group told me that in early days they wore their volunteer jackets when performing. Not today! Apparently the Vets had expressed their preference to see them in “ladies clothing”. So now they dress for the occasion.

A few of the current group have been performing every Wednesday for nearly 20 years. Many of the audience feel they are part of a choir and look forward to participating in this weekly musical fun.

As the volunteer singers joined hands to deliver the closing number, “Now is the Hour”. I promised myself to come back and enjoy this experience again.

Nurses Gain Gerontology Certification by Ria Spée

Every year the Canadian Nurses Association offers Registered Nurses the opportunity to obtain national certification in one of 19 specialties or areas of nursing practice. Certification allows nurses to build on the solid foundation of their RN registration and the nursing specialty experience that they have gained. The Certification program is one way nurses demonstrate their continued competence to themselves, to their employers, and to the public. Two areas of certifications that are particularly relevant to our program are gerontology and palliative care and every year the number of nurses who have achieved and maintained their certification in these areas is increasing.

In 2010, the following nurses in the Veterans Centre achieved CNA certification in gerontology. Congratulation to these certified nurses who have met rigorous requirements to achieve this expert credential.

• Stanly Chirayath RN, K3E • Raina Minler, RN, BScN, PCM. K3E• Alica Heera, RN, K2C• Cecilia Yeung, RN, MN, APN, K2W, K1C• Mayrose Agne, RN, K2W • Hilda Mei Tse, RN, BScN, LFSE• Kate Dewhurst, RN, BScN, LFSE & Electronic

Documentation Trainer• Ean Sagadraca, RN, Momentum System


The K-wing Sing-a-Long group has been toe tapping for 20 years!

The Cozy Benchby Sharona Bookbinder and Nora Mark

A K1W/C Recreation / Art Therapy group has completed one of their final projects for the lounge area. It started out with brainstorming ideas on how they could provide a comfortable sitting area for their families to visit with them. The art reveal happened on May 11th and the response was wonderful. We once again looked through our trusty Ikea catalogue (lots of inspirational pieces there) and found the perfect item. We then had two trips into the community for items. The first was to the local Dollar store for each group member to pick up supplies and we later went to Fabricland to choose material for our larger cushion and individual pillows.

We each decorated one of the shelves in the bench to demonstrate our personal leisure interests. This was a very enjoyable part of the process, as the vision began to take life and became reality in front of our eyes. What we imagined became real. A special thank you goes to the group members for their dedicated and work.

PassingsIn loving memory of our friends and comrades

March William Rimmer Theresa MorchStanley Williams Howard HewerJames VengeErnest LinklaterHerschel Rosenthal Jean Aileen Upjohn

April Philip FedosenDavid MiddletonJames Blyth Amy O’HaraSyd Rosenfield Terence Jeffries John RiceJack Margos Clifford Chellew Walter BurtnykEvan CameronWilliam WattersonPhilip GoldbergTrevor Evans

May William Stan David Wise William Bruce Charles Jack Graham Frederick Smith Abraham Rosenberg Gordon Burnett John Hodgson Fred Smithson Philip McLeod

June Howard Stuart Reinke Ruth Munro Doris Wilson Geraldine Muter Arthur Cooper Albert Pick Edward Jordan

The Cozy Bench is a unique art expression.

Contributions to the Veterans Centre program are gratefully accepted, helping us meet special or urgent needs in a timely fashion. Donations will help fund high priority needs such as capital improvements to the Veterans’ residences. Donations to the Veterans’ Comfort Fund helps us provide our Veteran residents with ‘extras’: equipment, events and entertainment items that enhance their quality of life. Support of the Palliative Care Unit Trust Fund helps to enhance the living environment for patients and families receiving palliative care.

Donations can be made in memory or in honour a loved one, or to acknowledge a special event such as a birthday or anniversary. If you so choose, the Sunnybrook Foundation will send a card to your honouree or their family letting them know that they have been honoured through a donation. A tax receipt will be issued for all donations over $10.

How to donate:

By Mail:Cheques should be made out to the Sunnybrook Foundation.

For a specific designation, please write ‘Veterans Comfort Fund’, ‘Palliative Care Unit Trust Fund’ or ‘Veterans Centre’ on the bottom of your cheque.

Mail your donation to:Sunnybrook Foundation, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Room H332 Toronto, ON, M4N 3M5

By Telephone:Please call 416.480.4483 for the Sunnybrook Foundation.

By Internet:Please visit and follow the simple instructions.

Thank you!

Show Your Support for the Veterans Centre


16 August 2010

August 2010 - Sunnybrook Hospital - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.